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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - January 2016

Present:   Chairperson:       J Hulse
C Bainbridge      
J James
G B Jones
L Moore
N Salmon
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance:      County Cllr:     R P Quant
  Clerk:    M Walker
                                 2 Members of the Public.  
300.  Cllr G Ashley and Cllr R Dalton.
301.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  
302. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 7 December 2015 as being a true record.
303.  World War 1 Centenary.  Minute 256.  Ongoing.  
304.  Defibrillators.  Minute 257. The first training session has been confirmed with approximately 15 names put forward.  
305.  Knotweed.  Minute 258.  Ongoing.  
306.  Community Priorities.  Minute 294. Ongoing.  
307.  Council Dinner.  Minute 295.  The Council Dinner will be held at the Victoria Inn on the 21st January and all three guests have accepted an invitation to attend.
308.  One Voice Wales.  Information on how details of the Publication of the Positive Planning Implementation Plan can be accessed online.  
309.  Buckingham Palace Garden Parties.  One Voice Wales has been allocated 30 invitations to be split between three dates (10th, 19th and the 24th May 2016) and all nominations must be received by the 15th January 2016.  
310.  Welsh Government.  A written statement by Leighton Andrews AM, Minister for Public Services on Transparency of Senior Remuneration in the devolved Welsh Public Sector.  
311.  One Voice Wales.  Details of a new consultation on the Proposed New Management Measures for the Scallop Fishery in Cardigan Bay.  
312.  Ceredigion Community Safety Partnership.  A questionnaire for completion by the 1st February for the Ceredigion Crime and Disorder Strategic Assessment 2016.  
313.  One Voice Wales.  Information from Natural Resources Wales on what to do before, during and after a flood.  
314.  New Year 2017 Honours List.  Nominations are being sought for the Queen’s New Year 2017 Honours List no later than 29 January 2016.   
315.  Elin Jones AC/AM.  The latest news bulletin from Elin Jones AM.  
316.  One Voice Wales.  An invitation to attend a Welsh Government Engagement Event on the Draft Local Government (Wales) Bill and Explanatory Memorandum.  The objective of the Draft Bill is to complete the programme of Local Authority mergers and set out a new and reformed framework for Local Authority democracy, accountability, performance and elements of finance.  
317.  Welsh Government.  Details of a vacancy for a Vice-Chair and Independent Members to NHS Wales.  
318.  Art Project.  An e-mail has been received from Alec Hajinoff detailing an art project on climate change and asking to speak to someone to discuss the benefit to Borth.  Cllr Bryn Jones has responded.  
319.  Keene & Kelly.  A copy of the licence allowing Borth Community Council to continue placing the litter bin, refuse and recycling material from the Community Hall on the land to the front of West End House which is in their ownership.  
320.  Hywel Dda Health Board.  Details of an Engagement Event at Aberaeron Memorial hall on the 19th January 2016  
321.  Donation Requests.  Ceredigion YFC and Y Tincer.   322.  Ceredigion County Council.  CCC has received an enquiry as to whether it would be possible to have a bus shelter at the entrance to Cae Gwylan.  Members agreed to look into funding opportunities.  
323.  Wales Audit Office.  December newsletter.
324.  Balance of Accounts at 13 December 2015          
Nationwide                                                                               28,946.75          
Community Acct                                                                         1,039.44          
Business No Notice Acct                                                          33,039.50          
Deposit Account                                                                         3,050.72 
325.  Income          
Business No Notice – gross int to 3 Dec 2015                                 4.80  
326.  Expenditure.          
Helen Williams – spare keys to Family Centre                               14.40          
Lorraine Moore – 3 oil radiators for Family Centre                         78.30          
Post Office Ltd – PAYE Oct, Nov, Dec                                         108.00          
M Walker – salary  537.30, off exp 6.48                                       543.78          
J Hulse – Xmas Tree for St Matthews Church Service                    8.50
327.  No planning applications.
328. The Clerk distributed up to date expenditure and balance figures up to the 3Ist December 2015 together with a financial plan for 2016/17 which was presented and discussed in detail by Cllr Quant. It was resolved to budget as follows for the financial period 2016/17.
Clerks Salary                                                                                       6,950.00
Office Expenses                                                                                     300.00
Clerks Gratuity Fund                                                                              140.00
Insurance                                                                                            1,850.00
Chairpersons Allowance                                                                        200.00
Maintenance                                                                                       3,255.00
Winter Maintenance                                                                              400.00
Amenities – Hall Revenue                                                                  6,000.00
Community & Arts Facilities                                                               2,400.00
Donations                                                                                           1,000.00
Miscellaneous                                                                                       500.00
Contingency                                                                                       1,000.00
Audit Fee                                                                                               450.00
Toilets adj to RNLI – winter opening                                                  4,500.00
Total:                                                                                              £28,945.00    
329.  It was resolved to approve the budget and to set the precept at 65% which amounted to £18,814.25.  
330.  The first class in Borth has been scheduled for the 20th January 2016 and will be an art class taken by Helen Ingham. The Clerk was asked to put flyers in the noticeboards and shops.  
331. A copy of the letter was distributed amongst members.  Cllr Mike Willcox asked Mr Davies to name the person he was referring to in the letter but he declined.  The decision to discuss the matter during the public meeting or go into closed session was put to the vote. Members resolved to go into closed session at the end of the meeting with all members present voting for.  (Cllr Salmon had left the meeting early due to a prior engagement).  
332.  Joy Cook made the New Year Honours List for voluntary service to the community in Borth receiving the British Empire Medal (BEM). A new section has been set up on the Borth website set up by Graham Taylor for Borth Community Information notes, three notes are now present, ‘Planning training’, ‘Leats, Leri and outfalls’ and ‘Land ownership’. Cllr Hulse has updated the Borth Community Council Community Survey action plan to include updates from Councillors at the December meeting.  
The Action Plan and the summary results are also now in a new section on the Borth Community website. She has responded to Business Transformation Consultation on the Library Service, Council Tax and Grants payable to external organisations based upon what was agreed in the December Council meeting.
Cllr Hulse has looked through and considered the Draft Local Government (Wales) Bill on Reforming Local Government in relation to Community Councils, and suggests the Council puts it is an agenda item for February to discuss any response we may give.
Borth Community Council Christmas Tree for the Nativity and Christmas Tree services was placed in St. Matthew’s Church on 13 December.  The theme of Borth Community Councils Christmas tree was Stars, from the Star that shines over Bethlehem to the stars that shine over Borth and Ynyslas and a message was read out by Cllr Carol Bainbridge. The Council Dinner taking place at the Victoria Inn has been planned for January 2016.  Councillors all pay for themselves. Borth Community Council is pleased to invite Margaret Griffiths, Roy and Jo Jones as their guests. Facebook posts including recycling post-Christmas, electrical recycling day, defibrillator training, Ynyslas breastwork repairs, WEA courses, flood awareness advice, WW1 film shows, St. Matthews Christmas services, what’s on events, Joy Cooks BEM, Ynyslas whale, Christmas tree disposal.  
Cllr Hulse also informed members that the County Council will pick up discarded Christmas Trees for £1.50.  A Volunteer Flood Warden Event has been planned for the 28th January 2016 in Llandudno which the Chairman hopes to attend. Members resolved to pay mileage/travelling expenses.
333.  Cllr James has concerns about the level of parked cars on the road outside the crematorium.  
Cllr Quant said he would speak to the Highways department.  
Cllr Williams has noticed that the chevron signs by Brynbala are bent and that he has concerns that motorists driving down from Cliff Road are not stopping before joining the main road.
Cllr Willcox has been told that oil appears to be seeping from the ground on the old Leri Garage site. Cllr Quant said he would ask the Environment Dept to visit the site.  
Cllr Willcox gave an update on the New Year’s Eve event at the Community Hall and whilst all tickets had been sold and there was no trouble a large sum of money had been stolen on the night.  The organisers had hoped to make a substantial donation to the Community Hall.  
Cllr Jones informed members that the signage pole at the bottom of Cliff Road had fallen down.
Cllr Bainbridge advised that the gate and one of the footpaths on the Dyfi Ynyslas Nature Reserve was shut due to recent dog attacks on sheep and that one sheep was unfortunately killed. Cllr Hulse said she would put a notice up on the noticeboard at Ynyslas.  
Cllr Salmon had to leave the meeting early and left notes in relation to a complaint she had received from a member of the public. The complaint refers to the failure of the owners of the wooden cabin by the level crossing to the Church to repair the fence along the ditch which had been removed to gain access to the site for delivery of building materials.  The complainant also has concerns that cars are finding it difficult to turn their vehicles around by the level crossing due to parked cars and are having to reverse around the corner by the chapel house and turning in a residents’ driveway.  Cllr Salmon feels that the issue will resolve itself now that building work has been completed on the wooden cabin.  
334.  Cllr Quant confirmed that the works to the breastworks at Ynyslas had begun.  
335.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 21.08pm following a proposal to go into closed session.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 1 February 2016 to include Reforming Local Government and Grass Cutting Tenders. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.   
336. The Chairman gave a brief update of matters to date from the initial complaint to removal of the waste from the site. A letter from a member of the public was considered and following a discussion it was resolved that as it was difficult to clearly attribute blame to any one person for waste deposited on the Common Land over many years that Borth Community Council would not take any further action. It is confirmed that the land has been secured and Natural Resources Wales approved the action taken by Borth Community Council and that the issue has been satisfactorily resolved.  It should be noted that no clubs or local groups have been detrimentally affected by any costs incurred by clearing the land.  Members of the public were invited back into the meeting where they were informed of the outcome of the closed session.  
337.  The meeting closed at 21.39pm.
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