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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - May 2010


Present: Chairperson: J M Lawrence
    C Bainbridge
    F Hitchings
    G B Jones
    A J Morris
    J Owen
    R Wyatt
In Attendance: Clerk: M C Walker
  County Cllr: R P Quant
    5 Members of the Public
1.  Cllrs M Griffiths, Jo Jones, M Teasdale and Cllr W J Williams.
2.  To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting. 
3.  It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 12 April 2010 as being a true record.
4.  Borth Sea Defences.  Minute358. Cllr Quant gave an update under County Councillors report.
5.  Information Board.  Minute 398. Cllr Morris has looked at a possible site for the second information board opposite the Sea Horse Inn. The board could be sited in the middle of the four flag poles which would allow the flags to be lowered without any damage to the board. 
6.  Bus Campaign.  Minute 399.  Cllr Hitchings said that the next step in this campaign is to go to press. He said he would bring draft letters and a press release to the next meeting for consideration. 
7.  Boat Park.  Minute 400.  The Clerk had distributed a notice for the boat park, prepared by Cllr Wyatt, to all members prior to the meeting. It was agreed to have a large sign erected which Cllr Wyatt would cost. The Clerk said she would place a laminated sign inside the notice board.  Cllr Wyatt asked that a letter be sent to Mr Shaun Grattan asking him to remove the mower and boat not in use from the boat park.
8.  Public Services in Ynyslas.  Minute 423. Ongoing.
9. Plant Dewi.  A request for a letter of support from the Council for an application for funding from the Lottery.
10. Nant y Moch Project.  As a consultation body, Borth Community Council has been asked by the   Infrastructure Planning Commission for any comments on the proposed wind energy development in the vicinity of the Nant y Moch Reservoir.  Comments by 14 May  2010.
11. One Voice Wales.  A request for up to date details of the two council representatives.
12. Biosphere.  A request to nominate a representative to the Dyfi partnership.
13. Ceredigion Local Access Forum.  A copy of the 2009 Annual Report.
14. Borth Landfill Site and Civic Amenity Site.  Engrossed lease in duplicate for signing and return to Morris and Bates Solicitors.  The Lease now includes a tenant only break clause on the tenth anniversary of the term as previously agreed.
15. Ceredigion County Council.  An invitation to the Chairman and Clerk to attend the Annual Meeting of Council at 7pm on Friday 21st May followed by an informal reception at The Feathers Hotel, Aberaeron. Also an invitation to the Chairman and partner to a Civic Service at Penyparc Chapel on Sunday 27th June at 2pm.
16.  Public Services Ombudsman for Wales.  The Ombudsman had decided not to investigate a complaint against a member of Council.
17. Shelter Cymru.  An invitation to attend a free workshop on Tuesday 25th May in Aberystwyth.
18. Talking Newspaper.  Details of an Open Day at St Paul's Methodist Centre on the 29th May at 1.30pm.
19. Dyfi Valley Biosphere. Information on a project aimed at promoting a series of footpaths and multi-user paths within the Dyfi Biosphere. They are running a series of drop-in events between the 10th and the 27th May for information from the public on which paths and access routes should be prioritised to be improved and promoted as part of the project. 
20. Allianz Insurance PLC. The administration of the Council insurance has been transferred to the Local Council Team within Aon.  The premium for this year is £2280.28. Members asked the Clerk to contact One Voice Wales for contacts for alternative Council Insurance.  This item will be included in the EGM on Monday 17th May when the Clerk would provide an update.  
21. Clerks and Councils Direct.  The May issue of the monthly magazine was made available to Councillors.
22. BDO Stoy Hayward.  The Audit date for year ending 31st March 2010 has been set at 20 August 2010 which means that that the annual return and all supporting documentation must be sent in for audit by that date. The notice of appointment of date for the exercise of electors rights must be displayed for 14 days between 5 July 2010 and 18 July 2010. The records must then be made available from 19 July 2010 to 13 August 2010.  The date for the public rights of inspection has been set for Thursday 22nd July 2010 between 5.00pm and 8.00pm and will be held in the Community Hall.
23. Ceredigion County Council.  A questionnaire for completion following the meetings held in October last year when the Leader and the Chief Executive met with member of Council. 
24. Local Development Sites.  An executive summary of candidate site assessment.
25. Other Correspondence.  Kompan Playground brochure.
26. Balance of Accounts at 13 April 2010
Nationwide 29,991.90
Community Acct (previously known as Treasurers Acct) 500.60
Business No Notice Acct 793.55
Deposit Account 2,340.50
Deposit Account - Gross Interest to 3/12/09 0.38
Deposit Account - Gross Interest to 4/3/10 0.38
Nationwide Account - Gross Interest to 1/3/10 0.84
Borth Landfill & Civic Amenity Sites 8,000.00
Precept - 2010/11 16,239.60
28. Expenditure. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
M Walker - Clks salary 472.08, off exp 3.84 475.92
FBA - second information board 928.25
Borth United Football Club - donation 1,500.00
29. The Clerk distributed copies of income and expenditure figures to each Councillor for the period 1 April 2009 to 31 March 2010.                  
30. Application for Full Planning Permission.
A100239.  Formation of vehicular access to replace existing. Cae Tink, Glanwern, Borth.  Observations: If Ceredigion County Council is minded to approve this application then they should ensure that the existing access is re-instated with hedgerow.
31. Planning Permission Granted.
A100101.  Erection of an extension.  7 Cae Gwylan, Borth.
32. Planning Permission Refused. A090209.  Car Jet Wash. Borth Launderette, West End, Main Road, Borth.  APPEAL LODGED.
33. Nothing to report.
34. Cllr Hitchings gave a brief report on the BSPFA AGM held on 29th April 2010. Cllr Wyatt commented on the rubbish on the lane behind her house. Cllr Lawrence volunteered to speak to Derek at the NISA to ask whether he would be willing to supply a bin outside the shop. Cllr Hitchings suggested only having one presentation during a Council meeting and not two as in the previous month. Cllr Bainbridge raised the issue of an illegal sign written on a plastic water bottle on the Golf Club Car Park.  The Clerk was asked to send a letter to the Golf Club and CCW.
35. Cllr Quant gave a detailed update on the coastal defence scheme.  He reminded the meeting of the £7M Convergence and WAG match funding scheme and which has to be spent by 31 March 2011, therefore with only 11 months remaining it is time critical.  However many issues have to be overcome before the construction phase can commence.  He explained the stringent European procurement rules and procedures the Council has to adhere to.  He explained that 17 contractors had expressed an interest in tendering for the construction contract and had submitted pre qualifying questionnaires; these had been scored and the top 7 have been selected to go forward to bid for the contract.  However before the 7 successful applicants can be informed it is necessary to contact the 10 unsuccessful contractors after which there is a 10 day standstill period, should any of the unsuccessful applicants wish to challenge their scoring.  In the event of there being no challenges the 7 successful contractors will be invited to complete and submit their bids.  We expect it to be July/August before we can formally appoint a contractor because before appointing any contractor we must be an approved scheme that has received full planning permission.  The Council has engaged a number of sub contractors who are carrying out various assessments and applying for licenses.  Furthermore there has to be consultation with statutory bodies such as the Environment Agency, CCW, Community Council and the general public.  Cllr Quant advised the Council there will be an opportunity for up to 3 members to participate in a visit to the physical modelling tank testing at Wallingford.  He will provide further information once a date is known.  He also explained they are seeking 2 options for the construction of the multi purpose coastal defence reef being Geotex sand filled bags or a rock construction.  He gave details on the proposed action for the lower breastwork and the intention to remove the wooden groynes in the construction works area because previous computer modelling was based on a clear beach and compared with the proposed detailed design plan.  Furthermore, Ceredigion County Council are not prepared to take the risk of leaving old groynes in place which in later years may result in accidents and subsequent legal action. 
36.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 21.17hrs.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on 7 June 2010  to include the Bardsey Project. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.   
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