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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - October 2015

Present:   Chairperson:             J Hulse
G Ashley
      R Dalton
G B Jones
N Salmon
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance: County Cllr:  R P Quant
Clerk:  M Walker
2 Members of the Public.  
176.  Cllrs C Bainbridge, M Griffiths, J James and Cllr L Moore. The Clerk has received a letter of resignation from Cllr Griffiths due to work commitments.  
177.  Ms Kate Doubleday attended the meeting to give a presentation to members on her proposed water pipe project as part of “Cymerau”. She has been invited by Hydrocitizenship to take part in an artist based water project. Her aim is to work alongside young people to work with rope on the outfall pipe by the RNLI station. Kate hopes to organise workshops and will carry out a feasibility study to determine the best source of material to use and ultimately whether her initial idea of using rope would be considered the right material. Concerns were raised over the use of rope as it may encourage youngsters to climb onto the outfall pipe and could lead to accidents and therefore whilst Borth Community Council fully supports the project there are safety considerations. The Chairman invited Kate to keep the Council up to date with the progress of the project and to return to address the Council when things are more advanced. 
178.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  
179. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 7 September 2015 as being a true record.
180.  World War 1 Centenary.  Minute 126. Ongoing.  
181.  Defibrillators.  Minute 127.  Ongoing.  
182.  Disposal of Waste on Common Land.  Minute 129.  The works are now completed and the bill has been received from CB Environmental Ltd.  
183.  Knotweed.  Minute 130.  Ongoing,  
184.  Land Registry West End House.  Minute 131.  Ongoing.  
185.  Welsh Government.  Details of Appointment of Chair for Sports Wales.  
186.  One Voice Wales.  Details of the Arts Council of Wales Night Out Scheme.  
187.  Road Closure.  Information by CCC on a temporary road closure in Tre’rddol between 28 September and 2 October.  
188.  Ceredigion County Council. Details of a Strategic Equality Plan 2016-2020 Consultation.  The plans are concerned with eliminating discrimination, advancing equality of opportunity and promoting good relations between people. The closing date is the 9th October.  
189.  Ceredigion County Council.  Details of a Consultation on Active Travel Mapping. The Welsh Government are asking local authorities in Wales to map, plan and make continuous improvement to its active travel networks for both pedestrians and cyclists.  
190.  One Voice Wales.  Agenda for the next meeting of the Ceredigion Area Committee which will be held on the 14th October at Penmorfa.  
191.  Welsh Government.  Details of the Draft Statutory Guidance for the Well Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 which helps public bodies to respond positively to the duties and powers they now have under the Act.  
192.   Gambling Policy.  Each Licensing Authority has to prepare and publish a Statement of Gambling Policy which sets out the basis upon which the Authority will make its licence application decisions and CCC draft statement can be viewed online. Observations must be made in writing by the 18th October.  
193.  Public Toilets.  A copy of the Service Level Agreement from Ceredigion County Council for the beachside toilets covering the period 1 November 2015 to 31 March 2016 to be signed by the Chair of Council.  
194.  Ceredigion County Council.  A copy of the advert placed in the local newspaper calling for expressions of interest in being included in a list of Supplementary Snow Clearing Services and Other Emergency Related Services for 2015-16.  
195.  Came & Co.  The Council insurance is due for renewal and the premium for this year is £1813.77.   The Long term Agreement (LTA) is due to expire on the 30th September 2016 and if the Council wishes to enter into a new LTA the premium can be reduced by 5% to £1723.08 to expire on the 30th September 2018.  Members resolved to pay this year’s premium of £1723.08 and to enter into a new three year LTA.  
196.  Donation Request.  Urdd Gobaith Cymru.  
197.  Other Correspondence.  Play for Wales, Glasdon leaflet and a leaflet on compliant outdoor gyms from Wicksteed playgrounds.  
198.  David Beale.  An e-mail requesting information on the situation regarding the sea wall at Ynyslas.  
199.  Golf Course Car Park.  A complaint in respect of the “pot holed road” to the car park and the £2 charge.  The clerk forwarded the correspondence on to the Golf Club and requested that they write to Mr Howes and copy the Council in on the response.  To date Borth Council has received no communication from the Golf Club. Members discussed the issue and agreed that Cllr Hulse and Salmon would get together to write a letter to CCC with their concerns.  
200.  Elin Jones AM.  Latest news including an update on the local NHS.  
201.  The Pensions Regulator.  An update on the automatic enrolment of employees.  
202.  Mental Health Project.  An update on a mental health project and proposals for improved access to services.  
203.  Wales Audit Office.  Details of the external audit arrangements for 2015-16. The Auditor General for Wales will become the Council’s statutory auditor following the amendment of the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004 by section 11 of the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2013 and the completion of the 2015-15 audit by BDO.  
204.  Ceredigion County Council.  A letter of complaint has been sent to Ceredigion County Council regarding the painting of a seat adjacent to the bus stop by It’s A Gift.  CCC is asking whether Borth Community Council has authorised the works as they have not commissioned the work themselves. Painting of the seat was on the bus stop appraisal for works to be carried out and therefore was painted as part of the works. The Clerk said she had spoken with the builders who assured her that a sign had been placed by the seat and Cllr Billy Williams confirmed he had seen the sign. She was then asked to contact CCC with this information.  
205.  One Voice Wales.  Details of the BBC Charter review process.  
206.  Ayla Hulse.  A letter of thanks for the donation to assist in enabling the group to enter the World Street Dance Championships and an update on their achievement in finishing joint 5th in the finals.  
207.  Balance of Accounts at 13 September 2015
          Nationwide                                                                        28,946.75          
Community Acct                                                                     500.88          
Business No Notice Acct                                                   37,966.70          
Deposit Account                                                                  3,049.66 
208.  Income          
Business No Notice – gross int to 3 September                       6.29          
Morris & Bates – Landfill & CAS rent  4616.50               
209.  Expenditure.   It was resolved to pay the following accounts:          
Came & Company – council insurance                              1,723.08          
Post Office Ltd – clerk PAYE July, Aug, Sept                        108.00          
M Walker – clerks salary                                                       537.30          
C B Environmental Ltd                                                          908.16
210.  Members resolved to request that Cllrs Jill Hulse, Gwenllian Ashley and Rona Dalton be added to the list of signatories on the HSBC accounts following the resignation of Cllr Griffiths who was an existing signatory.
211.  No planning.
212.  The Chairman informed Council that the evening had been very successful. It was suggested that the Council holds a similar event during September 2016 but possibly limit the time to two hours instead of three.
213.  Cllr Hulse confirmed that she had attended the formal opening of the 2nd phase of Borth sea defences on 10th September and the Community Engagement evening on 23 September.
The table of Councillors contact details and responsibilities as part of the Access to Information on Community and Town Councils Statutory Guidance (2015) has been completed.  These details can now be made available on the Borth Community website, noticeboards and Facebook and is now compliant.
Cllr Hulse has prepared an overview of Councillors Responsibilities and how they relate to the Borth & Ynyslas Community Survey 2015, and in particular the top 5 priorities to ensure a lead for all areas.  Additional leads suggested for Sustainability, Litter & Recycling and Volunteering.  
Community Emergency Plan. Distributed existing plan to NRW, Coastguard, CCC Civil Contingencies, RNLI, Councillors and Flood Wardens for any suggested changes that needed to be made.  The document has been updated (including Coastguard approval, NRW updates to Floodline number 0345, some Warden changes) it will be circulated as an October 2015 updated version.  
NRW are still working on the flood warning service for the River Leri at Borth, despite significant difficulties with BT’s Openreach service at the river level station in Talybont.  Talybont flood group have brought this to the attention of Elin Jones AM who has agreed to chase up.
It would be helpful to understand the river and leat responsibilities, maintenance and ownership further and suggest this is an area to focus on to complement the flood plan.
Next notable natural high tide will be 27th-30th October (local half term week).  Cllr Willcox will put the storm boards back in before this.
Geoffrey Main (MA at Aber Uni) shared the summary report from his thesis: 'The changing nature of Ceredigion emergency management post-2012 and 2014 storms’.  Usefully flagged up value of training, testing and practicing and role of youth.  
Recirculated Borth Community priorities paper with Councillors for additional content, now ready for Councillors with responsibilities to look at their areas and see what could be done.
Updating Facebook as information arises. Usually between 100-300 access a post and a recent post of the beach looking bright and beautiful attracted 1162 people, demonstrating that posting positive info about the local areas is welcomed as well as notices. 
Cllr Hulse said she would like to discuss with Council the possibility of setting up a youth advisory group to BCC.  The group could include local people between (16-21, possibly wider age bracket) but representing a wider group of people to enable views to come through from the youth and children of Borth & Ynyslas, also to encourage others to help look after our area and help us make connections to other groups (e.g. explaining apps and tablets etc) with a possible meeting every 3 months.
214.  Cllr Salmon had received two complaints in respect of the campervan leaflets and those were from local residents who owned campervans. She also suggested putting a notice on Facebook stating that Borth Community Council had covered the cost of clearing the common land site and members agreed to follow up with a comment about the extent of the rubbish tipped by the bottle bank.  
Cllr Williams had contact with people who used the coastal path. This was an excellent facility and suggested a cycle or footpath across the Dyfi.
Cllr Ashley asked whether the Council could consider inviting Dafydd Morgan from the Workers Education Association to give a presentation on Adult Learning classes. Members asked Cllr Ashley to invite him to the December meeting. She had also spoken to PSCO Dave Goffin at the Engagement Evening and he confirmed that Borth was the only village to take up the offer to participate in the Speed Watch Scheme.  Cllr Ashley said that knotweed was blocking the leat to the rear of the houses.  Cllr Hulse said that NRW would provide maps and she would map out the known area of knotweed. Cllr Ashley asked whether there had been any progress made to carry out repair works to the bench at the foot of Francis Road. Cllr Quant advised that neither BCC nor CCC were responsible for the bench. 
Cllr Willcox mentioned the grass cutting to the playground. Several complaints had been received that the grass isn’t cut short enough or regular enough. It was suggested that it was only being topped. The Clerk was asked to contact Mr Norrington-Davies to ask whether he would give the grass another cut and to cut it shorter. Cllr Jones and Cllr Ashley were given the task to create a detailed spec for the grass cutting next year before it goes out to tender. 
Cllr Jones had applied for renewal of his dispensation application when dealing with matters relating to Borth United Football Club. Cllr Jones gave an update on a recent Planning Aid workshop with several changes to the planning system in Wales.
215.  Cllr Quant asked members to resolve to proceed with remedial works to the playground as some areas were deemed High Risk. Members resolved to give Cllr Quant authority to proceed. It was also agreed to lock the small gate permanently. Cllr Quant gave an update on the arrangements for winter collection of rubbish from the street bins. Cllr Willcox asked whether it would be possible to have at least two of the bins currently on the sea wall to be placed on the pavement below. The next PACT meeting is scheduled for the 26th November. The car park gate opposite Brynowen is consistently left open by the Water Board. The area of land behind the Medical Centre is being advertised as For Sale by Raw-Rees Estate Agents. Borth Community Council is not interested in buying the land behind the surgery in Borth at the price of £25000 as advertised by the selling agent, however, it is claimed that an offer has been received from someone within the community and is near to the asking price. Cllr Salmon suggested paying an independent valuer to value the land, review the site and ask for more detail.
216.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.45pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 2 November 2015 to include a visit by PCSO Dave Goffin.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.                                                                       
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