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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - September 2015

Present:   Chairperson:                       J Hulse
G Ashley
R Dalton
J James
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance:        County Cllr:           R P Quant
Clerk:           M Walker                                    
4 Members of the Public.  
123.  Cllrs C Bainbridge, M Griffiths, G B Jones, L Moore and Cllr N Salmon.
124.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  
125. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 6 July 2015 as being a true record.
126.  World War 1 Centenary.  Minute 84. Ongoing.
127.  Defibrillators.  Minute 85.  The Clerk confirmed that she had forwarded a list of volunteers who had put their names forward for the training to Cllr Bryn Jones.
128.  Dog Warden.  Minute 86. Ongoing.
129.  Disposal of Waste on Common Land.  Minute 87. This was dealt with under County Councillor responsibilities.
130.  Knotweed.  Minute 88.  Notification of more sightings of knotweed behind the Railway Inn and on the path to Glanleri Caravan Park.
131.  Land Registry West End House.  Minute 90.  Ongoing.
132.  ROSPA.  Play Area Inspection Report for 2015 which has given the present overall risk rating for the area as HIGH. The Clerk was asked to forward the report to Councillor Moore and County Cllr Quant asked for the hard copy to take to the Park and Gardens Department of CCC for a quotation for the recommended works to be carried out.  
133.  One Voice Wales.  A summary of the motions being put forward for the OVW AGM on Saturday 3rd October 2015.  
134.  NALC.  A legal briefing on Public Contracts Regulations 2015 which applies mainly to larger Councils.  
135.  One Voice Wales.  A letter from the Minister for Public Services informing that the consultation on the Welsh Government’s Draft Directions to the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales began on the 17th August 2015.  
136.  One Voice Wales.  A link to the Government’s Green Paper and consultation on the BBC’s next Charter.  
137.  Welsh Government.  The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales is advertising for the appointment of two commissioners to help deliver the best possible historic environment service for the people of Wales.  
138.  Recycling for Ceredigion.  The summer 2015 edition of the recycling and waste bulletin.  
139.  One Voice Wales.  Details of the 2016 Natural Resources Wales Competitive Grant. The deadline for completed application forms (with supporting documentation) is 12 NOON on Monday 7th September 2015. They should be sent electronically by email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  
140.  One Voice Wales.  Details of a shared learning seminar in Cardiff and Llanrwst that is being run on the future of parks and their positive impact on well being.  
141.  Care Homes.  A response from the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales on the findings of a year long review into the quality of life and care of older people living in care homes in Wales.  
142.  Planning Aid Wales.  An invitation to attend a free planning training workshop for Community and Town Councillors and Clerks at Aberystwyth on Monday 7th September from 5.30pm to 8.30pm.  
143.  Welsh Government.  A link to the Statutory Guidance relating to the Playing Fields (Community Involvement in Disposal Decisions) (Wales) Regulations 2015.  
144.  NALC.  A briefing on The Local Government (Democracy) Wales Act 2013 which requires a community council to make available electronically information on how to contact it and contact details for the clerk and its members.  
145.  One Voice Wales.  A request to complete a survey on “How does climate change affect you?”  
146.  Support Your High Street.  Details of a campaign to highlight the vital role our high streets have in the community.  
147.  Ecodyfi.  Details of various events etc.  
148.  Pension Wise.  A request to deliver a short presentation to Council members and the general public on the new pension freedom scheme.  The Clerk was asked to invite a representative to the Community Engagement Evening.  
149.  Donation Requests.  Macmillan Cancer, Shelter Cymru, Capel y Garn Cemetery and a thank you letter from Talybont YFC for the donation given during the last financial year.  
150.  Ceredigion County Council.  Notification of a temporary road closure on carnival day August 7th 2015.  
151.  Ceredigion County Council.  An Ageing Well in Ceredigion Delivery Plan has been prepared to help identify current work and future opportunities to help meet the needs of the 50+ age group. Any comments to be forwarded by the 18th September.  
152.  Ceredigion County Council.  CCC is encouraging people who live in the county to take part in the “Budget Challenge” exercise and have their say and this will tell CCC how residents would balance the budget for next year.  Face to face promotion events has been planned throughout the County.  
153.  Overnight Campervan Parking in Borth.  A reply from CCC in respect of overnight campervan parking on the promenade.  As there are no parking restrictions in place on the High Street and at the bottom of Clarach Road there is very little Ceredigion County Council is able to do to assist with resolving the complaint.  However, they do advise that a review of traffic orders around the entire county is to take place in approximately 18-24 months time whereby the Community Council may wish to consider requesting a traffic order to be implemented along the sea front during the consultation period.  
154.  Clerks & Councils Direct.  Monthly magazine available to Cllrs.  
155.  One Voice Wales.  Details of the 11th Conference and AGM of One Voice Wales which is to be held on Saturday 3rd October in Pontrhydfendigaid.   
156.  One Voice Wales.  Details of a Survey for Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales relating to member allowances and expenses.  
157.  Climate Change.  A request from Ms Lisa Thomas for a welsh speaker who would be willing to discuss Borth’s plans for the future of its coastline as part of a new five part documentary for S4C.  Cllr Bryn Jones has volunteered to assist.  
158.  Road Closure.  Details of a temporary road closure at Ynyslas for works to be carried out to the level crossing.  
159.  BDO LLP - Annual Accounting Return for Year Ending 31 March 2015.  The Audit for year ending 31 March 2015 has been completed and any issues arising presented to the Council with an action plan if necessary.  The Annual return was presented to Council and members resolved to approve and accept the Return.  
160.  Network Rail.  An e-mail forwarded to the Council from the level crossing manager in respect of vegetation blocking the train drivers view of the level crossing AOCL+B behind Capel Soar. The Clerk asked Patrick Norrington–Davies to provide a quotation for topping and clearing the line of sight for trains as a matter of urgency.  Patrick provided several quotes and the cheapest was £300 for topping and letting the branches lie where they fall.   
161.  One Voice Wales.  Details of forthcoming training sessions.  
162.  Welsh Government.  Details of the Draft Statutory Guidance for The Well Being of Future Generations Act 2015.  
163.  Water Pipe Project.  An e-mail from Ms Kate Doubleday requesting permission to carry out some feasibility studies and environmental art workshops for the Borth community which includes creating a temporary rope sculpture installation onto the outlet pipe on the beach at the south end.  Members asked the Clerk to invite Ms Doubleday to the next meeting to discuss her proposals further.
164.  Balance of Accounts at 13 August 2015          
Nationwide                                                                            28,946.75          
Community Acct                                                                         500.36          
Business No Notice Acct                                                       38,056.41          
Deposit Account                                                                      3,049.66 
165.  Income
166.  Expenditure.   It was resolved to pay the following accounts:          
CCC –  printing of Have your Say survey                                     96.00          
Rebus - printing of No Dogs stencil                                            160.80          
Rebus -  car park sign                                                                  95.48          
BDO LLP – audit 2014/15                                                           354.00          
Newmans – flowerbed comp                                                        45.00          
Playsafety Limited – playground inspection                                  88.80          
Cartridgesave – printer ink                                                           20.34          
P J Norrington-Davies – cut down willow trees                           300.00          
M Walker–sal  Aug & Sept 1074.60, off exp 8.82                    1,083.42              
A Doyle – works to bus shelters                                              1,820.00          
J James & Co–cut dog walk and clear common land              1,620.00  
167.  Bank Accounts.  Members resolved to authorise Cllr Rona Dalton to add her name to the list of signatories on the HSBC accounts.
168.  Application for Full Planning Permission.
A150522.  Erection of a double garage.  Plot Rear of Cambrian Terrace, Borth. NO OBJECTION.
A150563.  Erection of a bungalow, garage and storage shed. Pen y Cau, Borth. NO OBJECTION.
169.  Planning Permission Withdrawn.
A141003.  Proposed stable block, hard standing and access track.  Field to the rear of Auckland House, Borth.
170.  Cllr Hulse has collated and analysed the results from the Borth Community survey and has prepared a full report and a summary results paper. Cllrs Dalton, Ashley and Bainbridge met with Cllr Hulse and brainstormed some ideas on actions that is already being done and what could be done in relation to the issues raised from the community survey.  These have been added into the summary report to include actions. The community survey results have been displayed on community noticeboards, the community website and Facebook. 
171.  The Information Evening has been arranged for Wednesday 23rd September between 6pm and 9pm.  Refreshments will be made available.  Many groups and their representatives have been invited to attend along with the Neighbourhood Police which will replace the PACT meeting scheduled for the following evening.  Notices will be placed in all the noticeboards and some placed in the local shops.
172.  Cllr Hulse informed members that the NRW Flood risk maps are available online and have been placed in the noticeboards.
Cllr Hulse has forwarded a community resilience page on the Met Office website, some useful links and details of how to register for email weather warning alerts, “What to do” guides for the public, community resilience leaflet with flood wardens, facebook and community website.  http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/publicsector/resilience/community-resilience
Cllr Hulse will be obtaining NRW Flood Incident Management leaflets for the community engagement event.
You Tube Community Resilience advice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rCQVIVwwDk
Cllr Hulse suggested an October review of the Community Emergency Plan, incorporating anything new from the 23 September event and any new info (like the met office webpage and leaflets). 
She has also been Invited to a Dyfed Powys Local Resilience Forum’s conference titled “Emergency Response – Learning From Our Communities” Thursday 15th October 2015 and the  NRW has invited Flood Coordinators to a network event on 5th November in Swansea.
Cllr Hulse has completed the Climate Change Commission for Wales survey for the 21st United Nations Climate Change conference (COP21) on behalf of BCC.  Covering how climate change may affect us and what we’d like to be covered.
Japanese knotweed, receipt of several contributions of sightings from the public.  No further progress on this item yet.
Residents concerns regarding litter at Ynyslas bus stop and the number of campervans (50 on one weekend) on the golf course car park continues.  Several contacts regarding this, including one contact representing many residents. Litter is collected by the County Council every day and between 6-10am on a Sunday.  On one day 23 carrier bags plus black bin bags were collected.  Cllr Hulse suggested voicing residents concerns to the Golf Club and Cllr Quant said he would speak to the Highways department on the matter. Bins in the Borth CC car park are full of bottles, need a sign to the bottle bank and to let holiday homes know when recycling and rubbish is collected – actions for community plan.  Further discussion on this is required.
Details on several funding opportunities that could be explored, possibly in partnership.
Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate funding for small scale projects  £1,000 –£15,000
Dwr Cymru 1. Water Framework Directive Funding Scheme and 2. Invasive Non-Native Species Funding Scheme
Cllr Hulse is updating Facebook as information arises.
173.  In her absence Cllr Bainbridge asked for the following to be brought to the meeting:  the amount of litter dumped around the litter bin at Ynyslas and the number of overnight campers on the Golf Course Car Park. Borth Family Centre has moved to the hall on Clarach Road and a reminder that the distribution of carnival funds will be held on Saturday November 7th at the Community Hall. Cllr Dalton asked for a bus stop sign outside the YHA.  Cllr Hulse mentioned that at least two old Crosville bus stop signs had been removed as part of the works to the bus shelters etc. Cllr Quant said he would look into getting new signs. Cllr James referred to speeding on Clarach Road and a road rage incident involving a silver vehicle. Two members of the public, Mr & Mrs Alfrey, residents of Glanwern, also referred to what appeared to be the same vehicle speeding through Glanwern and some vehicles were travelling at 70mph. They asked whether it would be possible to request speed bumps or cameras in the area. Cllr Dalton suggested that they could voice their concerns to the Neighbourhood Police who will be in attendance at the Community Engagement Evening which replaces the PACT meeting which was to be held on the 24th September. Cllr James mentioned a large pothole on the Glanfred Lane.  The Clerk confirmed that the hole had been filled as she had travelled that lane earlier that day. Cllr Willcox referred to a letter he had received concerning road slippage on the Ynyslas straights; the length of the grass on the playing fields and had noticed that the speeding camera van was parked up by Rhydypennau School on a regular basis. Cllr Ashley said that there was no progress to date in respect of the Community Speed Watch Scheme.  The Community Art Project was now complete and the wooden spoons have been attached to the slipway at the southern end of the beach. Mr Paul Brennels of Francis Road advised the Council that the bench at the bottom of that road is in poor condition and requires remedial work. 
174.  Cllr Quant gave an update on the progress at Borth Common Land and showed photographs of the cleared site. He was waiting for CB Environmental to remove the waste which had been stockpiled and following completion of that work they would produce a waste transfer certificate which would be forwarded to NRW. Cllr Quant gave an update on grass cutting works to the dog walk carried out by Cllr John James.  All the clients at Bardsey have been moved to Aberystwyth. Cllr Quant had received information regarding the car park to the rear of the Medical centre and asked Councillors if they would stay behind after the meeting had closed to discuss this further before bringing the information to full council. Cllr Quant informed members that Carl Sargeant AM, The Minister for Natural Resources, would be formally opening Phase 2 of the coastal defence scheme on Thursday 10th September at 9.30am.
175.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.20pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 5 October 2015 to include Community Engagement Evening.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk. 
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