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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - February 2018

Present:    Chairperson:                          J Hulse
                                                               G Ashley                                                         
                                                               C Bainbridge
                                                               R Dalton                                             
                                                               S Jones           
                                                               N Salmon                                                                    
                                                               M J Willcox    
In Attendance:  Clerk:                           M Walker
                         County Cllr:                 R P Quant 
                                                               6 Members of the Public. 


292.  Cllrs M Griffiths, J James, G B Jones and Cllr W J Williams.        


293. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting. 


294.  Cllr Hulse welcomed Mr Iwan Foulkes to the meeting.  Cllr Mike Willcox began by updating everyone present with the situation to date. Mr Foulkes liaised with James Maddox of Welsh Water in December and was provided with a copy of the plan of works and the statutory notice.  However, no notice was served on the car park to which Cllr Quant commented that when Dwr Cymru made contact about the proposed sewerage works he reported it to the Council.  It was agreed they could use the car park as a compound on a similar basis to Bam Nuttall, whereby on completion of their contract they leave the car park surface in a reasonable state.  Bam Nuttall had filled in the potholes using grit.  He had also reported that the installation of a new rising main is of major importance to the community and it was agreed they could route the new rising main under a designated route across the playing fields on the basis they reinstate the playing field surface to an acceptable standard.  Mr Foulkes is requesting compensation of £300 per week for use of the car park, £4625 easement payment and a request that the area be reinstated in full.

He will now proceed to get 3 quotes for the works. Mr Foulkes also confirmed that an undertaking has been provided by the Statutory Undertaker in relation to the payment of his Land Agency fees in respect of this particular matter.


295.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 8 January 2018 as being a true record.


296.  Borth Internal Ditch Drainage.  Minute 252.  Ongoing.


297.  One Voice Wales.  Details of a consultation and a request for views on a draft guidance to help local authorities produce local toilets strategies. The aim of is to improve planning of provision of toilets available for use by the public by ensuring each local authority in Wales assesses the needs of its community in relation to toilets.

298.  One Voice Wales.  Agenda for the Ceredigion Area meeting to be held on the 24th January 2018 in Penmorfa.

299.  Ceredigion County Council.  Notification that the amount due for election costs for 2017 is £162.30.  This sum will be deducted from the 2018/19 precept.

300.  One Voice Wales.  Details of a consultation with the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs on proposals to tackle crime and poor performance in the waste sector by raising the standard of operator competence across all permitted waste sites, reform the waste exemptions regime and introduce a fixed penalty notice for householders who fail to transfer their domestic waste to an authorised waste carrier or waste site.

301.  One Voice Wales.  Details of a government lawyer vacancy at Welsh Government and a vacancy for a finance officer at the Welsh Revenue Authority.

302.  Ben Lake.  A letter of introduction as the Member of Parliament for Ceredigion.

303.  Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales.  The LDBC have completed the first stage of their review of the electoral arrangements for the County of Ceredigion.  Draft copies of the proposals are available for Councillors.

304.  One Voice Wales.  Details of the latest guidance received in relation to the General Data Protection Regulation. Actions to comply with the regulations must be completed by the 25th May 2018.

305.  One Voice Wales.  Details of a Bee Friendly’ scheme which seeks to help protect struggling pollinators via a series of easy measures. It is also an accreditation scheme from the Welsh Government with successful projects being able to call themselves a ‘Bee Friendly’ area or village or town (similar in nature to the Fairtrade Town idea).

306.  Welsh Government.  An invitation to attend an engagement event at one of five locations.

307.  One Voice Wales.  A request to make reference to the Borth Action Plan as a means of sharing good practice in the Community Engagement training module.

308.  Donation Requests.  Samaritans, Ceredigion YFC, Theatr Felinfach and Tenovus Cancer Care.  All donations will be considered at the March meeting of Council. Borth Scouts Group has also sent in a request for financial assistance to help with the cost of the rent of the Community Hall.

309.  One Voice Wales.  The first version of the Future Generations Framework.

310.  Bridgend Coalition of Disabled People. Information on a petition put together which has already picked up 1700 online signatures and a request for the Council’s support calling for premises in Wales to be awarded an Access Certificate depending on how accessible and disabled friendly they are.

311.  One Voice Wales.  The January 2018 edition of the news bulletin.

312.  Natural Resources Wales.  Details of drainage rates for 2018/19 in respect of agricultural land and buildings within the district.

313.  Council Dinner.  A thank you letter from County Cllr Ray Quant for the kind invitation to the Council dinner.

314.  One Voice Wales.  A Welsh Language Newsletter.

315.  Welsh Government.  Details of the new Land Transaction Tax and Landfill Disposals Tax in Wales which replaces the Stamp Duty Land Tax and the Landfill Tax.

316.  Wales Audit Office.  Details of a Code of Audit Practice Consultation 2018.

317.  Planning Aid Wales.  Information on a free planning training at Penmorfa on the 28th February.  Cllr Dalton to attend.

318.  One Voice Wales.  Following the publication of the draft Annual Report of the IPRW for 2018/19 it is incumbent on community and town councils to consider including a sum in their budget for the likely cost of payment of allowances to councillors. At present it is not possible to categorically state that the determinations contained in the draft annual report which will be approved by the Panel and will not be known until February 2018.

319.  Playing Fields.  An acknowledgment from Playdale Playgrounds Ltd for the order of one musical panel for the playground at a total cost of £2146 + vat.  A lottery grant of £2000 was received towards the purchase of the item.  The company are requesting a deposit of £1287.60 including vat. Members resolved to pay the amount of £1287.60 being half the total cost.

320.  Ceredigion County Council.  An online link to the Local Access Forum Annual Report 2016-17.

321.  Dr P Cadman.  A letter concerning speeding through the village and a request for a 20mph speed limit.  Cllr Quant said he had attended several meetings with Dr Cadman to discuss speeding and the difference between Borth and Talybont  is that the primary school in Talybont is on a trunk road. However, Dr Cadman argued that they have 20mph limits on all the other roads in Talybont. The Clerk was asked to send the letter from Dr Cadman to Technical Services and request a site visit from a representative of Highways.


322.  Balance of Accounts at 13 January 2018
         Nationwide                                                                            29,460.46
         Community Acct                                                                        500.23
         Business No Notice Acct                                                      30,527.22
         Deposit Account                                                                     3,334.25
323.  Income    
         Community Acct - rent of land at Ger y Don                            100.00
         Business No Notice Acct – lottery grant                                2,000.00
324.  Expenditure
         Libanus 1877 –council dinner x 5 guests                                   175.85
         TME Electrical -put up and take down Xmas tree lights           312.00
         Cartridge Save Limited-printer paper                                          28.81
         M Walker-salary 464.06, off exp 19.71                                     483.77
         Playdale Playgrounds Ltd – equipment                                  1,287.60


325.  Application for Full Planning Permission.

A180019.  Demolition of existing utility, bathroom, store and garage.  Build new extension including new utility, bathroom, sun-room, bedroom and study. Re-model ground floor of existing house. Meirion, Borth.  Cllr Dalton declared an interest and left the room.  No Objections.

A180058.  Two storey extension.  Gwel Afon, Ffordd y Fulfran, Borth.  No Objections.


326.  Winter advice on Japanese Knotweed (JKW) for residents

  • Check your property to see if you have any Japanese Knotweed.
  • It can cause structural damage to your property, penetrating weaknesses in walls and asphalt, it can significantly reduce your property value and may affect your ability to obtain a mortgage.
  • Clear dead stems November to February/March to allow access for treatment and leave on site to dry and burn.
  • It is easily spread by small fragments, ensure no fragments, stems or roots are taken off site or from the garden, don’t take it to the Household Waste Site. If the stems are in grass and you mow the areas, place clippings on a sheet and allow to dry then burn on site, do not burn within 10m of watercourses
  • Get ready to treat in the growing season
  • There is a Y Borth Community Council Community Advice leaflet for Japanese Knotweed at http://borthcommunity.info/index.php/236-community-council/982-knottweed-important-information

We will be visiting residences near to where JPK may occur, sharing our leaflet with owners who did not previously receive a copy or need a further copy. We have two qualified people in the community who can come and stem inject the Japanese knotweed for you at a rate of £5 per hour in the growing season.  Let us know if you are interested in this and even if you may have difficulty affording this please also let us know.


327.  Mr Robert Griffiths has submitted a quotation of £1200 + vat for the 2018 grass cutting season and remains the same as 2017.  Members asked for a separate one off quotation for a cut to the following 3 areas: the path that runs alongside the playing fields to the car park opposite Brynowen, the boat park and the triangular section at Ynyslas turn and for these areas to be included in the annual grass cutting contract.  The Clerk was asked to contact Mr Griffiths for an amended quote for the 2018 grass cutting season


328.  Cllr Hulse prepared the following report:   Flood Volunteer Wal​es Network Event took place in Borth. We attended the event and gained good information from the National Flood Forum, British Red Cross, Wales Council for Voluntary Action and Natural Resources Wales who hosted the event. It was also useful to meet the professional services that work in our area in an emergency from Ceredigion County Council Resilience to Fire Service. We’ve made contact with Flood Wardens in Talybont and Dolybont and we will be meeting to share ideas and keep in closer contact. We held a drop in opportunity in the evening for the community and were pleased to see people come and speak to us and the National Flood Forum about insurance, property protection. They showed us products and do at home ideas.   The product that raised the most interest was ‘alternative sandbags’ a keep dry in your cupboard option TILL needed. Key leaflets and information shared by email and Facebook.  Feedback from the event by NRW has been shared with Community Wardens.

Flooding summary Sunday 21st January 2018

  • Lots of rain and very high levels of surface water
  • Borth was flooded in several places, deep water in places on the High street with drains unable to cope.
  • ​Upper Borth several residences swept out and protected by sand bags, 1 flooded
  • Fire Brigade assisted at road behind the Nisa, parts of Cae Gwylan and Heol Aberwennol. The Fire Brigade and Police helped in Glanwern, digging to divert surface flood water, sand bags installed by Network Rail as water was coming off their land.  Thank you very much for your help.
  • Very deep/unpassable water by the golf club
  • River breached on Borth side by the fjord. Borth Animal Kingdom moved animals to safety and clear up undertaken
  • Caravan occupied near to river by Animal Kingdom vulnerable
  • Some sandbags were delivered to Cae Gwylan
  • Drains on Ffordd y Fulfran were blocked. Some needed boards at curb, sandbags were delivered and three drains were cleared by CCC.
  • Water extended into the bottom of some gardens in Ynyslas due to the temporary embankment that Welsh Water created, encouraging a large volume of water to river.  Monitoring stations in Dolybont and Talybont show a distinct spike in river levels. 


  • Some didn't get river Leri Flood Warning
  • 1st email not blind copied, several wardens used email to share information back – ideal
  • Need more Community Wardens on Cliff Road, Francis Road, Cliff Drive, Clos Winifred, Heol Aberwennol, plus the lane near Brynrodyn
  • A reminder to all to drive with care through deep puddles of surface water for your safety, your car and to reduce the water surges that then occur that drives the water towards household properties increasing their chances of flooding.
  • Borth was cut off in Glanwern and by Borth Golf Club, residents from Ynyslas would not have been able to drive through the water to the evacuation centre, the constant flooding by the golf club needs addressing by Ceredigion County Council.

An interim Borth Community Council Annual Report has been completed and is ready for community circulation. It will be updated again in April. We hope the report raises awareness of our work, encourages feedback and builds pride in what we achieve together with the community. We sent the Annual Report 2017-18 for consideration in the One Voice Wales Innovative Practice National Awards 2018 for Best Annual report.

We had a very enjoyable Annual Dinner at Libanus, Borth in January.  Community Councillors pay for their own meals. We did invite 5 guests to thank them for their ongoing work and commitment in the Community.

Two people have alerted us to the Coastal Communities Fund. Funding of between £50,000 and £300,000 is available for projects that will support the economic development of coastal communities in #Wales. biglotteryfund.org.uk/ccf  #CCFwales


329.  Cllr Margaret Griffiths sent in a report in her absence. She mentioned the flooding at Rosa Davies’ property in Glanwern. The fire brigade were called on Sunday 21st January and on the following Sunday British Rail brought her 8 Sand Bags and managed to save her flooding again. Cllr Griffiths is quite concerned . Cllr Griffiths asks whether the Council or British Rail is responsible.  There is more fly tipping in the woods on Lon Goed and as you turn down from Cilolwg Cross roads just before the bend on Lon Goed the road has given way on you right hand side and Elfed Lewis wants to know what is happening to the Flag Pole. Cllr Quant said that the suppliers no longer sell the base to the existing flagpole therefore Cllr Stacy Jones volunteered to cost a replacement for the whole unit.

Cllr Dalton informed members that the next PACT meeting would be held on Thursday 8th February. A Family Centre meeting has also been arranged and if a lottery grant application is unsuccessful then there would ultimately be a reduction in services. Cllr Dalton asked for another defibrillator training session. The Clerk was asked to contact Cllr Bryn Jones to organise a suitable date with Glan Davies and to ask Bryn to check the defib batteries and pads.  Cllr Dalton mentioned that there is a weak point opposite Pebbles down to the Premier as the stones on the beach have moved following recent tides and that there appears to be far less opposite the Premier and more opposite the old garage site.  Cllr Dalton was asked to write a letter to CCC voicing her concerns.

Cllr Bainbridge­ gave an update on a recent Community Health Council meeting. She has been re-elected as a governor to Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa.  She gave a brief update on a recent meeting held at Penweddig with the leader of the Council etc and details of Borth Scarecrow Festival which runs from April 20th to the 23rd.

Cllr Stacy Jones gave an update on a recent Dyfi Biosphere meeting she attended. Cllr Jones suggested including a pie chart of the Council’s budget in the annual report. Cllr Jones mentioned a roll out of 2MinuteBeachClean boards in the county of Pembrokeshire in conjunction with Keep Wales Tidy. 

Cllr Willcox informed members that Welsh Water has paid money owed to the Football Club. Members asked whether the enforcement officer had visited the old Hennighans shop following reports that the owner was living on the premises. The Clerk advised that the enforcement officer had paid a visit after a complaint from a member of the public about the flue pipe.  Cllr Willcox mentioned caravans parked up by the silver bridge and that the area was a complete mess with gas bottles thrown into the river. It was pointed out that this was not Animalarium land. Cllr Quant said he would report the matter to the enforcement officer.

Cllr Salmon has cleared the car park of empty bottles which had been dumped despite room in the bottle bank.  The dumping of rubbish is also a problem and Cllr Salmon was asked to price a sign asking people to dispose of their rubbish in the bins provided.  Due to recent high winds rubbish left out was blowing around the village. Litter pickers and hoops have been stored at the YHA in the past and if this is not the case at present BCC will contact Rachel Mills to ask whether she can supply a few for the community.  Cllr Salmon is extremely concerned at the amount of dog mess on the pavements and referred to an article by Rhondda Cynon Taf where a total of £10000 has been issued to irresponsible dog owners in the areas since the rules came into force a few months ago.  Cllr Ashley referred to a company called 3GS who provide services to help tackle day to day issues such as dog fouling. Members resolved to contact the company.


330.  Cllr Quant referred to the flooding from the leat on the lane running alongside the NISA and advised that NRW are to clean the leats.  Ben Lake MP is to pursue the matter further. He gave a brief update on the water retention on the road to the Animalarium and advised that drainage works would be carried out once the water had subsided. Cllr Quant said that stronger recycling bags would be available to householders once the current supply had been used and the parking review is still ongoing.


331.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.49pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 5 March 2018 to include Donation Requests, Welsh Language Scheme, Dogs, Sandbags and Public Participation in Meetings. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.                                                                                         

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