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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - February 2014

Present: Chairperson:     C Bainbridge
G Ashley
R Dalton
M Griffiths
J Hulse
      J James
G B Jones
L Moore
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance: County Cllr:                  R P Quant
      Clerk:               M Walker                                    
                    3 Members of the Public.  
319.  None.
320.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  Cllr Bainbridge reminded members and the public that all mobile phones should be switched off during the meeting.
321.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 6 January 2014 as being a true record. 
322.   Balchder Pentrefi Application.  Minute 281.  Cllr Bryn Jones gave an update under Councillor’s Responsibilities.  
323.   World War 1 Centenary.  Minute 282.  The Chairman gave a brief report under Chairman’s Business.  
324.   Priorities for Borth.  Minute 283.  Ongoing.  
325.   Dogs.  Minute 285.  Ongoing.
326.   Local Development Plan.  Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance - Open Space, Affordable Housing and Landscaping.  This Guidance is one of a series of guidance notes which support the policies of the LDP.   
327.   One Voice Wales.  OVW is looking to recruit members from the general public as well as from key stakeholder groups to sit on a new Post Office Advisory Council.  
328.   Dyfi Biosphere.  Copies of leaflets for distribution to each Councillor and details of the draft Coordination Plan which requires comments to be submitted by the 12th February 2014.  
329.   ROSPA.  A request by ROSPA Playsafety Ltd to carry out an annual inspection of the play area.  Members resolved to instruct ROSPA if Ceredigion County Council were unable to carry out the inspection.   
330.   One Voice Wales.  A copy of The Voice Issue 24.  
331.   Elin Jones AM.  A letter requesting that posters be put on community noticeboards with contact details etc.  
332.   Ceredigion County Council.  Details of a consultation “Ceredigion for All: Our Livelihoods, Our Economic Regeneration Strategy” launched on the 20th January.   
333.   One Voice Wales.  The Welsh Government is currently consulting on plans to change the planning system in Wales. The consultation includes proposals for closer working between community and town councils and local planning authorities. Responses to be submitted by the 26th February 2014.  
334.   One Voice Wales.  Agenda for the Ceredigion Area Meeting held on Wednesday 29th January 2014.  
335.   Free Trees.  Ceredigion County Council has 500 trees to give away to schools, community councils and other community groups.  
336.   Wales in Bloom.  Wales in Bloom, along with many councils and community groups, is facing challenging times. The lack of a major sponsor and a reduction in donations received has meant a reduction in classes and the levying of entrance fees. In order to ensure Wales continues to bloom and to sustain Wales in Bloom for the future, we would like to hear from entrants past, present and future to see how we can develop the campaign. In return for your efforts, you will be entered into a free prize draw for a £50 gardening voucher.
337.   Welsh Government.  Advertisement for the appointment of 5 members to join the “Wales Animal Health and Welfare Framework Group”.
338.   Flooding in Borth.  A reply from The Wallich in connection with some Bardsey residents drinking alcohol in the evacuation centre on the evening of Friday 3rd January.  Our concerns will be addressed and residents evacuated to the centre will be made aware of the policy for future reference.
339.   Speeding on Clarach Road.  A letter from the Highways department of CCC stating that their records show that only 4 personal injury accidents has occurred on that stretch of road in the last 5 years and that the criteria for routes in the speed limit review methodology approved by Cabinet refers to an average collision record of three or more collisions per kilometre over the last five years, where speed is a contributory factor. The section of road falls a long way short of meeting the criteria.
340.   Donation Requests.  Cruse Bereavement Care, Ceredigion YFC, Tincer and from John Leeding towards remembering World War 1.
341.   Town and Community Council Websites.  A reminder that the grant funding of £500 towards developing a website needs to be spent before the end of the financial year.
342.   Cymdogion Cynnes.  Details of packs available to download at www.ceredigion.gov.uk/healthchallenge.
343.   BSPFA.  A request for a drawdown of the £6,000 annual funding towards the community hall.  Members resolved to give £6,000 to the BSPFA towards the upkeep of the hall.
344.   Dyfi Biosphere.  A thank you for the detailed response to version 1 of the Dyfi Biosphere Tourism Plan last year and an invitation to the writer of those comments to attend the event on the 4th March 2014 or to play an ongoing advisory role in some way.
345.   Council Vacancy.  A request from Ms Sue Rees-Williams to be considered for the vacancy.  The Clerk was asked to write to invite her to the next Council meeting.
346.   Clerks and Councils Direct.  January 2014 edition of the magazine for councils.
347.  Balance of Accounts at 13 January 2014          
Nationwide                                                                                 28,872.87          
Community Acct                                                                              500.48          
Business No Notice Acct                                                            14,811.61          
Deposit Account                                                                          2,766.67 
348.  Income          
Rent of land at Gerydon                                                                 100.00          
Nationwide – Gross int to 1 Dec 2013                                                0.72          
Community a/c – Balchder Pentrefi grant funding                       7,290.00
349.  Expenditure.  It was resolved to pay the following accounts:           
K L Hughes & Sons – Balchder Pentrefi project                             5,100.00          
Catrin Webster – Balchder Pentrefi project - fees and materials   5,000.00          
BSPFA – annual funding 6000.00          
Paul Walker – to repair and re-install Boat Park sign                      100.00          
Cartridge Save Limited – printer ink                                                  41.93          
M Walker – clerks salary                                                                  525.27       
350.   Application for Full Planning Permission
A130895.  Extension to existing zoo to include new enclosures, car parking facilities and reception etc.  Animalarium, Borth.  NO OBSERVATIONS but we trust that Ceredigion County Council ecologist report addresses any ecological issues including BAP activity.
351.  Covered under County Cllr Report.
352.   Cllrs Hulse and Willcox have completed the plan which is now ready to be published on the website and members passed a resolution to adopt the plan. Cllr Willcox felt that evacuation was not necessary during the last high tides but Cllr Hulse said that in light of the information provided it was the right thing to do. Cllr Quant said that the heating at the evacuation centre was a problem.  Members asked whether the community hall would be a more appropriate place but Cllr Hulse said that the youth centre was the first place to evacuate to with Rhydypennau Hall in second and Plascrug Leisure Centre third. Cllr Griffiths felt that parking was a big problem outside the youth centre.  Cllr Bainbridge handed out a copy of the notes and comments taken from members of the public prior to the start of the January Council meeting following the floods of January 3rd and 4th.  A public meeting is to be arranged for Monday 17th February to discuss the community flood plan with a question and answer session.  The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the recent flooding and not in any way a debate on coastal defences.  Cllr Hulse asked for a list of helpers for the evacuation centre.  She thanked all the flood wardens who relayed messages to members of the public, to Mr Neeson Richards for his help at the centre and to Graham Taylor for keeping the website updated.  Cllr Williams said that farmers were concerned that the ditches from Talybont upwards had not been cleared. 
353.  The Council dinner has been arranged for Friday 7th February at 7pm.  Cllr Bainbridge gave an update on the recent World War 1 Commemoration meeting and confirmed that a committee had been formed. She also advised members of a concert to be held on February 15th at the Community Hall starring Peter Karrie with children from Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa singing alongside him.
354.   Cllr Moore has had concerns from Mrs Gwen Christian who lives in a bungalow by the NISA that water is congregating in her drive following heavy rainfall.  She claims that when Ceredigion County Council resurfaced the road it was laid higher than her driveway thus causing the problem.  Cllr Quant said he would raise the issue with a Highways Inspector.  Cllr Dalton made reference to the drains having been cleaned prior to the latest high tides.  Cllr Quant distributed a dog poster which was put together by Graham Taylor for Council’s consideration.  Cllr Moore said that the Council had distributed leaflets last year and that whilst it’s a good idea to put a notice in shop windows and caravan parks she thought that bigger and better dog signs would be more effective.  Cllr James asked Cllr Quant whether he had spoken to highways in respect of parking on the roadside by the crematorium.  Cllr Quant to follow up.  Cllr Griffiths said that there were no street lights on the seaward side opposite the amusement arcade onwards.  Cllr Quant has been informed that it is due to a major fault.  Cllr Hulse said that several Ynyslas residents have been collecting litter on the golf course and they were unsure where to put the rubbish.  Cllr Quant suggested putting it by the pill box but he would check with the Golf Club first.  Cllr Ashley asked whether the old history cabinet in the community hall had been unlocked.  The Clerk said that she had been in touch with the locksmith who was given Cllr Willcox’s contact details as he had access to the hall keys. Cllr Ashley also asked whether there was an update on the Leri Garage.  Cllr Bryn Jones gave a brief update on the Balchder Pentrefi project. He also mentioned that Mr Bruce Cardwell had written a couple of books and that his next project was all about Borth.  Members resolved to send a letter of support.  Cllr Jones referred to the recent death of “Mouse” (Elfed Lewis) and  Suggested sending a letter to the family. Cllr Bainbridge asked for an update on the recent flooding problems at Cae Gwylan.
355.   Cllr Quant is concerned that the numbers attending the Youth Club has dropped and that one of the youth workers is on maternity leave.  Youth workers from Penparcau have been asked to assist one evening a week but have refused to relocate.  Cllr Quant gave a brief update on Phase 2 of the coastal defence scheme and Bam Nuttall has won the contract for the work.   He said that it cost approximately £30k to re-profile the shingle bank following the recent storms.  Cllr Quant gave an update on the recent Meirionnydd Catchment Plan workshop which he attended. Cllr James said that a field he owned in Clarach had been flooded and that rubbish had either been washed up from the sea into the field or Council workmen had cleared the rubbish from the road and dumped it in the field. Cllr Quant said he would make enquiries.
356.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.10pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 3 March 2014 to include Donation Requests and Community E-mail Group.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.  
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