Minutes - June 2011
Present: Chairperson: J M Lawrence
C Bainbridge
J Jones
L Moore
A J Morris
G Lewis
W J Williams
M J Willcox
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M C Walker
9 Members of the Public
34. Cllr G B Jones.
35. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
36. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 9 May 2011 as being a true record.
37. It was resolved to confirm the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 9 May 2011 as being a true record.
38. Borth Sea Defences. Minute 4. Ongoing.
39. Flood Awareness Action Plan. Minute 6. Ongoing.
40. Ynyslas Noticeboard. Minute 7. The Clerk confirmed that the repairs to the notice board has been completed.
41. Extension of Playing Field Area. Minute 8. The Chairman read out a letter from CCW under correspondence, minute 51.
42. Information Boards. Minute 9. Ongoing.
43. Beach Signage. Minute 10. Ongoing.
44. Ceredigion Local Development Plan. Details of the Site Allocation Representations Consultation. The public can comment on submissions made in relation to the sites referred to in the Representations by 12 noon on the 12th July 2011. The Chairman covered this issue under Chairman’s Report.
45. Local Government Boundary Commission for Wales. Report and Proposals on the review of the electoral arrangements for Ceredigion.
46. Highways, Property & Works. A response to a letter sent on the 10th December 2010 in respect of the closure of the civic amenity site which Ceredigion County Council claims not to have received. Mr Oakes confirms that the reason for the closure of the site was a purely financial one and he stressed that Cllr Quant was in no way the instigator of the closure, in fact he rigorously challenged the reasoning and the financial proposals at the time whilst understanding the overall efficiencies that the County Council was seeking. The Clerk was asked to make enquiries where Mr Oakes refers to a new 20 year lease for the landfill site which Borth Community Council has agreed to.
47. Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Authority. A copy of the Draft Annual Action Plan 2012-2013.
48. The Mid Wales Colo-Rectal Cancer Fund. A request to distribute leaflets to all member councillors.
49. Cylch Meithrin Y Borth. A letter requesting financial assistance with a rough guide to the monthly balance sheet. The Clerk was asked to contact One Voice Wales to determine whether the Council can legally and financially assist another organisation with their salary bill.
50. Ray Ceredigion. Details of money available to improve existing community play areas by adding natural features.
51. Application to extend the length of the existing football pitch. The Chairman read out the letter from the Countryside Council for Wales recommending that the Community Council employs an ecological consultant to establish the ecological interest of the site and any possible impact on protected species. The Clerk was asked to reply stating that the contents of the letter and recommendations had been noted and would await further advice from the Welsh Assembly government.
52. Other Correspondence. A brochure of events held during the summer at The National Library of Wales.
53. Balance of Accounts at 13 May 2011
Nationwide | 28,864.91 |
Community Acct (previously known as Treasurers Acct) | 500.73 |
Business No Notice Acct | 16,819.23 |
Deposit Account | 2,482.14 |
54. Expenditure. It was resolved to pay the following accounts:
Cambrian News-advert for the proposal to extend playing fields | 277.20 |
Dyfed Alarms Ltd - CCTV annual inspection | 192.00 |
M Walker - clks sal £488.00, off exp 13.00 | 501.00 |
Paul Walker - repairs to Ynyslas noticeboard | 70.00 |
55. Annual Return for Year Ending 31 March 2011. Copies of the annual return were distributed to Cllrs. The Clerk gave a comprehensive report on the accounts and the Annual Return. The Council confirms that the Annual return has been presented to Council and resolved to approve Section 1 – Accounting Statements 2010/11. The Council noted the contents of Section 4 – Annual Internal Audit Report and resolved to approve Section 2 – Annual Governance Statement and authorised the Chairman and the Clerk to sign the Return on behalf of the Council. The Clerk confirmed notices for the Exercise of Electors Rights would be displayed in the four notice boards from 20 June 2011 to 3 July 2011 and that the date of the annual inspection of accounts has been set for Thursday 14th July between 5.00pm and 8.00pm in the Community Hall.
56. Planning Permission Approved.
A101003. Internal alterations and first floor extension to include a bathroom. Gloucester Cottage, Borth.
57. The Chairman gave a report on the site allocations directly affecting Borth and Ynyslas in the Local Development Plan Site Allocations. Cllr Bainbridge declared an interest and left the room prior to the discussion on the two sites put forward at Ynyslas. Members believed that if there was a genuine need for more housing then the Council was in no position to object. It was also noted that consideration should not be given to additional housing at Ynyslas whilst the area was at risk of flooding. Following a lengthy discussion it was resolved that “Borth Community Council makes no comment at this stage”.
58. Cllr Moore gave a brief report on broken items in the play area. She had received a quotation from Lapsett for the works to be carried out which totalled £1568.04. It was resolved as a temporary measure to ask Mr Paul Walker to make safe the items in question up to the amount of £50 whilst waiting for the ROSPA inspection later this month. Cllr Lewis was concerned that a vehicle had been abandoned on the car park on the old hall site. Mr Graham Taylor knew the owner and offered to speak to him on the Council’s behalf. Cllr Lewis also reminded Cllr Quant that the hole in the road opposite Grassmere had not been filled. Cllr Jo Jones informed members that the next PACT meeting would be held on Wednesday 8th June at 7.00pm. Speeding on Clarach Hill remains a problem. Cllr Willcox has had an issue with one of the residents at Bardsey sleeping in his children’s caravan at the back of their property. Cllr Quant said he would speak to the relevant department at Ceredigion County Council to discuss various issues with them in respect of the Wallich project.
Cllr Bainbridge reported that there had been a minor issue with a resident at Ynyslas mowing the triangular piece of land by the bus stop. However, the issue was resolved and the grass was finally cut.
59. Cllr Quant gave a brief update on the coastal defence scheme and was looking to see what progress could be made towards Phase 2. Cllr Quant also updated members on a Neighbourhood Management Committee Forum which was being set up for different groups in place of the PACT meetings.
60. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 21.05hrs. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on 4 July 2011 to include Community Council Noticeboards. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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