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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - October 2018



Present:    Chairperson:                       R Dalton (Vice-Chair)
                                                            G Ashley
                                                            H Hughes (co-opted)
                                                            J James
                                                            P Turner-Wright (co-opted)
                                                            M J Willcox    
In Attendance:  County Cllr:              R P Quant
                         Clerk:                         M Walker                      
                                                            2 Members of the Public. 
189. Cllr C Bainbridge (Chairman), Cllrs M Griffiths and G B Jones.
190.  The Vice- Chair Cllr Rona Dalton invited both Mr Hugh Hughes and Mr Phil Turner-Wright to join the Council.  They both swore their Declaration of Acceptance of Office and were welcomed as members of Borth Community Council. Both new members were given a copy of the Council’s Code of Conduct.  A copy of the new Standing Orders will be distributed to all members following the November meeting.
191. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting. 
192.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the monthly meeting held on 3 September 2018 as being a true record.
193.  Borth Sailing School.  Minute 137.  Cllr Willcox has concerns and doesn’t see the project working as a business model.
194.  Childrens’ Playground.  Minute 181.  Ongoing.
195.  Standing Orders.  Minute 182.  This item will be put on the agenda to be discussed in November.
196.  Common Land.  Minute 183.  A letter from Owen Jenkins will be read out under correspondence.
197.  One Voice Wales.  A request for views on future fracking and coal bed methane development in Wales.
198.  Hywel Dda University Health Board.  An update on progress to date on “Our Big NHS Change”.
199.  Ceredigion County Council.  CCC draft gambling policy for 2019.
200.  Welsh Government.  A request for views on a new regulatory framework for adoption services in Wales.
201.  Tree.  A response from Leader of the County Council, Ellen ap Gwynn, on “Tree” in reply to a letter sent from BCC asking for clarification on the granting of a licence. “The applicant will be required to make a formal written application for the Council’s consent as leaseholder of this section of the beach to erect the structure, and will be required to include all relevant supporting and technical information for consideration. Upon receipt of the formal request for consent together with all the necessary information the matter will be referred to the Crown Estate as owner of the land and the Council’s landlord, for further consideration prior to any consent being granted”.  Also a reply from the Planning Inspectorate advising that the points raised will be looked into thoroughly and a response sent in due course and a reply from the legal department advising that they have contacted the Council’s Legal and Estates Services to clarify the relevant process and current position in respect of the queries raised by members of the public.
202.  One Voice Wales.  Feedback provided by attendees from the first round of the Transport Innovation Network.
203.  Ceredigion County Council.  Details of a vacancy in the area for an Electoral Services Canvasser.
204.  One Voice Wales.  Enabling Natural Resources and Well-Being in Wales 2019-2023 - Call for Grant Proposals.
205.  Public Liability Claim- Louise Brookes.  It has been confirmed with Warner Goodman LLP that the alleged incident on the 11th August did not occur on land owned or under the control of Borth Community Council & the file is now closed.
206.  One Voice Wales.  Details of a recent Society of Local Councils Clerks Seminar.
207.  One Voice Wales.  The Boundary Commission for Wales has submitted its Final Recommendations Report for the 2018 Review of Parliamentary Constituencies in Wales. Once the Government has laid the Report in Parliament, The Commission will publish its Final Recommendations on its website.
208.  Ecodyfi.  Details of an Energy Local Club formation.
209.  Welsh Government.  Natural Resources Wales September bulletin.
210.  Common Land.  A letter from Mr Owen Jenkins in response to a complaint raised from a member of the public. See minute 183/2018.  Mr Owen proposed that the Council consider one of three options.  Members unanimously resolved to opt for option 3 which reads “Retain the fence in situ as you consider it to have been properly erected along the boundary of the Common”.  The Clerk was asked to send a letter to Mr Jenkins accepting the third option “without prejudice”.
211.  Flood Barriers.  An e-mail from Catherine Johnstone who has seven Watergate flood barriers for sale.  Forward to Aberystwyth Town Council.
212.  Came & Co Insurance.  The insurance policy for the Council is due for renewal and the company has provided 3 quotations for consideration.  They recommend a company called Inspire which meets our demands and needs.  The total annual premium is £1540 with an option of a three year long term agreement plan at a cost of £1465.50.  Members resolved to enter into a three year agreement plan.
213.  Ceredigion County Council.  Details of a public consultation event o the Aberystwyth Coastal Defence Scheme and Potential Promenade Improvements.
214.  Welsh Government.  September issue of the Health and Social Services newsletter.       
215.  Ceredigion County Council. Details of a road closure east of the railway crossing .
216.  One Voice Wales.  Consultation on unadopted roads in Wales.
217.  Clerks & Councils Direct.  September issue.
218.  Planning Inspectorate.  A response in answer to issues raised in respect of “Tree”.  Cllr Turner-Wright gave a brief update on a recent conversation with Robert Davies.
219.  Council Vacancy.  A letter from Anthony Morris asking to be included in the co-option process for one of the remaining two vacancies on Council.  The Clerk was asked to write to Anthony inviting him to be co-opted at the next meeting.
220. Balance of Accounts at 13 September 2018
        Nationwide                                                                        29,637.15
        Community Acct                                                                    500.86
        Business No Notice Acct                                                   3,0324.99
        Deposit Account                                                                  3,476.50
221. Income    
        Deposit Account - Gross Interest to 6/9/18                                0.74
        Business No Notice Acct – gross into to 6/9/18                         5.54
222. Expenditure – Members resolved to pay the following:
        HMRC only – PAYE July, Aug, Sept                                      364.20
        M Walker – salary 485.76, off exp 14.95                                500.71
        Heledd Davies – translation                                                    109.35
        Robert Griffiths – repair works to playground                        240.00
        Came & Co – council insurance                                           1,465.50
223.  Budget Monitoring.  The Clerk distributed an up to date income and expenditure report incurred from the 1st April 2018 to the 30th September 2018 setting out the Council’s financial position against its agreed budget.  Members reviewed its position and resolved to accept the report.
224.  Annual Accounting Audit.  The audit for year end 31 March 2018 has been certified by Grant Thornton UK LLP, the Councils auditors, and the Notice of Conclusion of Audit has been placed in the noticeboard.  All matters raised in the qualified audit report were read out to members.  These included Notice of Appointment of Date for the Exercise of Electors’ Rights, Allocation of Staff costs, High Level of Reserves and Box 14 on the Accounting Statement, Trust Fund Disclosure Note, was left unanswered for 2016/17 on the Annual return. Members resolved to accept the audit return.
225.  Application for Full Planning Permission.
A180920.  Change of use of land to residential cartilage.  Ty Bijou, High Street, Borth.  No objection subject to NRW approval.
226. Cllr Bainbridge in her absence sent in the following report.  In respect of the e-mail regarding Flood Barriers Cllr Bainbridge suggests passing the information onto Aberystwyth see if they want it. The WW1 booklets are at the printers. In respect of Minute 149/18 the lady has decided not to pursue the idea of a bench.  Cylch has reopened.
CHC has been on the news about a reorganisation consultation and Cllr Bainbridge will attend a meeting on Thursday 4th October to discuss the matter. This years Carnival donations night has been scheduled for Saturday 20th October.
227.  The following two new Cllrs were given the following responsibilities:
Cllr Hugh Hughes – will represent Borth Community Council on matters relating to “Tree”
Cllr Turner-Wright – matters relating to the IDD.
Cllr Ashley informed members that the Lady of the Sea Catholic Church has been sold to a consortium and will be turned into an Arts venue.  The dog ban banners are due to be pulled down as the dog ban season has come to an end. No response from G4.
Cllr Willcox suggested putting benches on the existing dog walk with parking for 3 or 4 cars. Members thought this was a good idea in principle and asked him to produce a plan together with costings.
Cllr James referred to the parked caravan on the road by the Chemist.  Cllr Quant has reported this.
Cllr Dalton informed members that the NRW Life Project has been granted £4million towards the protection of bogs and will include Cors Fochno. Cllr Dalton gave a brief update on a recent PACT meeting with speeding a major concern.  Cllr Ashley is arranging another Speed Awareness session.
A survey has been carried out on the leats.
228.  Any issues to be raised and anything to report by Cllr Quant were dealt with during the course of the meeting.
229.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 8.10pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 5th November 2018 are Public Participation and Standing Orders.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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