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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - May 2019



Present:    Chairperson:                        R Dalton
                                                            C Bainbridge
                                                            M Griffiths
                                                            H Hughes
                                                            D Pryce Jones
                                                            G B Jones
                                                            A J Morris
In Attendance:  County Cllr:               R P Quant
                         Clerk:                                   M Walker
                                                                     5 Members of the Public.


1.  Cllrs G Ashley, J James, D Tweedy and M J Willcox.
2. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting. 
3.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the monthly meeting held on 1 April 2019 as being a true record.  Proposed by Cllr Bainbridge and seconded by Cllr Jones.
4.  Childrens’ Playground.  Minute 419.  Cllr Bainbridge gave a brief update.
5.  Common Land.  Minute 420.  A letter was read out under correspondence.
6.  Welsh Flag.  Minute 423.  Cllr Quant has arranged through Cliff Bates of CCC to order an eight metre flag pole with fittings. The Clerk was asked to order a Welsh Dragon flag.
7.  Dogs.  Minute 445.  An e-mail was read out under correspondence.
8.   One Voice Wales.  Details of a consultation on “Consideration of Proposals to Amend the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2013”.
9.  Welsh Government.  A list of current consultations, NRW May bulletin and the April 2019 edition of the Health and Social Services newsletter.
10.  One Voice Wales.  Details of a joint partnership event between OVW and Planning Aid Wales.  Cllrs Dalton and Jones  volunteered to attend.
11.  Dyfed Powys Police Authority.  Ceredigion edition of the Police and Crime Panel news.
12.  One Voice Wales.  An invitation to propose a maximum of two motions for debate at the AGM.
13.  RNLI Lifeguards 2019.  An update on the county's lifeguard operations.
14.  Access to Borth Station.  Two letters of complaint from members of the public were read out in respect of the newly installed fencing. It was agreed to send a letter to Network Rail.
15.  Ceredigion County Council.  An e-mail from Environmental Control at CCC in respect of a complaint from a member of the public regarding “fly tipping” and of bonfires on common land behind Glanwern.  Following an inspection Mr Evans has noted that bridges have been built behind properties and homeowners appear to be using this as an extension to their existing gardens.  Cllr Dalton and Cllr Hughes are to arrange to meet with Mr Evans on site.
16.  One Voice Wales.  April 2019 news bulletin.
17.  One Voice Wales.  Details of the OVW and SLCC joint event.
18.  Land Adjacent to Cae Soar.  A letter and photographs from the trustees of Cae Soar expressing their concern that damage has been caused to the land following work undertaken to clean the leat by Natural Resources Wales.
19.  Donation Requests.  Ceredigion Age Cymru and Bopath Children's Therapy Centre Wales. These will be considered at the March meeting of Council.
20.  Borth Begins.  A request for financial support of £247 towards covering the cost of the insurance/public liability premium for the event.  Cllr Anthony Morris declared an interest but remained in the room. Members resolved to pay the insurance.  This was proposed by Cllr Jones and seconded by Cllr Pryce Jones. 6 members voted for and 1 member abstained.
21.  Borth Car Park.  A request to store two shipping containers on the car park for up to two weeks.  Whilst members have no objection the Clerk was asked to confirm a date for their arrival.
22.  Dogs.  A request from Cllr Willcox in his absence to display a notice on Facebook asking dog owners not to walk their dogs on Uppingham Playing Fields despite notices stating that the area is strictly prohibited.  This will be an agenda item next month.
23.  One Voice Wales.  Details of a job vacancy as Mid and West Wales Development Officer.
24.  One Voice Wales.  May 2019 news bulletin.
25.  Ecodyfi.  Details of two job vacancies and an invitation to attend the AGM.
26.  Borth Rowing Club.  An update on the status of the Club’s need for a boat park in Borth.
27.  Other Correspondence.  Hags playground equipment brochure and Clerks and Councils Direct.
28. Balance of Accounts at 13 April 2019
        Nationwide                                                                    29,879.20
        Community Acct                                                              1,552.99
        Business No Notice Acct                                                 11,454.76
        Deposit Account                                                               3,579.83
29. Income   
        Nationwide - gross int from 1/4/18 – 31/3/19                         242.05
        Community A/C – Landfill & CAS rent                              4,616.50
        Community A/C-drainage grant                                          1,700.00
        CCC - Precept 2019/20 (1st instalment)                              6,590.00
30. Expenditure – Members resolved to pay the following:
        TME Electrical Contracting Ltd-Christmas lights                   594.00   
        One Voice Wales - Awards Conference                                1,10.00
        Information Commissioner – Data Protection fee                    40.00
        M Walker-salary £508.00, off exp 23.48                              531.48
        Heledd Davies – April minutes translation                              77.35
        Mike Willcox –remuneration payment                                  150.00
        Natural Resources Wales-drainage rates                               269.67
        Borth Arts – donation                                                         247.00
31.  Application for Full Planning Permission
A190256.  ProposedOngoing. 2 balconies – one at first level and at second floor level. New Haven, Clarach Road, Borth.  No objections.
32.  Ongoing.
33.  The next PACT meeting is scheduled for the 23rd May. The adopted bench on the promenade has been painted since the last meeting.  Cllr Dalton mentioned that the majority of the other benches need a coat of paint.  Cllr Quant said he would speak to CCC.  Cllr Dalton was pleased to see that the street bins had been emptied on the Sunday before Bank Holiday Monday, the information sign on the road to the train station has broken and she thought it would be a good idea to have another defibrillator session.  The newly painted yellow lines on certain parts of the street are now complete with a review to be held in two and a half years.
34.  Councillors volunteered to accept the following responsibilities.   
G Ashley                                  Visual Improvement of the Environment and Arts, Dogs, Boat Park and Speeding
C Bainbridge                            Children’s Play Area, Governor Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa, WW1, Community Health Council and Facebook
R Dalton                                  PACT, Family Centre Trustee and Housing, Volunteer at the Station Museum
M Griffiths                               One Voice Wales, Dyfi Biosphere Representative, National Eisteddfod and Health
H Hughes                                 Common Land, “Tree”, Facebook and Website
J James                                    PACT and Police Matters
D Jones                                    Litter and National Eisteddfod
G B Jones                                PACT, Arts and Welsh Language, Financial Internal Examiner and Defibrillators
A J Morris                                Dyfi Biosphere, Flood co-ordinator, Leats and Internal Ditch Drainage
D Tweedy                                Art
M J Willcox                              Fire, Council Representative on the Hall Committee, Flood co-ordinator & Estates, Financial Internal Examiner
Cllr Hughes suggested inviting the Scouts to the defibrillator training.  There is currently a problem with vehicles parking on the grass area on the cliff.  Cllr Quant said he would look into the ownership of the area.
Cllr Bainbridge asked whether Borth could be considered a dementia friendly community.  Members were in favour but would need more information.  It was agreed to invite Mark Williams to the next meeting as Chair of the North Ceredigion Forum for Elderly Care. Cllr Bainbridge recently attended a Mental Awareness meeting.
Cllr Griffiths referred to litter by the sewage farm with several caravans on site. Cllr Dalton agreed to speak to Mr Dean Tweedy and for the Clerk to write to the enforcement officer at CCC in respect of an old caravan which has been left after the owner moved away.
Cllr Jones is concerned that water is being carried in plastic containers from a hut at the north end of the railway station to the museum.  Cllr Dalton informed him that it would cost in excess of £2,000 to have a water supply connected at the museum.
Cllr Pryce Jones has been approached by Coedwig Ceredigion for identified areas in Borth where trees could be planted. Several members of the public are concerned at how steep the shingle bank is in some areas.  Cllr Quant said that Mr Rhodri Llwyd of CCC had walked the beach and there were no plans to re-profile the beach at present.
35.  Cllr Quant advised members that an Eisteddfod meeting was planned for Tuesday 14th May.  Building works is currently being carried out at Ynys Wen with a garage/shed being potentially built over a public right of way. Cllr Quant has informed the relevant departments.  Glass recycling is being rolled out throughout the county.
36.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 3 June 2019 to include Boat Park Lease, Council Website and Dogs.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.                                                                                        
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