Minutes - (Remote) - July 2021
MONDAY 5th JULY 2021 AT 19.00HRS
Present: Chairperson: H Hughes
C Bainbridge
R Dalton
M Griffiths
G B Jones
A J Morris
D Pryce Jones
A Thomas
D Tweedy
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
3 Members of the Public.
64. Cllrs R Davies and J James.
65. Mr Steve Ellis of Broadway Partners (a local internet provider) introduced himself to council members. He explained that the company are rolling out superfast broadband in the area and have a sum of £210 million to improve broadband in rural areas and this sum is match funded by Welsh Government. The company is currently engaging with local councils to push the idea forward as a community led project. The project will benefit the whole community and will completely transform connectivity in rural areas. In order to proceed with the initiative Mr Ellis asked for the Council’s support. Cllr Hughes proposed in principle to support the initiative, this was seconded by Cllr Bainbridge with all members voting in favour.
66. Mrs Andrea Hughes asked when the yellow lines would be reinstated between the RNLI and Cliff Road following recent road works. Cllr Quant said he would look into it.
67. To remind Cllrs that any matters of interest which may arise during the meeting must be declared.
68. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the remote monthly meeting held on 7th June 2021 as being a true record. Proposed by Cllr Morris and seconded by Cllr Jones. All members voted in favour.
69. Minute 48. There was concern over the amount of cars parking on double yellow lines, parking on pavements and ignoring the rules completely. It was agreed that the village needs the presence of a traffic warden. Cllr Quant to follow up.
70. Coronavirus. Regular updates from One Voice Wales, Welsh Government and Ceredigion County Council.
71. One Voice Wales and Welsh Government. All correspondence received during the month has been forwarded to all Councillors by e-mail.
72. Flowerbeds. The up to date news on the planting of the flowerbeds at the northern end of the village and a request for two watering cans. Cllr Griffiths said that she had spare watering cans which she will supply. Also a request from Helen Williams and family for the £20 funding for plants for the flowerbed for which they are responsible. Cllr Hughes proposed to give the sum of £20 towards the upkeep of the flowerbed, seconded by Cllr Pryce Jones with all members voting in favour.
73. Flowerbeds. An e-mail from Borth Community Hub suggesting an outside tap at the southern end of the village for watering the planters. Cllr Pryce Jones proposed that BCC asks CCC for an outside tap to be fitted which shuts off automatically so that there is no water wastage or alternatively a water butt. This was seconded by Cllr Jones with all members voting in favour.
74. RNID. Befriending volunteering advert.
75. Borth Golf Club Car Park. A letter concerning litter and the lack of litter bins and toilet facilities on the site.
76. Accessible Communal Planting and Growing. A letter requesting contact details for permission to develop green communal areas in Borth with members of the community and Borth Community Gardens. The Clerk was asked to send a letter supporting the idea.
77. Donations. A request for a donation from Citizens Advice Ceredigion.
78. One Voice Wales. Details of a consultation on qualifications of Clerks in Wales Regulations.
79. Play Wales. June 2021 edition of their publication.
80. ROSPA. The annual play area inspection report.
81. Bro360. Information on how to celebrate the community by getting people together for the first time in over a year.
82. Cered. Details of what the organisation does and what support Cered can give in terms of technical advice regarding virtual activities or advice on bilingual activities virtually or in the open air.
83. Car park opposite Brynowen. The Council has received an e-mail from the owner of It’s a Gift stating that a new aluminium sign has been put up on the gate with the contact telephone number of one of their employees. Cllr Hughes has since covered over the telephone number which was the contact number for a previous BCC councillor.
84. Borth Railway Station. A letter accompanied by photographic evidence asking the Council to contact CCC, Network Rail and Transport for Wales to address the poor state of the station. Cllr Quant has requested that the concerns are raised at a meeting scheduled for the 16th July and confirmed that the audit of train stations was an agenda item at that meeting.
85. Scottish Power. Details of proposed maintenance work planned for the existing overhead line situated on Borth Community Council land to the south of Ynys Fergi. Cllr Morris proposed that the Council signs the agreement, seconded by Cllr Jones with all members voting in favour.
86. Balance of Accounts at 13 June 2021
Nationwide 30,229.71
Community Acct 15,528.23
Business No Notice Acct 18,836.00
Deposit Account 3,749.19
87. Income
Deposit Account – gross int to 3 June 0.09
Business No Notice Acct- HMRC Vat refund 3,494.01
Business No Notice Acct – gross int to 3 June 0.40
88. Expenditure – Members resolved to pay the following:
Playsafety Limited – playground report 107.40
HMRC – PAYE April, May & June 391.40
M Walker – clerks salary £522.00, off exp £9.99 531.99
Heledd Davies – translation June minutes 88.65
Helen Williams – plants 20.00
Proposed by Cllr Bainbridge and seconded by Cllr Pryce Jones with all members voting in favour.
89. No planning.
90. Mr Glyn Davies has agreed to paint the last bench on the promenade. The Council would like to thanks Mr Rob Hunt for repairing the benches on the picnic area by the play ground free of charge.
91. Cllr Hughes gave a brief update on a meeting he had at the boat park with Cllrs Bainbridge, Dalton and Pryce Jones.
92. Several sign reminding the public to keep to the 2 metre rule have been taken down. Cllr Hughes has carried out an audit of all signs along the promenade. He suggests new signage to remind cyclists of the no cycling rule along the sea wall, keep all dogs on leads signs and NO DOGS on the beach between May and September signs. Cllr Hughes asked the Clerk to include signage as an agenda item at the November meeting.
93. Cllr Hughes gave an update on a site visit which he and Cllr Morris attended in respect of The Raised Bog Project which shows the restoration work that has been carried out to date. There are issues with overhanging trees between Llandre and Borth. Cllr Hughes has had a complaint at the state of the car park opposite Brynowen. Cllr Dalton had visited the site and cleared broken glass, bottles and china which were discarded on the car park. Cllr Hughes has received very favourable comments in respect of the new equipment in the playground and thanked Cllr Bainbridge for all her hard work.
94. Cllr Bainbridge gave an update on a recent report following an inspection on the playground by ROSPA. A few minor repairs need to be carried out. The carnival committee has decided that they will not hold a procession this year, however, they are organising some events.
Cllr Bainbridge has made an application to CCC with details of the proposed events and is experiencing some difficulty. Cllr Hughes proposed that BCC should write a letter to CCC in support of the proposed carnival events, seconded by Cllr Pryce Jones with all members voting in favour.
Cllr Dalton said that local residents are concerned at the amount of dogs on the beach despite the dog ban.
Cllr Jones mentioned the parking signs displayed on It’s a Gift car park. He asked whether Borth Community Council could have a beach friendly wheelchair.
Cllr Quant informed members that he has requested one from CCC.
Cllr Jones gave a brief update on the Borth Health and Care Group meeting during which he was elected Chair.
Cllr Griffiths had watched an Arad Goch performance on the promenade today 5th July.
Cllr Thomas apologised for joining the meeting late. She informed the meeting that there was a broken bench in the vicinity of the old TIC building.
95. Cllr Quant read out e-mails in connection with the proposed carnival events. He has received a complaint regarding the safe zone outside the pharmacy. The BSPFA AGM is to be held on the 8th July. The audit of all signage is being dealt with. Cllr Quant informed members that there are free oil spill kits available for coastguards or RNLI and he would pick a kit up for them. Cllr Quant referred to an e-mail he received from CCC in response to recent complaints about the Golf Club car park at Ynyslas and asked the Clerk to forward to him the letter referred to in minute 75.
96. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.50pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 6th September 2021 to include Benches, Boat Park and Social Distancing along Borth High Street. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk. Council members will establish in August whether meetings will restart in September in the Community Hall on a face to face basis. If this is not possible Cllr Hughes will issue a link to the remote meeting in advance.
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