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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - November 2016

Present:   Chairperson:             C Bainbridge
J Hulse
R Dalton
M Griffiths
J James
G B Jones
L Moore
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance: Clerk:                                   M Walker
County Cllr:                                                  R P Quant
                    2 Members of the Public.  
186.  Cllr G Ashley and Cllr N Salmon.
187.  Dr Carol Fielding and Mike Bailey of NRW attended the meeting to discuss areas of concern within the village.  The viewing platform at Ynysas proved dangerous and will hopefully be replaced in the next financial year.  They have also grazed sheep on the land for the past three years between October and March as there appears to be fewer rabbits around.
A discussion on the leat followed with Dr Fielding informing the Council that ditches and leats cannot be cleared without first seeking permission and a protected species licence from NRW.  Cllr Williams mentioned the build up of sand on the Dyfi Estuary. Mike Bailey responded by saying that even if the sand were cleared it is highly likely to return within a 12 month period.  Dr Fielding referred to a potential project on the bog costing in the region of £4 million over a period of 4 years. She asked for community involvement and it was suggested that a community engagement evening could be held in the public hall.
188. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  
189.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 3 October 2016 as being a true record.
190.  Common Land.  Minute 156. Ongoing.  
191.  Ceredigion County Council.  A copy of the Service Level Agreement for public conveniences cleaning for the period 1 November 2016 – 31 March 2017 for signing by the Chair of Council.  Members resolved to sign the agreement.  
192.  One Voice Wales.  Welsh Government is to establish a National Infrastructure Commission for Wales to provide an independent and expert advice on strategic infrastructure needs and priorities and is holding a public consultation that invites stakeholder views on how the commission could be set up and run.  
193.  One Voice Wales.  An online link to the One Voice Wales Annual Report 2015-16.  
194.  Pensions Regulator.  A letter confirming that declaration of compliance has been duly completed.  
195.  Ceredigion County Council.  Details of a consultation on the Welsh in Education Strategic Plan 2017-2020.  
196.  One Voice Wales.  Agenda for the Ceredigion Area Meeting on the 19th October and minutes of the last meeting.  
197.  Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue.  An invitation to provide views on their proposals for improvement within their Draft Corporate Plan 2017-2022.  
198.  One Voice Wales.  A copy of the Welsh Government’s “Welsh Treasury” news.  
199.  One Voice Wales.  A request from Bethan Jenkins AM to take part in a consultation to help decide which inquiry the Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee should investigate next.  
200.  Ceredigion County Council.  An invitation to send Council representatives to meet with the Leader of the Council to discuss matters of current mutual interest at Rhydypennau Hall on Monday 14th November at 6.30pm.  Cllr Griffiths agreed to attend the meeting on behalf of the Council.  Issues raised prior to the meeting will be e-mailed to CCC and will include overnight camping of motorhomes, caravans etc along the seafront, dog warden and forward the letter from Dr Cadman in respect of speeding traffic on Clarach Road.  
201.  One Voice Wales.  The Independent Remuneration Panel Draft Annual Report 2017/18 has now been published and is available on the website with section13 relating specifically to Community and Town Councils.  All comments are to be made by the 28th November.  
202.  Ceredigion County Council.  A timetable and details of a review on the Rights of Way Improvement Plan.  One suggestion was a cycle path between Borth and Ynyslas.  
203.  One Voice Wales.  Details of a range of consultancy services provided by fully qualified professionals.
204.  Mid Wales Healthcare Collaborative.  Dates of forthcoming community meetings to discuss the future of healthcare in Wales.  
205.  Donation Request.  Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod 2017 and Gwyl Cerdd Dant Llandysul a’r Fro 2017.  
206.  One Voice Wales.  Details of vacancies for the post of research officers at the Public Policy Institute for Wales.  Details of a review of the National Standards for the Community Health Councils and an online link to a survey being carried out by Ageing Well in Wales in partnership with Living Streets and the Centre for Ageing and Dementia Research to look at the walkability of neighbourhoods across Wales.  They are keen to hear from older people about their neighbourhoods and how easy it is to walk around, and identify any barriers.  
207.  One Voice Wales.  Details of a vacancy for an Electoral Commissioner for Wales.  
208.  Ceredigion Community Safety Partnership.  A questionnaire for completion for an Assessment of Crime and Disorder related issues within the community.  
209.  Natural Resources Wales.  A query from NRW on the ditch clearance in the vicinity of the playing fields and level crossing.    
210.  Speeding on Clarach Road.  A letter from Mr Cadman in respect of speeding along Clarach Road and in particular where there are no pavements. The Clerk was asked to forward the letter to the Leader of the Council for her response when meeting with representatives of Council at Rhydypennau Hall on Monday 14th November.   
211.  Ecodyfi.  A list of forthcoming events.  
212.  One Voice Wales.  The Culture, Welsh Language and Communication Committee are undertaking an inquiry into ‘the Welsh Government’s new Welsh Language Strategy. Information on the inquiry and how to submit written evidence is available on the Committee’s website.  
213.  One Voice Wales.  The Welsh Government is currently working on Cymru’n Cofio Wales Remembers 1914-1918’s Programme 2017 brochure and is appealing for events which could be featured in the publication.  Commemorative events are taking place across Wales and beyond and there is an electronic form to complete if the Council would like to an event to be considered for publication in Programme 2017.  
214.  Ceredigion County Council.  An advertisement for Carers Rights Day which is being held on the 16th November. 215.  Clerks and Councils Direct.  The monthly magazine for Councils.
216.  Balance of Accounts at 13 October 2016          
Nationwide                                                                      29,226.05          
Community Acct                                                               4,634.72          
Business No Notice Acct                                                30,130.19          
Deposit Account                                                               3,192.89 
217.  Income        
Deposit Account – gross int to 2/6/16                                     0.55        
Deposit Account – gross int to 1/9/16                                     0.56
218.  Expenditure
Borth Branch RBL – Remembrance Day wreaths                 54.00          
One Voice Wales – Understanding the Law course              35.00
Ceredigion County Council – pest control work                    15.86
M Walker salary – 460.06, off exp 7.99                               468.05
BSPFA – electrical works to community hall                    1,494.00
Robert Griffiths – grass cuts                                             1,320.00
J James & Co – dog walk cuts                                            264.00
T D Williams – cutting trees by Capel Soar railway            288.00         
 219.  None.
220.  Deferred until the next meeting.
221.  Cllr Bainbridge gave a brief update on the first speed watch carried out recently. The Community Engagement Evening was a success and in particular information on a pump track. The Family Centre have decided to include a pump track in their lottery grant application and it was suggested that the land by It’s a Gift would be the most suitable.  Cllr Bainbridge referred to a recent meeting which Cllr Quant attended in respect of the planning application for 2 x pumping stations at Ynyslas.  Cllr Bainbridge suggested holding the annual “Xmas Dinner” in January and it was agreed to contact Boulders for suitable dates. The 6pm train from Machynlleth no longer stops at Borth.
222.  Cllr M Willcox.  The storm boards have been put in place and Cllr Willcox asked whether Council had any objection to him approaching some residents to take over the task in future.  Council had no objection.
Cllr R Dalton.  Fly tipping of builders waste has been seen at the southern end of Borth beach. Cllr Dalton is in contact with Rhys Evans of CCC who has visited the site. The next PACT meeting has been arranged for 1st December. Cllr Dalton informed members that a defibrillator has been installed at Ynyslas Visitors Centre and another at the Golf Club. 
Cllr B Jones.  The third defib session has been arranged for the 22nd November.
Cllr J James.  There has been another accident on Brynbala bend and more fly tipping on Clarach Road.
Cllr J Hulse.  On the 14th October a flood alert was issued for Ceredigion coast, they didn't foresee issues at Borth.  The situation was monitored daily by NRW and no issues were reported.   ?Cllr. Mike Willcox put the storm boards in as a precaution.? David Lewis from Ceredigion County Council has contacted us asking if there is anything we would like to discuss with Emergency Planning or NRW before onset of the wet weather season.  Contacted all flood wardens asking if there is anything they would like to know or raise about emergency planning, flood alerts/information, our flood plan, flood wardens, option to have a pre-Winter flood wardens meeting.  Checking the emergency plan for a major snow event (e.g. Borth 1982 with 3m high drifts and cut off for nearly a week) was a good idea that came back. Feedback was sent back to Natural Resources Wales on the flood warden guide they shared with us, NRW have thanked us for our time and valuable feedback.   They will discuss all the comments and prepare some actions. They also asked our view on what could be done for overnight tourists and any potential language barriers.  We could also consider if there are flood plans/information in welcome packs/means of passing messages on at local hotels/B&Bs/Guest Houses/Airbnb, are proprietors on the flood wardens list? Cllr Hulse attended the community engagement evening in Borth on 19 October and participated in the community speed awareness morning.
Cllr M Griffiths.  Cllr Griffiths was concerned that on the evening of the 31st October outside business premises she overheard a conversation which indicated that there was a drug deal taking place.  This was being carried out whilst young children were enjoying Halloween. Cllr Griffiths called the police.   Cllr Quant said he would follow this up.
Cllr Billy Williams.  He has been quoted £300 for this years’ Christmas tree from the forestry.  However, his supplier has agreed to look at other options.  Members resolved to pay up to £150 for the tree.
223.  Cllr Quant gave a brief mention about Rent Smart Wales which applies to landlords with rented properties. He gave a brief update on the alternative route to the church.  The Remembrance Day service will be held on Sunday 13th November at St Mathews Church and a British Legion Concert on the 16th November at the Community Hall. Cllr Quant gave a brief update on a meeting he attended in respect of dog issues and members resolved to ask him to obtain quotes for signs.
224.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.40pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 5 December 2016 to include Dogs.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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