Minutes - November 2014
Present: Chairperson: L Moore
G Ashley
R Dalton
J Hulse
W J Williams
M J Willcox
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker 3 Members of the Public.
194. Cllrs C Bainbridge, M Griffiths, J James, G B Jones and Cllr S Rees-Williams.
195. Apologies were received from Matt Richards of BAM Nuttall. Aaron Tucker attended in his absence along with Alistair Macmillan from Royal Haskoning. Aaron gave an up to date progress report. Groyne 1 and 2 are now completed, breakwater 3 is almost complete together with 40% of the breastwork. 6000 cubic metres of clay and peat has been excavated. Work is soon to begin on the Golf Club boundary fence. Vibration monitoring levels are very low and works are on schedule for completion towards the end of February. The Chairman thanked both for attending and asked that thanks to given to Bam Nuttall for donating 4 new noticeboards to the village.
196. PCSO Harriet Bermanski introduced herself though she was not the PCSO for the Borth area. Cllr Moore spoke about the problems highlighted at the last meeting regarding some youngsters and said she would give Harriet details of the complainant. Cllr Willcox said that the football stand had been subjected to some vandalism. The issue of speeding at Ynyslas was raised and the PCSO suggested installing speed boards. She said she would pass on all the information to the PCSO responsible for the Borth and Ynyslas area. The Chairman thanked her for attending.
197. Mr Iwan Cray, County Commander for Ceredigion with responsibility for Carmarthen, attended the meeting to give a brief outline of the work done as a service and how they intend to move forward. He handed out printouts of the Services’ Strategic Plan for 2015-2020 and their Annual Improvement Plan for 2015-16. The First Responder Scheme was briefly mentioned whereby a member of the public would attend a medical emergency until an ambulance arrives. The Chairman thanked Mr Cary for attending the meeting.
198. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting. Cllr Moore reminded members and the public that all mobile phones should be switched off during the meeting.
199. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 6 October 2014 as being a true record.
200. World War 1 Centenary. Minute 163. Ongoing.
201. Borth Car Park. Minute 164. Ongoing.
202. Dog Control Orders. Minute 165. Ongoing.
203. Community Emergency Plan. Minute 188. Dealt with under Councillors Responsibilities.
204. Bus Stops/Shelters. Minute 189. Cllr Hulse said she would prepare an advertisement for the noticeboards requesting tenders for cleaning and maintenance work.
205. National Resources Wales. An invitation to a steering group meeting on “Dyfi Tidal Flood Risk Management” at 2pm on the 5th November in Borth Community Hall.
206. Cambrian Terrace. A reply to the e-mail sent in respect of the street lighting columns on Cambrian Terrace. Ceredigion County Council wrote to explain that there is no time frame for the replacement of the lights although they are looking for possible solutions. Current financial constraints are also limiting the possibilities. County Cllr Quant has spoken with Highways and has requested 1 or 2 temporary columns. Arriva are also considering placing a spotlight outside the station.
207. Polling Stations. Ceredigion County Council is currently undergoing a full review of all polling districts and polling places. All comments to be made by Friday 14th November 2014.
208. Roger Haggar. An e-mail from Mr Roger Haggar asking the Council for the £500 promised to Llandre Heritage to improve the access road to St Matthews Church via the Animalarium. See minute 157/ 2nd September 2013.
209. One Voice Wales. Details of a link to the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales Annual Report 2015/16.
210. Electoral Services. Electoral services are currently recruiting temporary canvassers from October to December in order to deliver and collect Household Enquiry Forms throughout the County to assist the compilation of the Register of Electors within Ceredigion.
211. Snow Clearing Services. A copy of the advert that is to go into the local press calling for expressions of interest to be included in the list for 2014-15. 212. Ray Ceredigion. A copy of the SMP report on the play area following the installation of equipment. Also a letter asking whether the Council would be interested in funding some 2 hour play session during 2015. Members asked the Clerk to request details of the age group and approximate figures of the costings involved.
213. Temporary Road Closure. The section of highway C1031 at Talybont will be closed on the 10th December for works to overhead power lines.
214. Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Authority. An invitation to provide views on their Draft Strategic Plan 2015-20 and their Draft Annual Improvement Plan 2015-16.
215. Ceredigion County Council. A document outlining the draft “policy” budget proposals and a timetable of public meetings with the Leader, Chief Executive, Councillors and Senior officers to discuss the Council’s budget for 2015-16.
216. Balchder Pentrefi. A request to sign a record sheet confirming that advice and assistance has been provided to the Community Council.
217. One Voice Wales. Information on the Welsh Governments consultation on Gypsy and Traveller site accommodation guidance.
218. Welsh Government. An advertisement for the post of a new Children’s Commissioner for Wales.
219. Donation Request. Stroke Association in Wales. This will be considered at the March 2015 meeting of Council.
220. Other Correspondence. Clerks and Councils Direct.
221. Balance of Accounts at 13 October 2014
Nationwide 28,881.12
Community Acct 5,613.04
Business No Notice Acct 31,780.40
Deposit Account 2,908.64
222. Income
Nationwide – gross int to 1 Sept 6.80
Deposit a/c – gross int to 5 June 0.50
Deposit a/c – gross int to 4 Sept 0.51
Community a/c – Wales Audit Office 30.00
223. Expenditure. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
Llandre Heritage – donation 500.00
M Walker – clks salary 530.87
Royal British Legion-poppy wreath 52.50
224. Planning Permission Refused.
A140663. Renovation and conversion to form commercial/residential accommodation. Adj Leronian, High Street, Borth.
225. The Chairman handed over the keys of the new noticeboards to the Clerk. It was resolved to replace the 3 in the village and place the fourth at Heol Aberwennol. Members resolved to ask Paul Walker to do the work up to a maximum payment of £500.
226. Cllr Bainbridge asked for the following to be read out in her absence. The Borth Family Centre Lottery Day was a huge success and Cllr Bainbridge wished to thank all those who attended. The Centre is now in a position to employ more people and extend the range of their activities. Carnival Donation evening is on the 8th November. Cllr Bainbridge also provided a list of seating prices for benches in various towns. Cllr Ashley gave a brief update on the Balchder Pentrefi project and advised that a concrete bench directly in front of the sculpture needs to be moved. It was agreed to ask the RNLI to assist. Cllr Williams has placed an order for the Christmas tree which will be delivered on the 1st December. Cllr Willcox raised the issue of parking of mobile homes. Cllr Quant said he would look at the legal position. Cllr Hulse gave a brief update on the Community Emergency Plan and the meeting held with the flood wardens on the 20th October. Paper copies and hard hats will be distributed to each warden. Cllr Hulse asked for flood warden volunteers to come forward for the Upper Borth area. She also discussed a text system for ease of contacting everyone and it was resolved to buy the system at a cost of £10.
227. Cllr Quant spoke briefly about the LDP review recently carried out. He has also asked for clarification from Ceredigion County Council in respect of the issue of sandbags this year. Cllr Quant suggested purchasing about 100 sandbags from Mount Trading. He also gave a brief update on the issues raised within the Youth Club at Borth and thought the building could be passed on to the Family Centre. Cllr Quant referred to a meeting of the Dyfi Tidal Flood Risk Management Strategy Steering Group on 5 November 2014 at 2pm in Borth Community Hall to which he was invited. He also reminded members that the Remembrance Day Service would be held on Sunday 9th November.
228. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 8.50pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 1 December 2014 to include a visit by Bam Nuttall. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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