Minutes - November 2019
Present: Chairperson: R Dalton
C Bainbridge
R Davies (new member)
M Griffiths
H Hughes
J James
D Pryce Jones
G B Jones
A J Morris
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
5 Members of the Public.
198. Cllr D Tweedy.
199. The Chairman Cllr Rona Dalton invited Mr Rhydian Davies to join the Council. He swore the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and was welcomed as a member of Borth Community Council. Copies of the Code of Conduct and Standing Orders will be sent to Cllr Davies by e-mail.
200. None.
201. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
202. Jill Hulse was welcomed to the meeting to discuss the emergency plan which she had initiated whilst serving as a councillor. Jill gave a brief explanation of the contents of the plan and suggested a complete review by making the plan shorter and having three co-ordinators instead of two. A shorter version of the plan will be prepared for consideration at the next meeting. The continued flooding on the road by the Golf Club was discussed and it was suggested that the Council write to the Golf Club to ask whether water could be diverted through their land and to write to CCC with their concerns.
203. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the monthly meeting held on 7 October 2019 as being a true record. Proposed by Cllr Hughes and seconded by Cllr Morris. All members voted in favour.
204. Common Land. Minute 162. Mr Beech of Marsh Bank has written to Ben Lake MP regarding the flooding from the leat in Glanwern into his property. Cllr Hughes gave a brief update on works to the leat by NRW, however, Cllr Morris said that NRW were unable to do as much as they wanted as they were not in receipt of a water vole licence
Speeding. Minute 189. Cllr Bainbridge informed members that she is in the process of reregistering all interested parties for the Speed Watch Scheme.
205. One Voice Wales. A survey to find out more about the sector’s use of digital mechanisms to engage, meet and share information with communities.
State of the Nation report on the International Day of Older persons.
VE Day parish letter highlighting various events.
Details of an event to be held in Cardiff “Beyond Zero Waste – Building the Truly Circular Economy”.
Understanding Welsh Places.
The publication of three planning consultations.
Details of Diversity in Democracy workshops to be held across Wales.
Everyday Ageism Campaign.
The Bevan Foundation is holding a conference in November called “Beyond Cities: resilient local economies and communities”.
OVW news bulletin.
Details of a job vacancy with OVW – Mid and West Wales Development Officer.
A report from a Carmarthen Town Councillor on “Managing Green Spaces for Biodiversity”.
Guidance in securing biodiversity enhancements in development proposals.
Details of a Community Engagement Part 2 training course.
206. Welsh Government. Details of current consultations.
Natural Resources Bulletin October issue.
Health and Social Services News.
207. Mid & West Wales Fire & Rescue Authority. An invitation to provide views on the proposals for improvement within the Draft Corporate Plan 2020-2025.
208. Summit to Sea. A request to meet with Councillors to discuss the project in more detail. It was agreed to invite the Community Engagement Coordinator to the December meeting.
209. Ceredigion County Council. New waste collection service on Route 179.
210. Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales. Draft annual report 2020.
211. Ceredigion County Council. The Council is carrying out a review of polling districts and polling stations with any changes to be implemented by January 2020.
212. Borth Sea Defences. Following a letter sent to Rhodri Llwyd from the chairman in respect of concerns in relation to the profile of Borth beach he has agreed to meet with members of the Council to walk the beach. A suitably convenient date will be arranged for both parties.
213. Dolau Bach. A request to put a notice up on the website informing the public that Dolau Bach field is currently being grazed for restoration purposes.
214. Ceredigion County Council. The annual cleaning service level agreement for the public toilets by the RNLI for signing by Chair of Council. The term of the agreement is for the period 1 November 2019 to 31 March 2020 at a cost of £4500 + vat. Cllr Morris proposed to accept the agreement, Cllr Bryn Jones seconded and all members voted in favour.
215. Star of the Sea. An e-mail asking the Council to confirm that they are a “key partner” in their project. Whilst there were concerns that BCC had not been approached to be a “key partner” BCC is fully supportive of the project.
216. Mid & West Wales Fire & Rescue. Autumn 2019 edition of their magazine.
217. Balance of Accounts at 13 October 2019
Nationwide 29,879.20
Community Acct 4,777.30
Business No Notice Acct 14,123.98
Deposit Account 3,583.54
218. Income
Community A/C – Landfill and CAS rents 4,616.50
Scottish Power Wayleaves 78.83
219. Expenditure – Members resolved to pay the following
Heledd Davies – October minutes translation 89.45
M Walker –salary 508.00, off exp 7.99 515.99
220. Application for Full Planning Permission
221. Cllr Morris declared an interest but remained in the room. Cllr Hughes gave a brief update and informed members that he and fellow councillors were still trying to establish ownership of the boats. Members voted in favour to put notices on all boats and trailers asking owners to register their boats with the clerk. At this point Cllr Morris left the room. It was resolved to write to Emma confirming that BCC is still trying to identify the vessels on the boat park and has taken advice from the solicitor in respect of historic rights and a cessation clause which would be written into the lease. All members voted in favour.
222. Cllr Jones and County Cllr Quant have obtained quotes from two tarmac firms which amount to approximately £9,000 + vat. Based on the price it was suggested that the Council look into patching up the damaged areas. Cllr Hughes agreed to get a quote for the works. It was suggested that the Council write to CCC, however, it is not a registered footpath.
223. Cllr Dalton asked for the flags to be taken down opposite the Premier. The next PACT meeting is scheduled for 4th December.
224. Cllr James – potholes on Clarach Road still not been filled.
Cllr Pryce Jones – Fund raising for the National Eisteddfod has reached £3800 to date. The Tincer require more Borth news.
Cllr Bainbridge – CHC update. Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa is due a school inspection.
Cllr Hughes – Dementia meeting Wednesday 6th November.
225. Cllr James agreed to order a Christmas tree. Remembrance Day Service Sunday 10th November. The toilet block on the northern end of the village is to get a paddle gate and some new signage. The yellow road markings opposite Pebbles have still not been repainted. Dyfi Biosphere meeting 28th November.
226. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.35pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 2 December 2019 to include Presentation by Summit to Sea, Boat Park Lease, Common Land and Footpaths. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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