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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - September 2011

Present: Chairperson:               A J Morris
C Bainbridge
G B Jones
J Jones
L Moore 
G Lewis
W J Williams
M J Willcox 
In Attendance: County Cllr:        R P Quant 
    Clerk:                 M C Walker
6 Members of the Public
107. Cllr J M Lawrence.
108. Mr Ray Jones thanked the Council for the invitation to address the meeting. He issued each member with a progress report and gave a brief update. The works are set to complete at the beginning of December. The next progress report is due in November.
109. Ms Sue Dalton and Mr Ianto Thomas attended the meeting to discuss their suggestion to erect a statue of King Gwyddno in time for the sea defence completion. They have researched various ideas and options and Mr Ray Jones of Bam Nuttall has enough groynes remaining for their use. Cllr Ray Quant has looked into planning permission and found that permission was required for a sculpture on the beach unless it is on Community Council land. The majority of people who have expressed an interest would like to see the sculpture erected near the Tourist Information Centre or along the stretch of beach in a southerly direction. Members agreed that any piece of work should represent Borth and that a sculpture should incorporate the memory of the existing groynes. The Council fully supported the idea and asked both Sue and Ianto to keep them informed of any developments.
110. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting. 11. The standards Committee have met and granted Cllrs Anthony Morris and Michael Willcox dispensation to speak but not vote in respect of proposals by Borth United Football Club.
111. It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 4 July 2011 as being a true record.
112. It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting held on18 July 2011 as being a true record subject to amending Minute 105 which should have read that “Borth Community Council were the landowners” and not the leaseholders. Also “Cllr Morris proposed that Borth Community Council should pay any expenses incurred in making the application” was said prior to Cllr Morris declaring an interest and leaving the room. Members proposed to accept the amendments.
113. Borth Sea Defences. Minute 64. Ongoing.
114. Flood Awareness Action Plan. Minute 65. Ongoing.
115. Extension of Playing Field Area. Minute 66. The Chairman gave a brief update under Minute 155.
116. Information Boards. Minute 67. The Clerk confirmed that the amended board had been replaced outside the RNLI station. Cllr Quant is hoping that the BAM Nuttall noticeboard on the promenade can be left and used for the Borth information map when work is completed on the coastal defence scheme.
117. Beach Signage. Minute 68. Ongoing.
118. Community Council Noticeboards. Minute 92. Ongoing.
119. ROSPA. An annual inspection report of the children’s playground. It was agreed to ask why the copy of the report mirrored last years report before making payment. County Cllr Ray Quant, Cllr Lorraine Moore and the Clerk arranged to meet on Tuesday 6th September at 10.00am to discuss the contents of the report.
120. Dyfed Powys Police Authority. A request to display a notice in relation to the inspection of the Audit of Accounts for year end 31st March 2011.
121. Mrs Mary Brown. A letter in respect of the state of the boat park.
122. One Voice Wales. Agenda for the Annual Meeting held on 13th July 2011.
123. Local Development Plan. Additional and Corrected site allocation representations consultation.
124. Ceredigion County Council. Details of a consultative meeting with the Leader and the Chief Executive at Talybont Hall on 11 October 2011 at 7.00pm. Cllrs Bainbridge and Jo Jones volunteered to attend.
125. Ray Ceredigion. A copy of the timetable for the Council’s information.
126. Planning Services. Powys and Ceredigion County Councils are carrying out a review of their Planning Services and are looking for ways to improve the service for everyone’s benefit. 
127. Ceredigion County Council. A request for a grit bin on Clarach Road has been rejected due to low score in the scoring system used.
128. Highways Winter Maintenance. An update on a recent meeting held with members of community councils together with a copy of the scoring system used by the authority to identify the roads most critically important to the majority of road users in Ceredigion and the cost of purchasing salt bins and salt.
129. Council Vacancies. The Clerk has displayed public notices in the noticeboards advertising two casual vacancies for Councillors in Borth. A follow up letter confirming that the electoral officer had not received a written request for an election and the vacancy can be filled by the Council as soon as possible.
130. SSE Renewables. The planning application for the proposed Nant y Moch wind farm has been delayed until November 2011.
131. CAVO. Details of a project to utilise village halls to their full potential in order to generate more income to keep community facilities open.
132. Royal Horticultural Society. Details of the Britain in Bloom campaign.
133. Hywel Dda Community Health Council. Details of the Health Board’s Five Year Plan and a new involvement and engagement scheme to give staff and local people an opportunity to have their say in how local health services are planned.
134. Donation requests. The following requests will be considered at the March 2012 meeting of Council. Cardigan Oxygen Therapy Centre, Victim Support, Mynwent y Garn Cemetery, Urdd Gobaith Cymru, NSPCC and Shelter Cymru.
135. One Voice Wales. Details of their programme of courses on offer for the Autumn period 2011 together with a new training leaflet.
136. Mid Wales Housing. Annual report 2011.
137. Ceredigion Community Safety Plan. A copy of the plan for the Council’s information and retention.
138. One Voice Wales. Details of a web link to a new publication entitled “Being a Councillor 2012”. 
139. One Voice Wales. Details of the Beacon Project to celebrate the Queens Diamond Jubilee.
140. CAVO. An invitation to attend the AGM to be held at the Memorial Hall, Llanfarian on Thursday 22nd September between 13.30am and 3.30pm.
141. Clerks & Councils Direct. The September 2011 issue of the magazine. 
142. Milford Haven Coastguard Station. A thank you letter from Mark Williams MP for the Council’s objection to the proposed closure of the coastguard station.
143. BSPFA. A request for a drawdown of £3000 from this year’s revenue funding. It was resolved to send a cheque for £3000.
144. Other Correspondence. Glasdon Direct catalogue, SMP playgrounds.
145. Balance of Accounts at 13 August 2011
Nationwide                                                                             28,865.65
Community Acct (previously known as Treasurers Acct)         7,890.70
Business No Notice Acct                                                        11,027.40
Deposit Account                                                                      2,482.14 
146. Income
Borth Landfill & Civic Amenity Site rent                                    8,000.00
Nationwide Account – Gross Int to 1 Jun 2011                                0.74
147. Expenditure. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
Newmans Garden Centre – flowerbed competition                         45.00
Paul Walker – repairs to playground                                            565.00
Playsafety Limited – ROSPA inspection                                         86.40
Sadie Everard – plants for flowerbed                                             25.00
M Walker – Aug & Sept salary 976.00, off exp 4.32                     980.32
BSPFA                                                                                       3,000.00
148. Audit for the year ended 31 March 2011. There are no issues arising which BDO believe the Council should consider prior to the Council’s approval and certification of the Annual return. The Clerk certified, signed and dated Section 3 of the Annual Return as required. The Annual Return, details of the proposed audit certificate and opinion were presented to Council. The Council resolved to approve the Annual Return and the Chairman certified, signed and dated Section 3 as per request. 
149. Nationwide Account. The Clerk advised members that in January 2010 she took a change of signatory form and a change of correspondence address to the bank with a request to remove Mr Dilwyn Owen deceased and Mrs Diane Richards from the account and replace with Cllrs Jo Jones and Bryn Jones. The forms were checked and a copy of Mr Dilwyn Owen’s death certificate was taken and certified by a member of staff. The Clerk was asked to request that the two new signatories visit the branch with their identification and proof of address which they did.  Nationwide claim that Cllr Jo Jones has not provided her documents despite visiting the branch on two separate occasions with the necessary documents. Cllr Jo said she would visit the branch again with the papers. The Clerk has visited the Nationwide on several occasions to ask why no changes had been made to the account as requested and has now been informed that they had not received a copy of the death certificate and no identification and confirmation of address for Cllr Jo Jones. Despite assurance by the Clerk that these documents have been provided, 
Nationwide cannot proceed with the request. However, they are willing to retain Mr Dilwyn Owen on the account, as the Clerk is unable to obtain the original death certificate as Mrs Barbara Owen no longer lives in the area, providing this is minuted and a copy provided to the branch for retention. It was resolved that it would be inappropriate to request a further copy of the death certificate and that Mr Dilwyn Owen’s name should remain on the account. The Clerk was asked to send a letter of complaint to the relavant department.
150. The Clerk distributed an up to date expenditure of accounts for member’s information.
151. Application for Full Planning Permission
A110409. Erection of 5 dwellings for use as holiday accommodation. Brynowen Holiday Park, Borth. Cllrs Jo Jones and Lorraine Moore declared an interest and left the room. Borth Community Council has no objection in principle to residential development but the Council was unanimous in agreeing that all vehicular access should be off the Brynowen Holiday Park. The current plan puts too much traffic onto a very narrow back road. The Council believes that an earlier application had access from the holiday park site.
152. Planning Permission Approved
A110472. Erection of a sun lounge to ground floor north elevation, modification of existing dormer window. Avalon, Cliff Road, Borth.
A110474. Proposed bedroom extension to dwelling. White Crest, Cliff Drive, Borth.
153. Planning Permission Refused.
A110489. Erection of two semi detached houses and demolition of existing garage. Breidden, Ffordd y Fulfran, Borth.
154. The Clerk had distributed copies of correspondence received from Morris & Bates in respect of the two sites. There are two rent reviews outstanding (2005 and 2010) which appear to be holding up completion of the lease of the landfill site. A proposal was put forward for the Council’s approval for the Civic Amenity Site in line with the retails price index which would provide a rental of £3210 per annum from 1st April 2005 and increasing to £3733 per annum from 1st April 2010. The new lease term agreed but not yet completed for the Landfill Site is for 20 years from 31st March 2007 with a rental income of £5500 with rent reviews every 5 years. Cllr Billy Williams proposed to accept the terms proposed and this was seconded by Cllr Lorraine Moore. The Chairman requested a show of hands whereby 7 Councillors were in favour with 1 abstention by Cllr Mike Willcox.
155. The Chairman gave an update on the proposed extension to the football pitch.
156. Cllrs Bryn Jones and Gwynfor Lewis gave a brief update on the Winter Maintenance Debrief which they both attended. Ceredigion County Council provided prices for the purchase of additional bins and salt. Cllr Lewis had obtained quotes from the Builder Centre for both grit bins and salt which proved a lot cheaper than those supplied by CCC. Cllr Anthony Morris and Cllr Mike Willcox volunteered to visit the Builder Centre to measure the bins etc. Delegated authority was approved for expenditure up to £400 to purchase these items. Cllr Morris had received a complaint in respect of a cyclist on the prom that had an altercation with a pedestrian. Cllr Lewis asked for a “Give Way” sign at the foot of Cliff Road by Pengoitan. Cllr Quant said he would look into the matter. Cllr Moore had been told that there were two bolts protruding on the bus stop sign by It’s A Gift. Cllr Jones raised the issue of dogs on the beach and that the Council needs to plan for next year with bigger and better signs. Cllr Williams asked for a review of the 30mph speed limit on the road from Bryncarnedd to Clarach. Cllr Bainbridge said that the last groyne at Ynyslas had not been repaired. Cllr Quant to chase up. Cllr Willcox had received reports of camper vans parking on the prom. Cllr Quant informed him that there should be no overnight stoppage.
157. Cllr Quant informed members that the next PACT meeting will be held on Wednesday 14th September. Cllr Quant asked members to attend an informal meeting on Monday 19th September to discuss the one hour parking bays along the high street. He is meeting with local members North of Ceredigion on Monday 26th September. Cllr Quant and Council members were all in favour of organising an evening for the village, BAM Nuttall and those connected with the works on the coastal defence scheme. The official opening of the scheme is scheduled to take place in February 2012. Cllr Quant informed members that the road from Quinton through to Francis Road is now open to the public. Finally, Cllr Quant had received information on the Ceredigion Community and Town Councils Village Renewal Fund which is designed to support capital work that improves the look of public spaces within the communities. The project officer has volunteered to attend a Council meeting to give a brief presentation on the scheme and it was agreed to invite her to the October meeting. Cllr Quant asked whether anyone had received complaints in respect of the large Animalarium signs.
158. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 21.40hrs. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on 3 October 2011 to include Co-option of member onto Council and a presentation on the Ceredigion Community and Town Councils Village Renewal Fund. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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