Minutes - May 2012
Present: Chairperson: M Griffiths
C Bainbridge
J James
G B Jones
J M Lawrence
L Moore
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance: Clerk: M Walker
3 Members of the Public
1. County Cllr Ray Quant.
2. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
3. It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 2 April 2012 as being a true record.
4. Flood Awareness Action Plan. Minute 382. The Clerk advised the committee that the meeting scheduled for Monday 16th April had been cancelled.
5. Extension of Playing Field Area. Minute 383. Ongoing.
6. Land to the Rear of Sea Breezes. Minute 384. See correspondence.
7. Boat Park. Minute 385. Agenda item next month.
8. Dogs. Minute 386. After a brief discussion it was resolved to order 1000 copies of the dog fouling notice for distribution to all the homes in Borth and Ynyslas and all caravan sites. It was agreed to include the information map of Borth showing the dog ban area between 1 May and 30 September. Cllr Bryn Jones volunteered to contact Mrs Heddwen Pugh Evans for a Welsh translation and members resolved to pay up to £300 for the translation and the printing of the leaflets.
9. Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Mugs. Minute 387. The jubilee mugs have been delivered to the Clerk’s address. Councillors agreed to visit Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa to distribute the mugs to the children and to begin a register of all children aged 11 years and under for distribution of the remaining mugs.
10. Balchder Pentrefi Application. Minute 388. Cllr Bryn Jones showed a plan of the seating sculpture and read out a letter from CCC informing the Council that the application for funding of £9230 has been awarded subject to certain conditions within the contract. Members resolved to remain supportive of the Balchder Pentrefi Scheme and Cllr Jones asked the Chairman to sign two copies of the contract as per request.
11. Ceredigion County Council. An application from Mr Owen Morgan Jenkins of Gwedd Ynys, Llancynfelin, Machynlleth, to amend the Rights of Common Register in relation to the rights of common over part of common land CL071 known as Wernleri Common, Borth.
12. Street Parking in Borth. Letters of objection from two Borth residents in respect of the amendment to street parking.
13. Dog Fouling. A letter from a resident of Ynyslas addressing the ongoing issue of dog fouling on Borth and Ynyslas beaches.
14. Olympic Torch Relay. An update on the arrangements for the relay.
15. Donation Requests. Spinal Injuries Association.
16. Clerks & Council Direct. May 2012 edition of the magazine.
17. Ceredigion County Council. An invitation to the Chairman and Clerk to attend the County Council’s AGM at Penmorfa on Friday 25th May at 7.00pm followed by an informal reception at the Feathers Hotel at 8.00pm.
18. One Voice Wales. Details of a consultation on proposals for a Sustainable Development Bill.
19. Morris & Bates. The Clerk has received from the Solicitors a draft transfer together with engrossment for signing by the Chairman and the Clerk.
20. One Voice Wales. Details on a consultation for a Sustainable Development Bill.
21. Balance of Accounts at 13 April 2012
Nationwide 28,867.81
Community Acct (previously known as Treasurers Acct) 500.76
Business No Notice Acct 9,751.39
Deposit Account 2,623.86
22. Income
Landfill Site & Civic Amenity Site Rents (6 monthly payment) 4,616.50
Nationwide – gross int to 1 March 2012 0.72
Business No Notice Account – gross int to 1 Dec 2011 0.43
Business No Notice Account – gross int to 1 March 2011 0.43
Precept 2012/13 16,943.55
VAT refund 2011/12 266.09
23. Expenditure. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
Viking – stationery 55.32
M Walker – clks salary 504.40, off exp 20.00 524.40
24. It was resolved to authorise the amendment of the cheque payable to “Diamond Jubilee Mug Offer “ from £730.30 to £733.80 and to amend the payee to Communicorp. The variation in the amount payable was due to non calculation of VAT on postage and packing.
25. Cllr Mike Willcox suggested storing Council files in a lockable cabinet in the Community Hall for safekeeping. The Clerk will contact the chair of the Hall Committee to enquire whether it would be possible to store the files on their premises.
26. Application for full planning permission.
A120214. Retention of alterations and renovations to the Victoria Inn and associated flat. Victoria Inn, High Street, Borth. No objection.
A120231. Application for removal or variation of a condition. Retention of caravan site on 545, 45a, 46, 84, 119, 120 and 121 to allow year round use. Brynowen Holiday Park, Borth. Cllr Lorraine Moore declared an interest and left the room. Borth Community Council has grave concerns at the proposed change of conditions which could lead to numerous permanent residencies who have the added benefit of exemption from payment of council tax. In addition Borth Community Council note that the proposed sites fall within previous candidate sites for the Local Development Plan put forward by the applicants.
A120287. Extension to the existing shed to create a larger storage area for caravans and park maintenance equipment and the demolition of an existing store nearby. Searivers Caravan Park, Ynyslas. No objection.
27. Nothing to report.
28. The following responsibilities were allocated to the following Councillors:
C Bainbridge One Voice Wales and Children’s Playground
M Griffiths One Voice Wales
J James PACT and Police Matters
G B Jones Internal Auditor and PACT
J M Lawrence School Governor and Dyfi Biosphere representative
L Moore Transport
M J Willcox Fire, Council Representative on the Hall Committee, Internal Auditor and Dyfi
Biosphere representative
W J Williams PACT and Police Matters
Cllr Lawrence is concerned that the street bins are overflowing at times and are not emptied on a regular basis. The Clerk said she would make enquiries as to when the bins are contracted to be emptied.
Cllr Bainbridge has written to Arriva buses for clarification that they are to continue to provide a bus service. Cllr Bainbridge gave a brief update on the last PACT meeting which included a break in at the toilets at St Matthews Church, speeding and graffiti.
Cllr Williams asked Councillors to be vigilant if they saw parked cars on Clarach Road.
Cllr Mike Willcox said that Borth Fire Brigade would be sending a letter of request for financial assistance in the near future.
Cllr Willcox is concerned that some groynes on the beach are very sharp and that the beach in general needs to be tidied up. It was also said that the outfall pipe is not safe. The Clerk will contact Cllr Quant to ask whether this work will be done by BAM Nuttall on completion of the coastal defence scheme.
Cllr Moore mentioned that the steps opposite the Surrey Café are broken.
Cllr Bainbridge asked for a list of Councillors responsibilities be displayed in the public notice boards.
29. Nothing to report.
30. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.00pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 11th June 2012 to include the Boat Park. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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