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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - June 2010

Present: Chairperson: J M Lawrence
    C Bainbridge
    M Griffiths
    F Hitchings
    J Jones
    AJ Morris
    J Owen
    W J Williams
    R Wyatt
In Attendance: Clerk: MC Walker
    9 Members of the Public
42.  County Cllr Ray Quant, Cllr Bryn Jones and Cllr M Teasdale.
43.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting. 
44.  It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 10 May 2010 as being a true record.
45.  It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Extraordinary Council meeting held on 17 May 2010 as being a true record.
46.  Borth Sea Defences.  Minute 4. A report was read out under County Councillors responsibilities.
47.  Information Board.  Minute 5. Ongoing.
48.  Bus Campaign.  Minute 6.  Cllr Lawrence read out a press statement for the Cambrian News prepared by Cllr Hitchings.  Members agreed that Cllr Hitchings should proceed with going to press.
49.  Boat Park.  Minute 7.  Cllr Wyatt gave details of costings for a sign for the boat park. It was resolved to pay up to £50 + VAT for the sign.
50.  Public Services in Ynyslas.  Minute 8. Ongoing.
51.  Code of Conduct.  A personal copy of the Code for the Clerk.  Further copies for members can be downloaded from the website.
52.  Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Authority.  A copy of the Draft Annual Action Plan for 2011-2012.
53.  One Voice Wales.  Copies of the latest edition of “The Voice”.
54.  Friends of Borth Fire Service.  A request for a further allocation of £5000 towards building costs.  Cllr Margaret Griffiths declared an interest and left the room.  It was agreed that the Clerk should write a letter advising that the Council fully supports the Fire Brigade and that Cllr Bryn Jones was willing to advise on grants etc and hope that they were successful in an application for funding.
55.  Morris & Bates.  A thank you letter for delivering the signed leases to the office.  Mr Huw Bates will compete both civic amenity site rent and landfill site rent simultaneously.
56.  One Voice Wales.  Details for the 7th Conference and AGM of OVW to be held on Saturday 9th October at Pontrhydfendigaid.
57.  Nant y Moch Wind Farm Development.  A request to place posters inside the community notice boards advertising a series of Public Exhibitions between the 16th and 19th June in various locations.
58.  Ceredigion's Roadside Verge Reserves.  Information on the location of the roadside verge reserves and why they are designated.
59.  Shelter Cymru.  An invitation to attend a free event in Lampeter University on 25 June 2010 to celebrate the successes of the “Information matters to rural communities project”.
60.  Donations Requests.    Samaritans and NSPCC. All donation applications will be considered at the March 2011 meeting.
61.  Public Services Ombudsman for Wales.  A proposal for a common complaints system for public services providers in Wales. All responses must be received by Friday 23 July 2010.
62.  Mrs Celia Matthews.  A letter asking the Council to take action over the abandoned car opposite Cae Gwylan.  The Clerk reported that she has contacted CCC.
63.   Balance of Accounts at 13 May 2010
Nationwide 29,991.90
Community Acc (previously known as Treasurers Acct) 500.04
Business No Notice Acct 24,385.15
Deposit Account 2,340.50
64.   Income

HM Revenue & Customs - VAT refund 09/10 966.50

65.   Expenditure.  It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
Came & Co - Council Insurance 1,837.29
Paperway - Petty Cash Book 32.91
HMRC - tax & NI cont 314.64
M Walker - Clks sal 466.32, off exp 16.17 482.49
66. Planning Permission Granted. A100182.  Erection of first floor extension.  Swn y Wylan, Brynrodyn Lane, Borth.
67.  Cllr Frank Hitchings referred to an e-mail from Anthony Gedge of the Cambrian News. It was agreed to defer this item until the next meeting.
68.  Cllr Lawrence expressed her concern that the jet skis were too close to the shore and that the beach officer and beach hut were not in place prior to the Whitsun Bank Holiday. The Clerk was asked to contact the County Council.
69. Cllr Wyatt – Coronation Path only cut once this year. She asked whether it would be possible to have another cut before the next meeting. Cllr Williams volunteered to cut the grass. Cllr Wyatt also mentioned “illegal” signs on the fences opposite the exit from Brynowen Holiday park. The Clerk was asked to enquire with CCC as to the positioning of the signs. Cllr Williams – 2 abandoned wheels dumped on the road by Ty Du Farm – contact fly tipping department at Ceredigion County Council.  Cllr Wyatt – building rubble illegally dumped on main car park opposite Brynowen – contact fly tipping department at CCC.  Cllr Bainbridge raised the issue of speeding at Ynyslas. The issue will be raised at the next PACT meeting on Wednesday 9th June.
70.  Cllr Quant sent a copy of his report to the Chairman in his absence which Cllr Lawrence read out at the meeting. A copy of the report was distributed to all members:
Madam Chairman
Unfortunately I am unable to attend 7 June meeting as I have to meet with Lampeter Town Council to discuss highways issues. Can I ask that a copy of this report is distributed to each Councillor as a matter of record?
I report there will be a public exhibition of the planned coastal defence scheme in the hall on 14 and 15 June between 1400 hrs and 2000 hrs. Notices have been posted on the Council notice boards and information is posted on the newly launched Borth Community Info website. Whilst a public notice will also appear in the Cambrian News, it would be helpful if Councillors inform others of the exhibition because the detailed design team will be on hand to answer questions at the exhibition. It is important the local community has a good appreciation of the design because we will soon be into the planning application phase as we continue to make progress on what is a very tight schedule with the Borth coastal defence scheme. During the week I am in daily contact with the coastal defence team, who are working diligently on many issues because there are so many different stands to the scheme that will lead to planning, tenders and the key appointment of a quality contractor, able to do his utmost to deliver the construction phase during the autumn and winter months, which could be quite an onerous task. Please inform others updates will be posted on the website.
Had I been at the meeting I would have raised the following under the County Councillor report: With your permission I make the following observation.  Past convention has been the minutes of the AGM held in May are considered for accuracy at the June meeting and then formally adopted at the following AGM. The reason being that unlike some AGM’s the Borth Community Council AGM agenda includes an item which invites questions from members of the general public and under the current procedures no record will be available for 12 months, to confirm whether or not questions have been properly recorded as a record for prompt follow up action.
Under current procedures no record of the May 2010 AGM Minutes will be available until May 2011, therefore I wish to question whether or not the Community Council considers there are any follow up actions or comment arising from the question by Mr Biggs, who during his delivery asked the Clerk to minute his comments?  My recollection of his question and subsequent comments is restricted to his specific questions on beach matters: Mr Biggs asked ‘what does the Council intend to do about the dog ban?’  I would be interested to know which Council he was referring to, was it Borth Community Council or Ceredigion County Council?  Mr Biggs went on to say ‘the dog ban was un-enforceable last year and he has counted 90 dogs on the beach since the 1 May and the signage for the ban is not acceptable’.  Mr Biggs then said ‘the two people prosecuted for walking their dogs on the beach last year were pensioners’ and asked ‘is the ban for locals or for everybody?’  He said ‘it is not fair to prosecute people from the village’. Cllr Hitchings commented there needs to be more effective signage which clearly states the penalties for taking dogs on the beach. Cllr Owen commented that when the Dog Control Orders were introduced in February 2008, Ceredigion County Council had a duty to erect signage which explained the Orders, why they are there and what the consequences are; this has not been done.  Cllr Wyatt made reference to a sign opposite Louie Delahey which is illegal because it was in situ before the DCO’s were introduced and is no longer valid. 
I can confirm that I have progressed the issue of having more prominent signage at the access at the bottom of Clarach Road and the Slipway.   
Following the report from Cllr Quant there was some discussion by members regarding signage and the approval of the AGM minutes. It was agreed to discuss the issue of signage when Cllr Quant is in attendance.
71.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 20.20hrs. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on 5 July 2010  to include Bardsey Project and Footpath Maintenance. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.   
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