Minutes - April 2013
Present: Chairperson: M Griffiths
G Ashley
C Bainbridge
R Dalton
G B Jones
L Moore
W J Williams
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
3 Members of the Public
334. Cllr J M Lawrence, Cllrs J Hulse, J James and M J Willcox.
335. Cabinet member, County Cllr Alun Williams and Mr Paul Arnold, assistant director of infrastructure services, attended the meeting to discuss the seasonal closure of the toilet block opposite the TIC. Cllr Williams said that Ceredigion County Council had to make savings of £12 million across different departments over the next 4 years and that £150000 had been cut from the public conveniences budget. It had been decided to close one of the toilet blocks in Borth for 5 months between November and March. Members aired their thoughts in respect of how it would affect commuters arriving by train as a destination point as Borth Railway Station had no public toilets, surfers, bus drivers, Blue Flag Status, Coastal Path, and a Biosphere area. Mr Paul Arnold calculated that Borth Community Council, if they made the decision to keep the toilet block open all year round and take over the running costs for the 5 months, would need to contribute £5600. This payment would be made to CCC who would carry out the service as normal. It was agreed before making any decision to speak to a representative of Arriva Trains Wales during the gala event at the Railway Station on July 6th to ask whether they would be prepared to contribute a sum of money to the Council to keep the amenity open. The Clerk was also asked to write to Mid Wales Travel to ask whether they would also be prepared to contribute as their drivers are quite often seen to stop to use the conveniences. If Borth Community Council decides to keep the toilet block open all year round then an option would be to include the sum in the precept for next year. The Chairman thanked Cllr Williams and Mr Arnold for attending the meeting.
336. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
337. It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 4 March 2013 as being a true record.
338. Flood Awareness Action Plan. Minute 306. Ongoing.
339. Balchder Pentrefi Application. Minute 307. It was agreed that Cllr Jones meet with Cllrs Ashley, Bainbridge and Lawrence to look for an alternative site.
340. Boat Park. Minute 308. Ongoing.
341. Animalarium. A letter accepting full responsibility for any Public Liability damage which may be caused by the advertising board opposite Brynowen. Mrs Mumbray also mentions that the ditches from the railway crossing down to the Animalarium are overgrown and blocked since the June floods.
342. Flooding concerns at Borth. A copy of an e-mail sent from Rhodri Llwyd of Ceredigion County Council in response to a letter from Ms Ann Budge.
343. Donations. Thank you letters from Wales Air Ambulance, Age Cymru Ceredigion, Cruse Bereavement Care, Citizens Advice Bureau and Capel y Garn Cemetery.
344. BDO. Notice of the annual audit for the year ending 31 March 2013. The notice of appointment of date for the exercise of electors’ rights must be displayed for 14 days from 6 May 2013 to 19 May 2013. The accounts and other documents must then be made available for 20 working days from 20 May 2013 to 17 June 2013. It is the duty of Borth Community Council to submit a copy of the annual return and supporting documentation to the auditors by the audit date of 18 June 2013. It was agreed to make the accounts available to the public at the Community Hall on Thursday 30th May 2013 between 5.00pm and 8.00pm.
345. Ceredigion Rural Housing Enabler. A letter from Rhydian Williams explaining his role as the rural housing enabler for Ceredigion.
346. Came & Co. The Spring 2013 edition of “Parish Matters”.
347. One Voice Wales. Details of a link to a new regeneration framework “Vibrant and Viable Places”.
348. One Voice Wales. Details of a joint OVW and SLCC Training Seminar on the 17th April 2013 at the Liberty Stadium, Swansea.
349. Ceredigion Coast Path. Details and dates of workshops on “Ceredigion Coast Path – Are we getting the most from it?”
350. Ras yr Iaith 2013. A request for a financial contribution towards a relay race for the Welsh Language.
351. Ceredigion County Council. An invitation to attend a meeting with the Leader of Ceredigion County Council and the Chief Executive to discuss matters of current mutual interest on Wednesday 24th April at 7.00pm at Rhydypennau Hall. Cllrs Margaret Griffiths and Cllr Lorraine Moore agreed to attend.
352. SSE Renewables. Nany y Moch Wind Farm project update. A decision has been made to delay submission of the planning application at present.
353. Ecodyfi. A notice advertising two positions on the Snowdonia National Park Authority.
354. Tai Ceredigion. April 2013 issue of the magazine.
355. Borth Rowing Club. A request to support their application to Ceredigion County Council for funding towards the purchase of various items of equipment. The Clerk was asked to send a letter of support.
356. Public Services Ombudsman for Wales. A supply of information booklets for the public on how they can complain to the Ombudsman about a public service provider.
357. One Voice Wales Training. Details of a workshop on “Understanding the Law” at Park Lodge Hotel on the 17th April at 6.30pm.
358. “The Big Lunch”. Details of the fifth annual event on Sunday 2nd June.
359. Play for Wales. Issue 39 of the Spring 2013 magazine.
360. Wales Rural Observatory. A questionnaire for the Wales Rural Observatory Services survey for 2013 for completion by Monday 15th April 2013.
361. St Mathews Church. A letter requesting financial support towards the repair of the electric organ. The Chairman, Cllr Margaret Griffiths declared an interest and left the room. Cllr Bainbridge, vice chair, took over as chairman. Members resolved to donate the sum of £600 with 5 votes for and 1 abstention.
362. Balance of Accounts at 13 March 2013
Nationwide 2,8870.70
Community Acct 500.07
Business No Notice Acct 14,480.31
Deposit Account 2,624.80
363. Income
Business No Notice Acct – gross int to 28 Feb 2013 2.54
Community Acct – 20 x £6 for the sale of Jubilee Mugs 120.00
364. Expenditure. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
One Voice Wales – 2013/14 membership 212.00
Transfer from Business No Notice a/c to Deposit a/c 140.00
Viking – stationery supplies 27.18
Post Office Ltd – PAYE for Jan, Feb & March 192.80
M Walker – clerks salary 514.20
St Mathews Church - donation 600.00
365. Application for Planning Permission Withdrawn
A130036. Erection of a three storey and a single storey rear extensions and alterations. Tyrol House, High Street, Borth.
366. Cllr Griffiths had visited Brynowen recently and enquired as to how they intend to police the all year round occupancy on the few caravans which have been given planning consent. Cllr Moore said that the caravan site was displaying signs which led you to believe that the whole site has all year round occupancy. Cllr Quant said he would speak to the planning enforcement officer. It was also mentioned that Brynowen had been cutting trees and that the branches had fallen into the leat. Cllr Quant to follow up.
367. Cllr Bainbridge asked whether there was an update on the 50 caravans over the allocated amount allowed on the site at Searivers. The Clerk was asked to write to the enforcement officer for an update. Cllr Bainbridge asked, following a query from a member of the community, for clarification on the proposed amendment to the traffic regulations in Borth. Cllr Quant said that the TRO’s had not yet been published in the Cambrian News. Cllr Williams informed members that a young girl from Borth had overturned her car on Clarach Road recently and admitted to police that she had been speeding. Cllr Ashley read out a breakdown of costings for the gala event on July 6th at Borth Railway Station. The total amount to date is £2668. Cllr Ashley was concerned that the new railings at the foot of Clarach Road appeared unfinished. The contractors have not finished the painting and caps have not been fitted onto the bolts which have already begun to rust. Cllr Quant to follow up. Cllr Jones asked the Clerk to write a letter to Borth United Football Club congratulating them on their recent win in the Emrys Morgan Cup final. Cllr Jones commented on the poor surface of the new tarring on Clarach Road. Cllr Quant said he would follow up.
368. Cllr Quant said that a copy of the Dyfi Flood Risk Management report would be delivered to the hall this week. Cllr Quant has asked for the leat from the railway crossing to the Animalrium to be cleared. Cllr Quant said that the new proposed Traffic Regulation Orders for Borth had been approved by Cabinet. The Local Development Plan comes before cabinet on Tuesday 9th April 2013. Cllr Quant informed members that next PACT meeting has been arranged for 7th May 2013.
369. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.05pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 13 May 2013 to include the AGM. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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