Minutes - July 2019
74. Mr Henly was welcomed to the meeting. He explained his role as a community gateway connector which is to explain all the services and activities available in the area and improve well-being.
75. None.
76. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
77. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the monthly meeting held on 3 June 2019 as being a true record. Proposed by Cllr Hughes and seconded by Cllr Morris. All members voted in favour.
78. Common Land. Minute 42. The Clerk has been in contact with Carol Fielding of NRW to arrange a meeting.
79. Dogs. Minute 67. Ongoing.
80. One Voice Wales. An update on a recent session by a representative of the Information Commissioners Office.
Spring 2019 Older People’s Commissioners Newsletter.
Details of a new award which recognises care workers in Wales. Closing date 3 July.
Agenda for the OVW Ceredigion Area Committee meeting on the 26th June.
Basic online learning modules.
An update on the Assembly Reform programme.
June 2019 News Bulletin.
Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust Carers Survey.
Details of a Wales Tree of the Year competition. Closing date 19 July.
OVW Innovative Practice Conference 10 July 2019.
A thank you letter from Paul Egan to Cllrs Bryn Jones and Rona Dalton for giving a presentation recently at a joint OVW and Planning Aid Wales event.
81. Welsh Government. Details of current consultations.
Natural Resources Newsletter June 2019.
Health and Social Services newsletter June 2019.
Non-domestic rate relief for public lavatories.
82. Tree. Details of a press release that has been circulated.
83. Ceredigion County Council. An online link to the publication of its revised Rights of Way Improvement Plan.
84. Ecodyfi. Up to date events.
85. Forest Management. An invitation to comment on forest management carried out by NRW and the FSC Standard being used.
86. Leat adjacent to Cae Soar. NRW have agreed to remove the debris left behind when cleaning out the leat.
87. Ceredigion County Council. A request to vote for Aberystwyth following their success in being nominated as one of the top ten walking neighbourhoods in Great Britain.
88. Speeding. A letter from a concerned resident about the speeding issues in Borth.
89. Ceredigion County Council. Preferred Strategy Consultation on the Ceredigion Local Development Plan 2018-2033 and Additional Candidate Sites Consultation on LDP2.
90. Ceredigion County Council. Details of the new waste collection service on Route 174.
91. Arts Council of Wales. Details of “Night Out”.
92. Ben Lake MP. A reply to the letter sent from Council on the proposed gas and oil exploration in Cardigan Bay.
93. ROSPA. Safety Inspection Report on Uppingham Playing Fields.
94. 2nd Borth Scouts. A letter from the Chair of Borth Scouts requesting financial assistance for the three Explorers who have been selected to attend the 42nd World Scout Jamboree in West Virginia. It was resolved to donate the sum of £600. This was proposed by Cllr Bainbridge and seconded by Cllr Morris. All members voted in favour.
95. The Cinnamon Trust. Details of a charity where volunteers help people over retirement age and those in latter stages of a terminal illness by offering all kinds of pet care.
96. Audit Wales. Details of a webinar on supporting councils with internal audit arrangements.
97. Borth United Football Club. A request for a contribution towards the maintenance costs of the playing fields. It was agreed to match last years’ donation of £1500. This was proposed by Cllr Morris, seconded by Cllr Hughes with all members voting in favour.
98. Ceredigion County Council. Carriageway Maintenance Programmes 2019-20.
99. Ceredigion Ethics and Standards. Reports on 4 town/community councils who failed to keep accounting records.
100. Bus Shelter at Ynyslas. Kieran Doyle has submitted a quote for £875 for painting the bus shelter. Cllr Bainbridge proposed to accept the quotation, seconded by Cllr Tweedy. All members voted in favour.
101. St Matthews Church Graveyard. An e-mail in respect of the identification of a 2nd WWI sailor who the writer believes has been buried in an unknown grave at the graveyard.
102. Ceredigion County Council. A letter from Rhys Evans regarding the abandoned caravan on the track behind the Zoo.
107. Application for Full Planning Permission
A190327. Erection of two holiday homes. Ty Gwyn Cottages, Ynyslas, Borth. NO OBJECTIONS.
108. It was proposed by Cllr Hughes to go into closed session to discuss the lease. This was seconded by Cllr Morris.
109. Cllr Dalton has received confirmation from Network Rail following several complaints from members of the public and BCC that they are to remove a section of the newly installed fencing which was put up to prevent people from using the unofficial route to the train station. This will restore the historic arrangements though it remains a non-dedicated route.
The footpath from the Golf Course to the Leri is overgrown though there was some uncertainty as to whether this is a registered footpath. Cllr Quant to investigate.
110. Cllr Pryce Jones asked whether the bottle bank would remain in situ once the glass collection service begins. Cllr Quant said that it would remain for approximately 3 months. Cllr Quant is to ask for a “Public Toilets” sign by the RNLI.
Cllr Bainbridge recently attended a CHC meeting at Borth Surgery. There is talk of selling the surgery to Hywel Dda and becoming a Hub Surgery. Knotweed has appeared to the rear of Savannah which is located down Church Lane. Cllrs Dalton and Pryce Jones have volunteered to speak to the owner. Cllr Bainbridge informed members that Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa is to lose 0.5 members of staff. Some remedial work is required to the playground following the recent inspection.
Cllr Morris gave an update on a recent IDD meeting which he attended. There was a favourable response to NRW cleaning the leats though there are more problematic areas.
Cllr James has received a complaint from a member of the public with regard to the car park opposite Haven, in particular the island in the middle. The hedge is overgrown from Troedyrhiw upwards in a southerly direction on Clarach Road. Cllr Quant will attempt to speak to the owner as this is privately owned. Potholes on Clarach Road remain a problem.
Cllr Hughes mentioned that someone had been burning knotweed in the dog walk area. The Clerk was asked to contact Mike Willcox in respect of weeds growing through the stones on the car park area of the dog walk. Kate Doubleday will also be contacted for an update on progress to date on the area of common land which she aims to restore as a meadow. Cllr Hughes attended a “Tree” meeting. The pads in the defibrillators have been replaced with new ones. Welsh Hearts have agreed to train Cllr Hughes as a trainer for the area. A training event for members of the public has been arranged for the 24th July.
111. Cllr Quant gave a brief update on the proposed closure of the gate over the railway crossing down Church Lane. Phase 3 of the proposed sea defence between Borth and Ynyslas is still ongoing. Cllr Quant has agreed to ask CCC to look at the works required to the playground following the recent inspection. Works to the Roll of Honour is still ongoing. Cllr Quant will speak to Highways regarding the faded yellow lines opposite Church Lane.
112. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.20pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 2 September 2019 are to be notified to the Clerk.
113. Cllr Hughes asked that Cllr Quant vacate the room. Cllr Morris proposed and Cllr Hughes seconded that Cllr Quant should leave the meeting. Cllr James objected and following a vote 2 members voted for the proposal, 4 members against and 1 abstention. Following a short debate it was agreed to arrange a meeting with Mr Huw Bates of Morris & Bates to discuss concerns and to gain a better understanding of some of the legal jargon of the lease. The Clerk was asked to attend the meeting together with Cllrs Dalton, Bainbridge, Morris and Hughes.
- Hits: 1986