Minutes (Remote) December 2021 MINUTES OF A BORTH COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD REMOTELY VIA ZOOM ON MONDAY 6th DECEMBER 2021 AT 19.00HRS Present: Chairperson: H Hughes C Bainbridge R Dalton M Griffiths J James A J Morris A Thomas In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant Clerk: M Walker 4 Members of the Public. APOLOGIES 212. Cllrs R Davies, G B Jones, D Pryce Jones and D Tweedy. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 213. Mrs Andrea Hughes asked whether the Borth 2030 group could advertise the drop in event on the 12th December on the Council’s Facebook page. The Council has no objection. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS To remind Cllrs that any matters of interest which may arise during the meeting must be declared. MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY MEETING 215. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the remote monthly meeting held on 1 November as being a true record. Proposed by Cllr Dalton and seconded by Cllr James. All members voted in favour. MINUTES OF THE EXTRAORDINARY MEETING HELD ON 19 NOVEMBER 2021 216. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on 19 November as being a true record. Proposed by Cllr Bainbridge and seconded by Cllr Morris. All members voted in favour. Cllr Bainbridge confirmed that all grant applications had been submitted and she thanked the Clerk for all her help in providing required information. The Chairman also thanked Cllr Bainbridge for all her hard work. MATTERS ARISING None. CORRESPONDENCE 218. Covid 19. Updates from Ceredigion County Council, One Voice Wales and Welsh Government. 219. One Voice Wales. Health Impact Assessment of Climate Change in Wales Infographics. Keep Wales Tidy package allocations are almost complete. Third sector voter registration support grant - now open. Welsh Government defibrillator fund. Consultation on inquiry into second homes. Councillor Survey - Role and remuneration of councillors in Wales. Launch of the National Framework for the Delivery of Bereavement Care in Wales. Older People's Commissioner's Newsletter. Draft Corporate Joint Committee (General) (Wales) Regulations 2022. OVW consultation response on local taxes for second homes and self catering accommodation. Nature Forum. Community Wealth Building event Nov 30th. “Together we can do so much” was the theme underpinning this year’s excellent Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC) hybrid national conference. £500,000 fuel poverty fund opens for grant applications. The Local Elections Rules 2021. Lottery Jubilee funding. A link to the Hywel Dda website where you can find their current surveys and reports. Social farms and gardens autumn newsletter. WCVA – Catalyst Cymru: Broadening horizons Project. OVW news bulletin. Community Woodlands Fund. October 2021 Newsletter. Leave only pawprints’ dog fouling campaign. Free disability Wales Access to Politics Event 18th November. Older People's Commissioner for Wales - Engagement Sessions. Consultation on planning legislation and policy for second homes and short-term holiday lets. Technical Advice Note (TAN) 15 – Important Update from the Minister for Climate Change. Webinar with Deputy Chief Fire Officer Roger Thomas - Monday, 29 November 19:30pm. Placemaking for a Thriving Welsh Village. Remaining training dates for 2021. Transforming Towns - Repurposing buildings post Covid-webinar 6th December. Disability Wales access to politics event 9th December. November update of the guide to taking part in the Queens Platinum Jubilee Beacons 2nd June 2022. Details of a vacancy for a One Voice Wales Community CPR and Defibrillator Manager. Vacancy -- Welsh Government Fixed Term and Secondment Opportunities, Higher Executive Officers Recruitment Campaign. Vacancy for a One Voice Wales Digital Sector Support Officer. An online survey on the impact of Section 47 multi location meetings. 220. Welsh Government. Vacancies – Care Inspectorate Wales. Climate Change Bulletin November 2021. Ceredigion Local Development Plan-Phosphate Levels in River Teifi Special Area of Conservation. A Healthier Wales - Health and Social Services News. Section 47 multi location meetings survey. Creative Criccieth shortlisted for Prestigious 2021 Creative Lives Awards. Details of current consultations. Discretionary Expenditure Limit for 2022-23 under Section 137. 221. Ceredigion County Council. Ceredigion Local Access Forum. Reduction in annual carbon emissions. Further success for Ceredigion as funding bid to support local communities, people and businesses awarded. Police and Crime Panel to challenge Commissioner’s policing priorities. Letter relating to the Ceredigion Electoral arrangements from May 2022. Employer Childcare Survey. Let us remember and pay tribute safely and responsibly on Remembrance Day this year. Helping you to make a difference in your community-The Cynnal y Cardi Local Action Group is launching a new Grant Fund. Confirmed Cases of Avian Influenza in Ceredigion. Cwmni Actorion Theatr Felinfach's iconic Panto will return to the stage this year. Council to support National Safeguarding Week 2021. A new section ‘Ceredigital’ dedicated to digital services is now available on their website. Free parking in Ceredigion for three Saturdays before Christmas. Support for unpaid Carers in Ceredigion. Weekly news reports. Temporary Road Closure: B4572 Borth, Aberystwyth. Poling works 13/12/2021. Staying safe whilst celebrating Christmas this year. Council finances approved by Audit Wales. HR news. Individuals and families throughout Ceredigion are looking for support that will give them the choice to live life more independently. Council makes available wellbeing and mental health support for social care providers. Food and Fuel Crisis - support available in Ceredigion. WLGA welcomes reintroduction of face masks in secondary schools. Through Age and Wellbeing Programme/Strategy Presentation. Reduce your waste footprint this festive season. Caru Aber Super Sacks help save the day on waste collection days in Aberystwyth. Temporary Road Closure: B4572 Borth-Aberystwyth. Guided audio tour recounts untold stories from Aberystwyth’s colourful past. Identifying Community Venues to act as possible Emergency Rest Centres. 222. Wales NHS. Rural Health and Care Wales. 223. Borth Community Hub. Talk Energy CAB sessions in Borth. 224. Cloudy IT Group. Clerk's Tech Forum - Free Virtual Summit - Tuesday 30 November. 225. Boundary Commission for Wales. The Boundary Commission for Wales is to hold 5 Public Hearings during the Secondary Consultation Period (11 January to 21 February). 226. Donation request. Wales Air Ambulance and Urdd Gobaith Cymru. 227. BT Payphones. Ofcoms’ consultation on changes to the telephony universal service. 228. Shared Assets. Details and contacts on how to establish a community farm in the area. 229. Vocal Eyes. Details of a digital engagement platform. 230. Ecodyfi. An invitation to attend the Ecodyfi AGM and Forum on Tuesday 14th December. 231. Borth 2030. An invitation to Counsellors to attend a Borth 2030 public drop-in event 12th December 1300-1600 at Borth Community Hall and a request to display a notice advertising the event on the Borth Community Council Facebook page. 232. Tempo Time Credits. An organisation funded by Welsh Government to work with communities to reward volunteers. 233. Borth Surgery. Education Programme for Patients run a number of Health and Wellbeing courses for anyone aged 18 years and over living with or caring for someone with a long term health condition. 234. Defibrillators. A request for information on the amount and location of the defibrillators within the community. 235. BSPFA. A request for the drawdown of the annual funding of £8000 from the council. Cllr Bainbridge proposed that we give £8000, this was seconded by Cllr James with all members voting in favour. 236. Glanwern. Lack of drainage to further development at Brynowen and flooding issues. Cllr Quant to follow up in respect of the planning position and drainage etc. 237. Vandalism at Uppingham Playing Fields. A letter informing the Council of the vandalism to the football stand, the dug outs and in and around the Community Hall. The Clerk advised the football club to report the matter to the police. A spate of graffiti around the village has been reported to the police. 238. Dolau Bach. A request for permission to graze toe highland cattle on the Dolau Bach field. The Council has no objection provided the farmer with grazing rights is in agreement. 239. Caru Cymru. Copies of their dog fouling campaign posters. 240. Other Correspondence. Clerks and Councils Direct, Glasdon and a catalogue on outdoor gym equipment. 241. St Matthews Church. A request asking the Council to consider a grant of £5k towards upgrading the existing small toilet block. The Chairman asked that this item be placed on the agenda in January. ACCOUNTS Balance of Accounts at 14 November 2021 Nationwide 30,229.71 Charitable Bank Acct 12,091.94 Business No Notice Acct 18,836.47 Deposit Account 3,749.28 Income None. Expenditure – Members resolved to pay the following: BSPFA – annual funding 8,000.00 M Walker – salary £522.00, off exp £9.99 531.99 Proposed by Cllr Bainbridge and seconded by Cllr Griffiths with all members voting in favour. The Clerk in advance of the meeting sent up to date expenditure and income balances to all Councillors for their information. PLANNING 245. Application for Full Planning Permission. A210961 - Change of use of redundant store / workshop and welfare building into Site Manager acommodation. Cambrian Coast Holiday Park, Ynyslas, Borth. SY24 5JU. No observations/objections. BOAT PARK Ongoing. FACE TO FACE MEETINGS Cllr Hughes has approached a company in Aberystwyth and is awaiting costings for equipment and a maintenance package. SIGNAGE ON THE PROMENADE The Chair of Council asked Cllr Quant to enquire whether the current dog signs are to be renewed in 2022. Cllr Quant to follow up with CCC. VIEWPOINT ON CLARACH ROAD This item was deferred to the end of the meeting when Cllr John James declared an interest and left the meeting. In minute 162 a letter was read out enquiring whether there was a possibility of having a viewpoint at the top of Clarach Hill where people could stop to admire the view over Borth and the Dyfi Valley. Following enquiries the landowner has agreed to sell a portion of land. Cllr Quant agreed to ask CCC whether this would be something they would consider and if so how it can be progressed. This was proposed by Cllr Hughes, seconded by Cllr Morris with all members voting in favour. CHAIRMANS BUSINESS 250. Cllr Hughes had reported that the storm gates by the RNLI would not close but had not received any communication from CCC. Cllr Quant followed up and highways were due on site on Tuesday 7th December. COUNCILLORS RESPONSIBILITIES 251. Cllr James confirmed that the Christmas tree would be delivered this week. Cllr Griffiths was concerned at the amount of dog fouling on pavements and asked the council to consider extra “no overnight parking” signage in respect of campervans. Cllr Morris mentioned that NRW were carrying out ditch clearance and there was evidence of fly tipping in the leat. The ditches on both sides of the road to the Animalarium were overflowing and the water from both ditches was meeting in the middle of the road. Cllr Morris also reported the highway drain by the Green Dolphin is blocked and overflowing onto the highway. Cllr Dalton asked on behalf of Cllr Pryce Jones who was absent from the meeting whether the safe zones were to be removed. The issue of Bronheulyn was raised again and the owners of Savannah have begun taking their wall down at the rear of their property. Cllr Bainbridge gave a brief update on a recent Borth and Health Group meeting. As Chair of Governors Cllr Bainbridge has been having remote meetings with pupils of Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa. A sum of £3500 has been distributed in carnival donations. The Star of the Sea is holding a music event on Saturday 11th December and a craft fair will be held on the premises on Sunday 12th December. COUNTY COUNCILLORS REPORT 252. Cllr Quant is still waiting for feedback from Welsh Government and NRW on Phase 3 of the sea defence. St Mathews church carol services will be held on the 19th and 24th December. A person sleeping rough in his car on the car park opposite Brynowen was reported to the police. Cllr Quant gave an update on Covid 19. NEXT MEETING AND MATTERS FOR AGENDA 253. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.45pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 10th January 2022 to include Boat Park, Signage on Promenade, Face to Face meetings, Viewpoint on Clarach Road and St Mathews Church grant funding request. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk. Cllr Hughes will issue a link to the remote meeting in advance. b Hits: 1308 Prev Next