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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - (Remote) - May 2020

MONDAY 11TH MAY 2020 AT 19.00HRS
Present:            Chairperson:  R Dalton
                                                C Bainbridge                                       
                                                R Davies
                                                H Hughes                                                                                
                                                G B Jones
                                                A J Morris                                                                                                       
In Attendance:  County Cllr:   R P Quant
                         Clerk:            M Walker                     
                                                3 Members of the Public. 
353.  Cllrs M Griffiths, J James, D Pryce Jones and Cllr D Tweedy.
354.  Helen was welcomed to the meeting by the Chair. She gave an update on two successful grant applications, funding for a Men’s Shed and how Borth Family Centre is co-ordinating the support of a team of Emergency Wardens to help vulnerable members of the community with shopping etc during the Covid-19 pandemic crisis. The Chair thanked Helen for the update.
355. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting. 
356. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the monthly meeting held on 2 March 2020 as being a true record. Proposed by Cllr Bainbridge and seconded by Cllr Davies.  All members voted in favour.
357.  Cllr Jones referred to minute 375 and said he could provide photos of the flooding at Cae Gwylan to NRW if required.
358.  Coronavirus.  Regular updates and information from One Voice Wales, Welsh Government, Wales Audit Office and Ceredigion County Council. 
359. One Voice Wales.  OVW March, April and May 2020 news bulletins.
Coronavirus information for town and community councils.
Future Generations Report 2020.
Local Places for Nature funding presentations.
A request to register the communities defibrillators with the Circuit which is a national defib network.
OVW National Awards 2020.
360.  Welsh Government.  Details of all current consultations.
Natural Resources April and May 2020 bulletin and coronavirus regulations during lockdown.
Land Release Fund 2020/21.
361.  Ceredigion County Council.  A response from technical services to an enquiry regarding recent flooding and the missing Ynyslas sign.
362.  Donation Requests.  Llangollen 2020, Ceredigion YFC and Borth Family Centre.  Also thank you letters from Capel y Garn cemetery, Wales Air Ambulance and Y Tincer for the Council’s recent donations.
363.  Borth Station Museum.  Confirmation that the station will be closed over the Easter period due to the current crisis.
364.  Borth Arts.  An update on the past year and dates of forthcoming events.
365.  Borth Boat Park. A letter of objection to the proposed leasing of the boat park in its entirety.  This was deferred to the June meeting.
366.  GDPR/Data Protection Act 2018.  The data protection fee renewal for 2020/21 is £40.  Members resolved to pay the fee.
367.  Nationwide Building Society.  The interest rate for the business account is changing from 0.40% to 0.25% per annum.
368.  Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales.  As in previous years the Panel continues to mandate a payment of £150 as a contribution to costs and expenses for members of all community and town councils. An individual may decline to receive part, or all, of the payments if they so wish. This must be done in writing and is an individual matter. A community or town council member wishing to decline payments must themselves write to their proper officer to do so.  This was deferred to the June meeting.
369.  Ceredigion County Council.  Details of a temporary road closure at Dolybont.
370.  Fields in Trust.  April bulletin and details of “Fields in Trust bringing Parks to you this spring”.
371.  NALC.  Employment Law Changes 2020.
372.  Shrewsbury Aberystwyth Rail Liaison Committee.  Car park Consultation Transport for Wales.
373.  Tarian Cymru.  A request to financially support a venture to purchase PPE for distribution where needed in Wales.
374.  Mid and West Wales Fire & Rescue.  Spring 2020 edition of their magazine.
375.  Flooding in Cae Gwylan.  A response from NRW.
376.  Other Correspondence.  Clerks & Councils Direct and Creative Play.
377. Balance of Accounts at 13 April 2020
        Nationwide                                                                              30,148.85
        Community Acct                                                                       9,873.40
        Business No Notice Acct                                                        14,138.07
        Deposit Account                                                                       3,667.12
378. Income 
        Community Acct - Scottish Power Wayleaves                              34.51
        Community Acct – CCC playground grant                               5,000.00
        Deposit Acct – gross int to 5/3/20                                                   1.79
        Deposit Acct -  transfer from Community Acct                             80.00
        Business No Notice Acct – gross int to 5/3/20                                7.05
        Nationwide – gross int to 31/3/20                                                269.65 
        CCC – precept – 1st payment                                                    7,290.00               
379. Expenditure – Members resolved to pay the following:  
        HMRC-PAYE for Jan, Feb, March                                              381.00
        Ceredigion County Council – bi-election 2019 costs               1,999.36
        Information Commissioner – Data Protection Fee                        40.00
        J H Matthews – internal audit 2019/20                                        100.00
        M Walker- April & May salary £1016, off exp 31.29               1,047.29
Payment of the above expenditure was proposed by Cllr Hughes, seconded by Cllr Bainbridge.  All members voted in favour.
380.  Application for Full Planning Permission.
A200259.  Retention of signage.  Cambrian Coast Caravan Park, Ynyslas, Borth. 
A200273.  Erection of a single storey outbuilding for use as a Hobbies Room.  16 Clos Winifred, Borth.
Due to the coronavirus both applications were sent by e-mail to all councillors and their observations were recorded in writing as NO OBJECTION.
A200189.  Retrospective planning permission is sought for a campsite for 30 tents and 10 touring caravans and proposed 5 Glamping Cabins, 1 Static Caravan (Ty Gwyn Chalet) to be used as holiday accommodation, 1 site office (to replace Ty
Gwyn Bach Caravan) and 1 Accessible toilet and Shower unit.  Tygwyn Farm, Ynyslas, Borth.  NO OBJECTION.
381.  Cllr Dalton thanked everyone for attending the Zoom meeting.
382.  Cllr Hughes has looked into purchasing Zoom Professional for the purpose of holding remote meetings with unlimited minutes. It was proposed by Cllr Hughes and seconded by Cllr Jones to pay the annual cost of £119.90 + vat.  All members voted in favour.
Cllr Bainbridge has been successful in her bid for a £5000 playground grant.  The police were called to an incident involving campers at Ynyslas over the weekend.
383.  Cllr Quant gave an update on the latest news on the coronavirus.  Wales remains in lockdown for the next three weeks.  Despite this there appeared to be several visitors in the area during the bank holiday weekend. There are no cases of the virus in any of the care homes within Ceredigion to date and only 38 positive cases in the county. Three field hospitals and one mortuary have been established in the county.  Cllr Quant gave a brief update on PPE and shielding.  There is financial support available for businesses by way of a grant.  Haven will not be opening their caravan site as was advertised and Glanyrafon Industrial Estate will not be opening their civic amenity site despite some in other areas opening on the 18th May.
384.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.40pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 1 June 2020 to include Boat Park Lease and Councillors Remuneration. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.                                                                                        
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