Minutes - (Remote) - March 2021
MONDAY 1st MARCH 2021 AT 19.00HRS
Present: Chairperson: H Hughes
C Bainbridge
R Dalton
R Davies
M Griffiths
J James
G B Jones
A J Morris
D Pryce Jones
D Tweedy
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
6 Members of the Public.
258. None.
259. Mr Skitt began by introducing himself. He attended the meeting to explain that he has chosen Borth as a pilot site with the aim of looking into the health and social care needs of the Borth GP catchment population. He is looking at getting a group of around 10-12 people together to get involved in the scheme and they will act as representatives of the whole population. Their role would be to talk, listen and establish the needs of the residents of Borth. This data will then be used to make a difference. Borth Community Council is fully committed in their support of the scheme. Mr Skitt said he would regularly provide updates on how the scheme is progressing and requested a Community Council point of contact. Cllr Hughes asked Cllr Bryn Jones to be that person.
260. Rory Wilson is concerned at speeding down the north end of the village.
261. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
262. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the remote monthly meeting held on 1 February 2021 as being a true record. Proposed by Cllr Morris and seconded by Cllr Bainbridge. All members voted in favour.
263. Broken bench at Heol Aberwennol. Minute 235. It was resolved to set aside up to £350 for the works to be completed. Proposed by Cllr Hughes, seconded by Cllr Jones with all members voting in favour.
264. Coronavirus. Regular updates from One Voice Wales, Welsh Government and Ceredigion County Council.
265. One Voice Wales, Welsh Government and Ceredigion County Council. All correspondence received during the month has been forwarded to all Councillors by e-mail. No issues were raised.
266. Other Correspondence. Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales –Review of the Framework for Community and Town Councils.
267. Donation Requests. A request to the Council to make a three year match funding contribution to Borth Community Hub as they will be submitting their national Lottery People and Places Funding bid in early March. Cllrs Bainbridge, Hughes and Dalton declared an interest. It was agreed that this request would be considered as the final item on the agenda when all three members would leave the meeting. After a brief discussion it was proposed by Cllr Jones to give a sum of £500 annually for three years, this was seconded by Cllr James with all members present voting in favour.
268. Donations. A thank you letter from BSPFA for the annual grant funding.
269. Flowerbeds. A request from Borth Community Hub to take over a flowerbed. Martine Ormerod and Borth Community Hub have volunteered to take over the flowerbeds not currently being looked after.
270. Gritting on Clarach Road. A response from CCC to the letter sent from BCC in respect of the non-gritting of Clarach Road.
271. Litter. A letter from a young girl asking the Council to raise awareness about the environmental impact of littering and to encourage people to pick up their litter. Cllr Davies suggested organising a competition to create a sign. Another suggestion was to organise a litter pick with members of the council and the community coming together. It was agreed to send a response to Iyla with the Council’s suggestions and to ask whether the Council could have her permission to put the letter on Facebook.
272. Keep Wales Safe. A reminder to the public not to invite people into their homes to watch the rugby match.
273. Age Cymru. A request to promote low level advocacy support in the community.
274. Sustran Cymru. An online link to the draft network map for the future walking and cycling infrastructure in Ceredigion.
275. Census 2021. Information on the help available to complete the Census form.
276. Balance of Accounts at 13 February 2021
Nationwide 30,148.85
Community Acct 20,444.15
Business No Notice Acct 15,341.21
Deposit Account 3,669.01
277. Income
278. Expenditure – Members resolved to pay the following:
M Walker-salary £522.00, off exp £9.99 531.99
Heledd Davies – translation February minutes 68.60
Mynwent Capel y Garn Cemetery 50.00
Wales Air Ambulance 150.00
Y Tincer 50.00
Borth Family Centre 500.00
Proposed by Cllr Bainbridge and seconded by Cllr Morris with all members voting in favour.
279. The Clerk advised members that the cheque for £2000 (chq no 201818) made out to Ysgol Craig yr Wylfa has been returned and a request for a replacement (chq no 201824) for the same amount has been made out to CCC.
280. Application for Planning Permission.
A210071. Minor amendment to planning permission A200016 (amended plans). Plot adj Silver Ridge. Ffordd y Fulfran, Borth. This item was deferred to the end of the meeting as Cllr Bryn Jones had declared an interest in writing to the Clerk. He left the meeting before the application was discussed. Borth Community Council discussed the application and there were NO OBSERVATIONS or OBJECTIONS.
281. All donations from various organisations were considered and it was proposed by Cllr Jones, seconded by Cllr James to give to the following. All members voted in favour.
Mynwent Capel y Garn Cemetery £50.00
Wales Air Ambulance £150.00
Y Tincer £50.00
Borth Family Centre £500.00
282. The Clerk confirmed that co-option notices to fill a vacancy had been put up in all noticeboards and that she had received two applications. Prior to the meting one of the applicants withdrew her application and it was proposed by Cllr Bainbridge, seconded by Cllr Morris to invite the only applicant, Mrs Amy Thomas, along to the next meeting to be co-opted onto Council. All members voted in favour.
283. Cllr Quant informed members that the ditch had been cleared from the football pitch to the launderette. A representative from Welsh Water has visited Cae Gwylan following recent flooding due to heavy rain and believes that the problem lies with overtopping of water gathering around the pumping station which is more that it can cope with.
284. Ongoing.
285. Ongoing.
286. A letter from CCC in respect of introducing safe zones in Borth has asked for certain areas to be considered with the intention of placing barriers and banners in the defined parking bays or equivalent road space. Cllr Quant has arranged to meet with Cllr Pryce Jones and Cllr Morris on the 2nd March to walk the village to establish where safe zones need to be implemented.
287. The Chairman welcomed Cllr Margaret Griffiths back to the meetings following ill health. He informed members that an independent community steering group outside of BCC has been set up to look at a 10-15 year long term vision for Borth with Cllr Rhydian Davies chairing the committee and the BCC representative. The group would look at various proposals which they would bring before the Council.
288. Cllr Bainbridge gave an update on the Ceredigion Nature Partnership project, Childrens Play Conference and a recent Gorwelion meeting. A carnival meeting has been held with the possibility of some events going ahead to which Cllr Jones said that there were no planned major events in Ceredigion this summer.
Cllr Griffiths informed the meeting that there were several loose manhole covers on the main street. Cllr Hughes said he would report the matter to the relevant authority.
Cllr Dalton said that the drains were full on the high street. Cllr Quant said that they would look at them when they were meeting the following day to look at safe zones.
Cllr Morris commented on the new lighting on the main street and queried whether they remained on all night. He referred to the flooding at Cae Gwylan and the possible reasons why it was recurring.
Cllr Pryce Jones said that works to the coping stones opposite Pebbles would be done this month. There is concern at vandalism at the Community Gardens. Cllr Pryce Jones asked whether all licences had been obtained for the new outside catering van in Borth. Cllr Quant confirmed that all licences and certificates were in place and that the owner was operating within legal requirements. Following a query it was confirmed that planning permission would not be needed unless the owner planned to trade for more than 28 days a year. Cllr Pryce Jones referred to a proposed music festival in Borth late summer.
Cllr Davies asked whether the hall committee were meeting at present to which Cllr Quant replied that the BSPFA had no meetings planned as the community hall was only open for covid vaccinations and for blood donations.
Cllr James was pleased to report that CCC had cleaned all manholes on Clarach Road.
289. Cllr Quant gave an update on statistics and information in respect of Covid 19. He is also aware of speeding cars and is asking for the vehicle registration numbers so that it can be reported.
290. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.00pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 12 April 2021 to include Co-option of new member onto Council, Flooding and Ditches, Playground, Benches, Boat Park and Social Distancing along Borth High Street. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk. Cllr Hughes will issue a link to the meeting in advance.
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