Minutes - January 2019
304. Cllrs G Ashley, R Dalton and Cllr M Griffiths. Cllr Phil Turner-Wright submitted a letter of resignation.
305. None.
306. Cllr Carol Bainbridge invited Mr Dean Tweedy to join the Council. He swore the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and was welcomed as a member of Borth Community Council. Mr Tweedy was given a copy of the Council’s Code of Conduct. A copy of the new Standing Orders will be available electronically.
307. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
308. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the monthly meeting held on 3 December 2018 as being a true record subject to an amendment to minute 296 at the request of Cllr Hughes. Minute 296/2018 will be confirmed as a true record at the February meeting of Council.
309. Childrens’ Playground. Minute 271. A report was provided under Chairman’s Business.
310. Common Land. Minute 296. County Cllr Quant gave a report and will seek appropriate legal advice.
311. Car Parking on Old Hall Ground. Minute 297. The Clerk produced two maps and a covering report prepared by Cllr Quant in respect of the car park.
312. Welsh Government. December 2018 Community and Town Council update.
313. Welsh Government. December 2018 issue of the Health and Social Services newsletter.
314. One Voice Wales. Details of a toolkit developed by the Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan Social Value Steering Group to aid any person or team involved with commissioning, procuring or delivering services to create social value.
315. Welsh Government. December 2018 issue of the Natural Resources Bulletin.
316. BSPFA. A letter of thanks for the recent grant of £6000.
317. Welsh Government. Details of latest consultations which are available to view online including a transport and economy brief.
318. One Voice Wales. Police and Crime Commissioner November newsletter.
319. One Voice Wales. Details of how local government can do more to develop a strong data culture.
320. Ceredigion County Council. Details of a consultation in relation to the current public convenience provision in Ceredigion.
321. HCC Solicitors. A request for the councils’ insurance details in respect of a personal injury claim. The Clerk was asked to forward the correspondence to the Councils insurance company.
322. One Voice Wales. A request to complete a survey on the use of the Welsh language.
323. One Voice Wales. Clerk and Councils Direct magazine.
324. Monitoring Officer. An invitation to all Community Council clerks to meet with the Monitoring Officer to discuss general matters and any issues of concern.
325. Ceredigion National Eisteddfod 2020. A letter asking Councils to support the Eisteddfod by contributing to its finances.
326. Donation Request. Tincer. This will be considered in March along with all other requests.
327. Welsh Government. An online link to current consultations.
328. One Voice Wales. Information on the new requirements for all new developments.
329. One Voice Wales. New Year 2019 news bulletin and details of Aberystwyth training dates.
333. Application for Full Planning Permission
334. The Clerk distributed up to date expenditure and balance figures up to the 3Ist December 2018 together with a financial plan for 2019/20 which was presented and discussed in detail by Cllr Quant. It was resolved to budget as follows for the financial period 2019/20.
335. It was resolved to approve the budget and to set the precept at 60% which amounted to £19,770.00. Proposed by Cllr
Bryn Jones and seconded by Cllr Hugh Hughes with all members present voting in favour.
336. A meeting has been arranged for Wednesday 9th January in the Community Hall.
337. Ongoing.
338. Cllr Bainbridge gave a brief update on her successful bid for playground funding. Cllr Willcox suggested looking at the drainage problem on the area. Cllr Bainbridge attended a meeting in respect of flooding on the Golf Course which was also attended by Ben Lake MP. £686.90 has been raised to date from the sale of WW1 books which will be submitted in the OVW Innovation Award category.
339. Cllr Dalton in her absence informed the Clerk that the next PACT meeting is scheduled for the 17th January.
Cllr Willcox stated that Rob Davies will begin work on the dog walking area week commencing 14th January.
Cllr Morris mentioned the loss of television transmission to some households. BCC is to write to express their concern.
Cllr James has experienced problems with bin collections during the Christmas break. Another crash by Brynbala.
Cllr Hughes has recently attended a meeting to discuss “Tree”. Fly tipping on the bottle bank site has been reported to Environmental Health. Cllr Hughes said we need more dog signs on lampposts. He is to liaise with Cllrs Ashley and Dalton.
340. Cllr Quant has agreed to seek appropriate legal advice in respect of the area of common land by the Zoo.
341. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.05pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 4th February 2019 are a visit by Ben Lake MP and National Eisteddfod. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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