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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - March 2018

Present:    Chairperson:                          J Hulse
                                                               G Ashley                                                         
                                                               C Bainbridge
                                                               R Dalton
                                                               M Griffiths                                                      
                                                               G B Jones                                                       
                                                               N Salmon                                                                    
                                                               M J Willcox                                                                
In Attendance:  Clerk:                           M Walker
                         County Cllr:                 R P Quant 
                                                               2 Members of the Public. 
332.  Cllrs J James, S Jones and Cllr W J Williams.
333. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting. 
334.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 5 February 2018 as being a true record.
335.  Japanese Knotweed.  Minute 326.  Ongoing.
336.  Grass Cutting Review.  Minute 327.  Following a request from the Clerk for one off cuts to the boat park, hedge running alongside the playing fields and the triangular grass section on Ynyslas turn Mr Robert Griffiths has quoted the following:  A total of £320 + vat for the one off cuts and an amended quote of £1440 + vat for the 2018 grass cutting season to include the above.  Members resolved to accept the amended quotation.
337.  Ageing Well in Wales.  An invitation to attend a celebration of some of the work taking place in Welsh towns etc to make them good places to grow older. The event will take place at Aberystwyth Arts Centre on the 15th March.
338.  One Voice Wales.  An online link to The Ombudsman’s Casebook Issue 31.
339.  One Voice Wales.  An online link to a Welsh Language Commissioner Business Survey.
340.  One Voice Wales.    Details of a Women’s Suffrage Centenary Grant Scheme which provides grants of between £500 and £20,000 to third sector organisations, community organisations and community groups, for projects and/or events which will mark the 100th anniversary.  More details can be found online.
341.  Ceredigion County Council.  Details of a road closure at Glanwern on the 18th March between 8am and 4pm for cabling work for new customer connection.
342.  One Voice Wales.  Details of the tax policy work plan 2018 and developing new taxes in Wales. The 4 tax ideas were: a social care levy, a vacant land tax, a disposable plastics tax and a tourism tax.
343.  One Voice Wales.  The OVW Innovative Practice Annual Awards ceremony will take place on Thursday 29th March in Builth Wells.
344.  Ceredigion County Council.  A series of community engagement events will be held across Ceredigion to support any local organisations including community groups and small businesses to upload their details onto an online Wales wide directory namely Dewis Cymru.
345.  Ceredigion County Council.  A notice advertising a workshop on “The Transformation of Social Care and Wellbeing” to be held on Tuesday 27th February in Penmorfa.
346.  Ceredigion County Council.  Notes on the meeting at Penweddig on the 17th January between CCC and town and community councils in Ceredigion.
347.  Ceredigion County Council.  The Cynnal y Cardi Local Action Group (LAG) is looking for innovative community led project ideas that could make a real difference to the lives of people living and working in Ceredigion.  The Group is administered by CCC and have five schemes where ideas are being sought with Monday 5th March being the first closing date of 2018 for submitting ideas or expressions of interest.
348.  Ceredigion County Council.  Details of the Ceredigion Local Well Being Plan project group workshops to be held on the 19th and 29th March at Theatr Felinfach.
349.  One Voice Wales.  Details of a Consultation on the draft Autism (Wales) Bill.
350.  Kidney Wales.  Details of the “Walk for Life” fundraising event.
351.  Playing Fields.  A letter from Iwan Foulkes, land agent, that he is acting on behalf of BCC in pursuing the reinstatement of the playing fields following works by Welsh Water together with copies of the Notice Plans and Schedule of Conditions.
352.  Welsh Government.  The Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales Annual Report is available online and will have effect for the financial year 2018/19.
353.  One Voice Wales.  Details of a job vacancy for a Mid Wales Development Officer.
354.  One Voice Wales.  More on the general data protection regulation which must be in place by 25th May 2018.  The Clerk, Cllr Bainbridge and Cllr Bryn Jones volunteered to attend a presentation given by Arwyn Morris of CCC on the new regulations.
355.  One Voice Wales.  An online survey on Ageing Well in Wales.
356.  Dyfed Powys Police Authority.  Details of a public meeting on the 8th March at Aberystwyth University with the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Chief Constable for Dyfed Powys Police in attendance.
357.  Heather Strange.  A letter drawing attention to a pile of mud that has been dumped at the entrance to the Golf Clubs beach car park and a request to bring pressure to bear on the County to make the track more permanently serviceable for all who use it.
358.  One Voice Wales.  The February 2018 news bulletin.
359.  Other Correspondence.  HAGS playground brochure and Clerks and Councils Direct.
360.  Keep Wales Tidy.  Keep Wales Tidy have been working in partnership with Town and Community Councils for many years, working together to protect and maintain the quality of our local environment and is keen to work more closely with Town and Community Councils in order to stimulate meaningful volunteer action and make improvements to local environment quality.
361.  Ceredigion County Council.  A letter confirming that the enforcement officer will visit the land near the sewerage farm following a complaint that caravans are illegally parked on the site and gas bottles thrown into the river.  CCC writes that this is an alleged breach and has been initially classified as Priority Class High.
362.  Welsh Government.  Letter, guidance notes and an application form for funding support 2018/19.
363.  Balance of Accounts at 13 February 2018
         Nationwide                                                                                      29,460.46
         Community Acct                                                                                  500.01
         Business No Notice Acct                                                                 28,408.22
         Deposit Account                                                                                3,334.25
364.  Income    
         Scottish Power – wayleaves                                                                  34.51      
365.  Expenditure
         One Voice Wales – membership fee                                                    249.00
         Ceredigion County Council – toilets opening 2017/18                    5,400.00
         M Walker – clerks sal 464.06, off exp 7.99                                        472.05       
         Robert Griffiths – grass cut                                                                 240.00
         Talybont YFC                                                                                       50.00
         Borth Art & Friendship Group                                                           100.00
         Capel Y Garn                                                                                      100.00
         Tincer                                                                                                  100.00
         St Mathews Church                                                                             100.00
         2nd Borth Scouts                                                                                   50.00
         Marie Curie                                                                                           50.00
         Macmillan Cancer                                                                                 50.00
         Wales Air Ambulance                                                                         100.00
366.  Application for Full Planning Permission.
A180142.  Demolishing the small front bay and associated roof and construction of new bay extension with balcony above.   Rockside, Clarach Road, Borth.  Cllr Bryn Jones declared an interest and left the room. NO OBSERVATIONS.
367.  Removal of Planning Clause.
A180086.  Uwch y Nant, Borth. Removal of clause 2(3) – that the dwelling shall not be occupied other than by a person and his or her dependants who have lives within a radius of 30 miles  of the premises for the period of two years; clause 2(4) – that the dwelling shall not be sold to any person over the age of 40 except in special circumstances approved by the local authority; and clause 2(5) - in the event of the dwelling being inherited by a person or persons who do not fall within the terms of clauses (3) and (4) above the dwelling shall be made available for purchase, however in the event of a person inheriting the property from his parents and living with them at the date of their death this clause shall not apply however the agreement shall apply for all subsequent sales.  The Clerk distributed copies of a letter received from Ms Evans’s neighbour concerning the proposed removal of the clause which he is objecting to and asks the Council to recommend this application for refusal.  After a discussion it was agreed that to send in the following to the planning department - NO COMMENT FROM BORTH COMMUNITY COUNCIL.
368.  The Clerk distributed a list of donation requests from various organisations received throughout the financial year. After considering all requests it was resolved to donate to the following:
         Talybont YFC                                                            50.00
         Borth Art & Friendship Group                                  100.00
         Capel Y Garn                                                             100.00
         Tincer                                                                         100.00
         St Mathews Church                                                    100.00
         2nd Borth Scouts                                                          50.00
         Marie Curie                                                                  50.00
         Macmillan Cancer                                                        50.00
         Wales Air Ambulance                                                100.00
369.  Cllr Bryn Jones agreed to look into updating the Council’s existing Welsh Language Policy.
370.  Cllr Ashley has contacted 3GS but has not received a reply to date.  Members resolved to purchase bigger dog signs to replace the smaller ones put up by CCC which are to be removed.  Cllr Ashley was asked to get a quotation from Redesigns. Cllr Salmon has spoken to Rachel Mills of CCC about The Dog Fouling of Land Act and suggested maybe putting up warning signs/penalty notices.
371.  “Floodsax” is an alternative sandbag and is a one time use only. Cllr Hulse has not yet tried the sample product and will report back to Council once this has been tested.
372.  After a brief discussion it was suggested a trial of a 15 minute timeslot before the start of the Council meeting for the public to ask questions etc. This will be considered following the AGM.
373.  Cllr Hulse gave a brief introduction to The Bee Friendly Pollinator Scheme.  This is something the Community can take part in (potentially without any costs) and as a result obtain certification as a bee friendly community and be able to use the official 'Bee Friendly' logo. Cllr Slavin was given the go ahead to join the scheme on behalf of the Council.
374.  Cllr Jill Hulse gave the following update:  The Community Wardens and Emergency Plan was activated at end February and into early March due to the particularly cold spell and snow, plus the possibility of a powercut with high winds.  There was concern mainly about people keeping warm and being housebound due to icy/snowy pavements.  A residents’ weather station at Ynyslas recorded a ‘feels like’ temperature of -16.9 degrees C and winds reached 103mph.
The Borth and Ynyslas Community Emergency Plan was updated on 4 March 2018 and replaced the 2 January 2018 version.  
Cllr Mike Willcox and Cllr Jill Hulse met with the Flood Coordinators Judith Watson and Liam Williams in Dol-y-bont on 26 February to share information and make good connections. 
She attended the Ethics and Standards Committee at Penmorfa, Aberaeron to provide further verbal explanation and evidence in relation to her application for dispensation in relation to BCC and NRW and will submit a new application specifically in relation to water management. 
Cllr Hulse has contributed to the Ceredigion County Council Ynyslas litter picking event in February - 114kg of litter was removed from the beach, dunes and car park at Ynyslas Turn.
375.  Cllr Stacy Jones sent in the following in her absence:  Cllr Jones is signing up for the speed watch scheme. A planter request for Ynyslas was sent to Rachel Mills- she felt that what she had available would not be suitable as it wouldn’t satisfy Highways with regard to visibility splays etc which you would have to bear in mind when putting anything on the Highways verge. Cllr Jones also enquired with Rachel about the two minute beach clean boards she had seen in Pembrokeshire and whether there was an option for us to have these. She informed her that because they aren’t bi- lingual and they have no plans of making them so, CCC hasn’t been able to buy any. Cllr Jones thanked everyone for looking at the piecharts showing precept tax breakdown, and feels the general consensus by email was that the first pictorial chart was most suitable for our purposes. She has also looked at quotes to purchase a new 6m flagpole and is awaiting more before a decision can be made.  No update on Dyfi biosphere, next partnership meeting is 16th April.
Cllr Dalton has not yet received a reply from Rhodri Llwyd of CCC in respect of her letter of concern regarding the uneven spread of stones on Borth beach (in particular opposite the Premier) following recent winds and high tides.  The full bottle bank was replaced following a phone call from Cllr Dalton, however, she is concerned that clothes have been dumped on the car park. A new sign is needed for the gate with new contact details and it was suggested to simplify the padlock system to the gate.
Cllr Salmon has asked Rachel Mills of CCC whether she can provide litter picking kits to the Council.
Cllr Bryn Jones has checked the defibrillators as requested and everything is in order. Mr Glan Davies is no longer associated with Welsh Hearts but has provided Cllr Jones with a name of a person who would be willing to carry out another training session. Cllr Jones informed members that Borth Station was closed temporarily after the canopy blew off following the heavy winds. He was concerned that there was a lack of information from Arriva Trains Wales.  He is also concerned over the proposed reopening of Bow Street station and queried whether there would be enough time to stop at both Bow Street and Borth stations without changing the existing timetable.  
Cllr Carol Bainbridge informed members that the lottery funded musical board has been installed at the playing fields.  She is however querying the charge of £265 + vat for the removal of waste. Cllr Bainbridge, as a mental health committee member will attend her first meeting at Glangwili on the 12th March. She has also applied for temporary road closure for the 2018 carnival procession.
Cllr Gwenllian Ashley is waiting for completed forms to reapply for the Speed Watch Scheme.
376.  Cllr Quant said that the road to the Animalarium cannot go ahead until the ditches have been cleared by NRW and that Ceredigion County Council are attempting to clear blocked pipes under the old Civic Amenity Site. The Clerk was asked to send a letter to Carol Fielding of NRW.  Dr Cadman has received a reply from CCC in respect of his letter of complaint about speeding through the village. Cllr Quant has received a quotation for repair works to Borth War Memorial which he will submit to the War Memorials Trust for funding.
377.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.43pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 9 April 2018 to include Boat Park, Annual Report, Welsh Language Scheme and Community Survey.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.                                                                                         
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