Minutes - June 2018
Present: Chairperson: R Dalton (Vice-Chair)
M Griffiths
J James
S Jones
M J Willcox
In Attendance: County Cllr: R P Quant
Clerk: M Walker
4 Members of the Public.
49. The Chairman Cllr C Bainbridge, Cllrs G Ashley, G B Jones and W J Williams.
50. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.
51. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 14 May 2018 as being a true record.
52. Letter sent to the coastal defence department as per minute 7 in the AGM minutes – no response.
The issue of the fence around an area of common land by the Animalarium has been raised with County Cllr Ray Quant who has agreed to speak to the owner of Ynys Fergi.
An e-mail has been sent to Technical Services requesting a leachate sample from the landfill site – no response to date.
An e-mail has been sent to Cliff Bates of Ceredigion County Council in respect of a walkway/ramped access onto the beach – no response to date.
53. It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the monthly meeting held on 14 May 2018 as being a true record.
53a. Japanese Knotweed. Minute 4. Ongoing.
54. Dogs. Minute 5. Cllr Quant requested a notice advertising the dog walk.
55. Boat Park. Minute 6. Cllr Ashley has put up a notice asking boat owners to register their boats/trailers. Any unregistered boats etc will be removed from the site.
56. General Data Protection Regulation. Minute 39. The Clerk confirmed that a training session by CCC will be carried out on the 11th June.
57. Welsh Language Scheme. Minute 40. The Clerk has received quotations for translating minutes/correspondence into Welsh. She has received 2 quotes, one for £50 per 1000 words and the other £70 per 1000 words. It was resolved to accept the £50 per 1000 words quotation from Heledd Davies.
58. Remuneration Payments to Members of Community and Town Councils. Minute 42. Cllr Dalton has prepared a letter for all members who wish to opt out to sign.
59. Borth Council Request for Advice. A request for advice was sought from the Monitoring Officer and Electoral Office of Ceredigion County Council in respect of the absence of Cllr Billy Williams from the last six meetings of Council due to ill health. It has been confirmed by the departments that “failure to attend a Council meeting within any 6 month period should trigger a review, but is not an automatic disqualification The clerk would be best placed to undertake a review of the Councillor’s attendance and any personal circumstances arising therefrom, and depending on the outcome, and any discussions with the Councillor, can report to Council accordingly. In the meantime, the Councillor remains in office”. Members resolved to accept the guidance of the monitoring officer. The Clerk was asked to send an e-mail supporting Cllr Billy Williams on the basis that the Council fully values his input and local knowledge.
60. One Voice Wales. May 2018 News Bulletin.
61. Borth Arts. An update on dates for exhibitions
62. Rospa Playsafety. A reminder to book a playground inspection. The Clerk was asked to book a playground inspection and to contact CCC for a quote for repair works to the climbing frame.
63. One Voice Wales. Details and agenda for the Ceredigion Area Meeting on 23rd May.
64. Ceredigion County Council. Details of vacancies to the Ceredigion Local Access Forum.
65. Merchant Navy Day. A request to fly the Red Ensign flag.
66. Clic Ceredigion. Details of workshops for Town and Community Councils.
67. Warner Goodman/Louise Brookes. A letter from the law firm who have been instructed to pursue a personal injury claim arising out of an accident on or around the 11th August 2017.
68. Borth Playing Fields. An update on a meeting with James Maddox (surveyor for Welsh Water Estates), Eryl Davies of Morgan Sindall (principal contractor), Lewis Richards of Lewis CE (sub-contractor), County Cllr Ray Quant and Margaret Walker (Clerk). The following works was agreed:
Area 1 – behind the reserve team football pitch – it was noticeable that the land was not level, especially around the excavations, and there was a lot of reeds in the re-growth. This area will require some top soil, harrowing, spraying and re-seeding and mowing when growth is established.
Area 2 – area between the two pitches – most of this area appeared level other than an area towards the railway (and the manhole cover) that needed levelling off. As with area 1 the area will need harrowing, spraying off of weeds and some re-seeding and mowing. Top soil will be imported where required.
Weather and ground conditions permitting, it is anticipated that the contractor will endeavour to undertake the works as soon as possible and Mr Maddox intends to visit the site again by the end of June to review progress.
The temporary fence will be removed once re-growth has been established.
We also confirmed that Lewis CE will liaise directly with Mr Willcox regarding the damaged cladding to the football shed.
69. One Voice Wales. Health and Social Services latest news.
70. Redesigns Quotes for Bus Shelters. Luke has provided quotes for the repair and cleaning of all community council owned bus shelters in Borth. He has quoted £690 for the work on Cambrian terrace bus shelter, to pressure wash the remaining 3 bus shelters and to apply an image to 2 shelters amounts to £348 inc vat. Any further repair works to roof panels will cost £80 + vat and to renew any side panel will amount to £65 + vat. Members resolved to accept the quotation.
71. Borth Car Park. Within the past month Wendy McClean has cut back a large number of untidy growth on the area at the centre of the car park. She has requested a donation to the RNLI from Borth CC for her work. Members resolved to send a cheque for £50 to the RNLI.
72. Public Services Ombudsman for Wales. A complaint has been made to the Ombudsman against a Councillor.
73. Balance of Accounts at 13 May 2018
Nationwide 29,637.15
Community Acct 4,569.08
Business No Notice Acct 27,802.30
Deposit Account 3,475.16
74. Income
75. Expenditure – Members resolved to pay the following:
Hilary Matthews – audit 2017/18 100.00
Luke Griffiths – Redesigns – car park sign 535.97
M Walker – salary 485.76 485.76
RNLI – donation request from Wendy Mclean for works carried out to the car park £50.00
76. Annual Return for Year Ending 31 March 2018. Copies of the annual return were distributed to Cllrs. Cllr Quant gave a comprehensive report on the accounts and the Annual Return. The Council confirms that the Annual Return has been presented to Council and resolved to approve the Accounting Statements 2017/18. The Council noted the contents of the Annual Internal Audit Report which was carried out and certified by Mrs Hilary Matthews (Internal Auditor) and resolved to approve Parts 1 and 2 of the Annual Governance Statement and authorised the Chairman and the Clerk to sign the Return on behalf of the Council.
The Clerk confirmed that Mrs Hilary Matthews carried out the internal audit on Tuesday 22nd May and the public Rights of Inspection will be carried out on Thursday 7th June in the Community Hall. The Clerk was asked to send a thank you letter to Hilary for carrying out the audit.
77. Application for Full Planning Permission.
A180505. Change of use from Church and Vestry to 2 no. light industrial units (non-retail). Former our Lady Star of the Sea Church, Borth. No Objection.
78. Cllr Bainbridge in her absence sent in this report.
Please could we send a get well card to Sally Williams after her recent fall.
Have attended
18th May Morlan centre drop in session for Transforming Clinical services. Discussing choices set out in documents I handed our last time. If anybody has them if they return them to me I will take them to office.
23rd May Meeting for Mental Health Improvement Group. All the different groups have now been set up and are beginning to report back.
31st May Invited to attend Aberaeron forum for workshop on Mental Health recovery plan.
Japanese Knotweed.
Councillor Dalton and I walked round the most affected areas in Borth need to meet with Rachel to see exactly what the situation is.
Bus stops
Councillor Dalton and I checked all the covered bus stops we own. They were all extremely dirty and two were damaged. Asked Clerk to obtain quotes for cleaning, repair and inserting photo.
Drop in Session
Councillor Dalton, Councillor Jones and myself hosted the drop in session. We only had two locals come to see us and I have already sent email regarding this. Also went to speak to Senior Citizens and explained what was happening and one concern was raised from this.
Craig Yr Wylfa
Preparing for 50th anniversary celebration more details to follow.
World War 1
Ready for introduction to be done and extra material to be added. Hoping to set up meeting.
One resident is experiencing flooding from the leat behind her property when it rains. She had contacted Carol Fielding but hadn’t heard anything. Email sent and resident has now been contacted.
79. Cllr Dalton – Next PACT meeting 14/6/18 at 7pm. Bottles are continuously being dumped outside the bottle bank along with household rubbish.
Cllr James mentioned the blocked gullies along Clarach Road – Cllr Quant to report.
Cllr Stacy Jones – Biosphere AGM on the 12th June and committee meeting on the 3rd July.
Cllr Willcox is concerned that there are now 3 caravans in situ along the road from the Animalarium. Cllr Quant to follow up.
A rugby tournament organised by Cliff Bates will take place on Borth beach.
Borth United Football Club is hosting a football tournament on the 28th July.
Cllr Griffiths suggested putting up dog signs on the beach side. Skateboarding on the pavements by adults is becoming a problem. Cllr Griffiths wanted to know what is happening with Midland Stores. The enforcement officer is aware of the situation.
The following Councillors volunteered to take on extra responsibilities following recent Cllr resignations:
Cllr Stacy Jones - Communication, Cllr Dalton – litter, Cllr Willcox – car park and footpaths/footways.
80. Cllr Quant referred to a consultation by Hywel Dda. Work has yet to be carried out on clearing the ditches on the road to the Animalarium. Notices for the 2 council vacancies will be sent to the Clerk to put up in the noticeboards. Cllr Quant briefed Cllrs on the proposed Borth Sailing School and asked for this to be an agenda item next month.
81. There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 8.45pm. Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 2 July 2018 are Playground, Borth Sailing School, Japanese Knotweed and Council Vacancies. Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.
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