Coastal Defence Progress Pictures March 2011

Elizabeth Alice Johnson, Civil Engineer, Royal Haskoning. Carefully monitors the groynes construction.

The Geotextile Membrane is manoeuvred into position. 2nd March 2011

Rock armour being unloaded, ready for excavator grab to lay in position on the base of the groyne.

Albert John A Davies, Clerk of Works, Ceredigion County Council. Carefully observing procedures.

Selected size rock armour being placed in position. 2nd March 2011

Excavators postion a roll of geotextile membrane onto the groyne base. 2nd March 2011

Birth of No 1 groyne. View 1 from Helicopter with kind Permission A JA Davies CCC

Birth of No 1 groyne. View 2 from Helicopter with kind Permission A JA Davies CCC

Birth of No 1 groyne. View 3 from Helicopter with kind Permission A JA Davies CCC

Rock groyne 1 waiting for large size rock armour to finish

Rock groyne 1 waiting for large size rock armour to finish

Starting ground base work on Breakwater 2

Removing sediment in preparation for base work.

In background tipping sediment, foreground moving rock armour.

Lorry being loaded with sediment for removal

Moving off beach for the night.

All moving off beach for the night

Eleven Pictures Taken from an Helicopter Kind Permission CCC

Kind Permission CCC

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Kind Permission CCC

Kind Permission CCC

Barge "Charlie Rock" moored offshore at Aberystwyth awaiting rock delivery.

As above with kind permission of CCC and Ray Jones, Bam Nuttall

Start of Causeway it will grow out to sea in the coming weeks. 25th March 2011

Rock mover reverses onto the causeway.

James Jones Traffic supervises and controls the procedure.

Mover tips rock at the head of the causeway.

It’s capped off to protect the causeway from tides, until work commences the next day.

Rock mover returns for another load.

Work still proceeding on Groyne No 1 and Breakwater No 2

The Causeway will go out to the Multi-Purpose Reef, and then be removed when completed.

Fine sunny day for James today, not so nice when its windy and raining.

Kind Permission CCC

Kind Permission CCC

Kind Permission CCC

Hefin Davies Local Driver from Borth

Keith Hughes, Gwilym, Matt of Bam Nuttall

Kind Permission CCC

Kind Permission CCC

Kind Permission CCC

10:00am 30th March 2011 Barge "Charlie Rock" & Barge Loaded with rock in mist 5km out

1:30pm Can now see Rock carrying Barge on the right and "Charlie Rock" on left has moved out

Tug waiting for when required

Kind Permission CCC

30th Mar 2011 Causeway growing out to sea daily

More materials arrive daily to build the Causeway

Kind Permission CCC

The start of the base work for groyne No2
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