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Borth & Ynyslas Community Emergency Plan

Borth Community Council have updated and expanded the Community Flood Plan to include storms, power cuts, prolonged snow and fire.  It is now a Community Emergency Plan.

Would you like to be a Community Warden?

The main role of a volunteer Community Warden is to provide a vital link between the public and the authorities involved in emergency incidents, for example this may be flooding, storms with very high winds or power cuts. The role is about passing information on to a small group of residents located around/near to your house and checking if any vulnerable people in your patch are okay.  Some residents in a Community Warden patch may need some basic help in an emergency, if you are able to help them and it is safe and straight forward then that’s great -otherwise it’s a very big help if you can flag up to the authorities and Emergency Plan Coordinators that help is needed.  The role is also about passing back information to the Emergency Plan Coordinators, Mike Wilcox and Jill Hulse so that they can gather and feed information on local conditions to the authorities.  Examples might be rising flood water levels or people particularly vulnerable during power cuts due to medical conditions or unable to keep warm. It definitely isn’t about going out in very bad weather or flooding to rescue people or to put yourself in any risk at any time – these roles are covered by the emergency services/authorities.  Our aim is to pass information about before the really bad weather or flooding occurs.

Community Wardens should be registered with Floodline (https://naturalresources.wales/flooding/sign-up-to-receive-flood-warnings/?lang=en) so that if a flood warning is sent out, we know you will receive it and we won’t contact you.  If further information comes out from Natural Resources Wales or another emergency related authority then we would start to share that additional information with you so you are as knowledgeable and can share information with your neighbours.  

If you'd like to be a Community Warden please contact Borth Community Council on https://yborthcc.llyw.cymru/
We have approximately 46 Flood Wardens in Borth and 7+ in Ynyslas.  We always welcome more and are looking for Community Wardens in Upper Borth.  
Borth Community Council have approved the Community Flood Plan (3rd February 2014) and the Community Emergency Plan (Jan 2018).
The Plan is available for your information below.   
Print Out:-  Sandbags, How to use them 
Natural Resources Wales:- Flood Plan Maps
Natural Resources Wales:- Wales Evidence and Report Maps
Ceredigion County Council:- Severe Weather Advice
Ceredigion County Council:- Advice in Emergencies
Met Office Community Resilience  New
Up to Date Monitored River levels.
Useful links for the public on how to register for email weather warning alerts, download the weather app, provide reports of weather impacts. 
Also “What to do” guides which give tips on what to do in the different types of severe weather and links to a community resilience leaflet. 

Floodline: 0845 9881188
Quickdial: 194401
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