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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - May 2018

Present:     Chairperson:                                     C Bainbridge                                                                       
                                                                            R Dalton
                                                                            M Griffiths
                                                                            J Hulse
                                                                            J James
                                                                            S Jones
                                                                            G B Jones
                                                                            M J Willcox         
In Attendance:     Clerk:                                     M Walker                           
                                                                            3 Members of the Public. 
1. Cllrs G Ashley, W J Williams and County Cllr R P Quant. 
2. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  Cllr Hulse has been granted dispensation for 6 months to speak only in Council meetings on matters relating to routine management of ditches (leats) excluding any issues subject to dispute or litigation and on LIFE raised bog project.
3.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 9 April 2018 as being a true record.
4.  Japanese Knotweed.  Minute 381.  Ongoing.
5.  Dogs.  Minute 369.  Ongoing.
6.  Boat Park.  Minute 406. Deferred until the next meeting.
7.  Welsh Government.  April Newsletter.
8.  Welsh Government.  A request from the Independent Review Panel to host a pop in session on the 24th May to collect views from members of the public on the future role of Community and Town Councils.  Cllrs Dalton, Bainbridge and Cllr Stacy Jones have arranged to hold the session between 3-5pm on the day.
9.  One Voice Wales.  A report on ’Speak my language’ has been published and summarises relevant legislation and policy, and looks at how public bodies make their services accessible to people who face language and communication barriers.
10.  One Voice Wales.  An overview of primary care in Wales.
11.  One Voice Wales.  Hywel Dda University Health Board are holding a series of public drop in events across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire, It is proposed that Bronglais General Hospital will continue to provide services for mid Wales; a new major hospital will be built somewhere between Narberth and St Clears, and there will be 10 community hubs across the Health Board area.
12.  One Voice Wales.  Details of the Atlantic School for Young Leaders.
13.  Borth Sailing School.  An update on a proposal to establish a Borth Sailing School.
14.  One Voice Wales.  A consultation has been released which seeks views on proposed changes to the consenting of energy and infrastructure in Wales following the receipt of new powers under the Wales Act 2017.   
15.  One Voice Wales.  A guide to the services OVW provide.
16.  Bus Shelter at Cambrian Terrace.  Following a report that the side window at the bus shelter in Cambrian Terrace was broken the Clerk asked Steve Williams of CCC to look at the damage.  He subsequently asked Luke Griffiths for a quotation for works to be carried out which amounts to £690 including vat.   Members agreed to survey all the community council owned bus shelters and prioritise the ones needing work.  It was also suggested that an image could be put on one of the perspex sections.  A phone call to Luke Griffiths of Redesigns confirmed that this could be done and a revised quotation would be provided.
17.  One Voice Wales.  Details of the OVW Practice Conference at the Royal Welsh Showground on the 4th July.
18.  Ceredigion County Council.  Notification of a public footpath diversion which runs behind the Animalarium.
19.  Donations.  A request for financial assistance from Bobath Wales which will be considered in the March 2019 and a thank you letter for the recent donation to St Matthews Church.
20.  Hywel Dda.  Information on the “Hywel-Dda – Our Big NHS Change” public consultation.
21.  Ecodyfi.  Information on forthcoming events etc.
22.  Natural Resources Wales.  A request for photographs and drone footage of the Wales Coast Path for a new marketing programme following a successful bid for funding.
23. Parking and Speeding in Ynyslas.  A letter of complaint which has been forwarded to CCC.
24.  Play for Wales.  Issue 50 of the play magazine.
25.  NALC.  Details of new pay scales for clerks for 2018-19 to be implemented from 1 April 2018.
26.  One Voice Wales.  A letter of introduction from the new OVW Development Officer for Mid and West Wales.
27.  Proposed Changes to Parking Restrictions in Borth.  An online link to CCCs’ proposed multiple changes to parking restrictions within Ceredigion. Members resolved to send a letter supporting the proposals.
28.  One Voice Wales.  Details of how public bodies in Wales ate taking steps to change how they work in response to the new Wellbeing of Future generations (Wales) Act 2015.
29.  Ceredigion County Council.  Details of Ceredigion Community Chest Grant.
30. Ceredigion County Council.  Details of a draft Corporate Enforcement Policy that Ceredigion County Council has produced.
31.  Ecodyfi.  A request to all Councils to appoint a Dyfi Biosphere contact member.  Cllr Stacy Jones is currently a representative for the Ceredigion cluster.
32.  Borth Playing Fields.  A letter from Iwan Foulkes informing the Council that Mr James Maddocks of Welsh Water refuses to accept that Walter Lloyd Jones has been authorised by Borth Community Council to act on their behalf in connection with re-instating the playing fields following recent works.  Mr Foulkes is requesting affirmation to pursue recompense and that he remains instructed to act on the Council’s behalf.  The Clerk read out an e-mail from Cllr Quant where he made the point that Welsh Water had initially contacted him about the installation of a new rising main to run across the playing fields on the basis that the BSPFA has the lease on the playing fields land. He in turn had informed Borth CC of the proposed project.  Once the work commenced Borth Football Club had sought recompense from Welsh Water for the loss of the facility and later became dissatisfied with the restoration of the playing fields land affected by the work. Cllr Willcox, Chairman of Borth Football Club, expressed his dissatisfaction to Borth CC and recommended appointing Iwan Foulkes as a Land Agent to address the situation.  The Council resolved to approve such action.  In his email Cllr Quant was concerned the Council had not contacted Welsh Water over the matter and contested that the BSPFA are responsible for ensuring the proper restoration of the playing fields.  Cllr Willcox then read the following message on his phone written by Iwan Foulkes: ‘As landlords of Borth Playing Fields and Car park we have authorised Walter Lloyd Jones to safeguard our interests. Councillor Quant is not instructed to negotiate on our behalf thus please therefore rest assured that Walter Lloyd Jones can act as our duly authorised agent in this regard.’  The Council resolved to send a letter using the said wording to Iwan Foulkes.   
33.  One Voice Wales.  Natural Resources Wales Bulletin Issue 28.
34.  Balance of Accounts at 13 April 2018
         Nationwide                                                                                                   29,637.15
         Community Acct                                                                                            4,619.08
         Business No Notice Acct                                                                             19,686.90
         Deposit Account                                                                                            3,475.16
35.  Income    
         CCC - Precept 2018/19 (1st instalment)                                                        6,123.70
         Nationwide – gross int to 31/3/18                                                                    176.69
         Deposit A/C – gross int to 30/11/17                                                                    0.33
         Deposit A/C – gross int to 30/11/17                                                                    0.58
         Business No Notice – VAT refund 2017/18                                                  1,991.70
36.  Expenditure – Members resolved to pay the following:
         Natural Resources Wales – Drainage rates                                                      253.31
         M Walker – salary 507.46, off exp 18.29                                                        525.75 
         Information Commissioners Office-data protection registration fee                35.00    
         Jill Hulse – flowers for Cllr S Jones                                                                 10.00
37.  Grant Thornton  UK LLP.  Notice of the annual audit for the year ending 31 March 2018.  The notice of appointment of date for the exercise of electors’ rights must be displayed for 14 days from 18 May 2018.  The accounts and other documents must then be made available for 20 working days from 1 June 2018.  It is the duty of Borth Community Council to submit a copy of the annual return and supporting documentation to the auditors by the audit date of 2 July 2018.  The date for the Public Rights of Inspection has been arranged for Thursday 7th June 2018 between 5-7pm in the Community Hall.
38.  Application for Full Planning Permission.
A180431.  Erection of a 4 bedroom house and associated works. Land adjacent Golwg y Mor, Borth.  No objections.
39.  The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will take effect in the UK from 25 May 2018. It replaces the existing law on data protection (the Data Protection Act 1998) and gives individuals more rights and protection regarding how their personal data is used by councils. Local councils and parish meetings must comply with its requirements, just like any other organisation.
On the 10th May during the Report and remaining stages of the Data Protection Bill, MPs accepted the Government amendment to exempt all parish and town councils and parish meetings in England and community and town councils in Wales from the requirement to appoint a Data Protection Officer (DPO) under the General Data Protection Regulation.  Borth Community Council will need to register with the ICO and pay a £35 fee.  All Community Wardens included in the Flood Plan will be contacted to ask permission to hold their contact details.
40.  Cllr Bryn Jones and the Clerk have looked at the old Welsh Language Scheme adopted by Council and adapted the new updated template provided by One Voice Wales in line with current policy.  It was agreed that the Clerk should contact the Welsh Language Commissioner for a list of translators in the area and that a sum of money for translation would be set aside when deciding the 2019/20 precept.  A bilingual agenda would be available in future as a starting point.  Members resolved to adopt the scheme.
41. This item was deferred.
42.  The Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales has determined that Community and Town Councils must make available a payment to each of its members of £150 per year for costs incurred in respect of telephone usage, information technology, consumables etc.  Also community and town councils are authorised to make in addition an annual payment of £500 each to up to 5 members in recognition of specific responsibilities.  This is in addition to the £150 payment for costs and expenses if claimed.  Any members if Council wishing to opt out of this payment scheme must put that in writing to the Clerk.  All the determinations set by the IRPW which applied to the Community Council were read out to members.
43. Cllr Bainbridge is now a member of the Mental Health Implementation Board with the Community Health Council.  WW1 information is being translated into Welsh and a meeting is being arranged.  Cllr Bainbridge thanked Graham Taylor for all his hard work.  An exhibition of a fractal clock by a local resident, Richard Downing a lecturer at Aberystwyth University, has been exhibited at the Arts Centre.  The Clerk was asked to send a letter of congratulations to Mr Downing.
44.  The following responsibilities were allocated to all Councillors.  Members present resolved to accept these responsibilities.
G Ashley                                               Visual Improvement of the Environment and Arts, Dogs, Boat Park and Speeding
C Bainbridge                                        Children’s Play Area, Governor Ysgol Graig yr Wylfa, WW1 & Community Health Council
R Dalton                                                PACT, Family Centre Trustee and Housing, Volunteer at the Station Museum
M Griffiths                                            One Voice Wales and Health
J James                                                  PACT and Police Matters
G B Jones                                              PACT, Arts and Welsh Language, Financial Internal Examiner
S Jones                                                  Dyfi Biosphere Representative, Flowerbeds
M J Willcox                                          Fire, Council Representative on the Hall Committee, Flood co-ordinator & Estates, Financial                                                                                 Internal Examiner
W J Williams                                        PACT and Police Matters
45.  Following brief discussion members resolved to formally appoint Mrs Hilary Matthews as the Council’s Internal Auditor for the 2018/19 financial year. The Clerk will send a letter to Mrs Matthews to confirm her appointment.
46.  Cllr Ashley in her absence sent the following report:  The new dog signs are now in place, the delay was caused by the brackets being of different sizes. The car park one is also in place but the one for the Bottle Bank is not up as no decision was made at the last meeting as to what wording to use.
On inquiring about charging in the boat park the finance department said we would have to pay business rates, planning permission was needed.  We would also have to have insurance and a visit would have to be made to decide on valuation.  I will put notices on the boats when I am more mobile.
Cllr Hulse gave this report. All Councillors comments were collated into a single report for the Y Borth Community Council response to the appeal relating to the Tree sculpture on Borth beach Inter-tidal zone The 12 page response was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate. 
Residents in Ynyslas reported fly tipping of Rockwool/Insulation at Ynyslas turn in April, it was reported on the Ceredigion County Council website and given a reference number.  Before CCC came out to collect it - it had been removed by persons unknown. Anyone can report matters such as graffiti, potholes, flytipping, problems on pavements etc. to CCC via https://forms.ceredigion.gov.uk/ufs/REPORT_IT.eb?ebd=0&ebz=1_1525020045860  
There is significant frustration in Ynyslas at the motorhomes and cars parking on the side of the road at Ynyslas turn, photographic evidence taken by residents has been sent in.  There is no layby at this point and it is causing a pinch point in the road resulting in several near misses near the junction.  Sometimes the vehicles parked cause a problem for the service bus to navigate around the triangle of grass.  This needs escalating from BCC to CCC with a view to Highways coming to see what can be done at this junction to ensure safety for pedestrians (no pavement), vehicles and bus and large vehicles turning around the green.  Could double yellow lines be placed at this key junction? 
Cambrian Terrace bus stop repairs required, hole in perspex and generally needs cleaning/maintenance.  Margaret Walker has followed this up for BCC. Ynyslas bus stop needs a de-algae and repaint.   
Updated BCC Annual report for 2017-18, prepared a summary for the AGM and a summary for Carnival magazine. 
Dispensation has been granted from CCC for 6 months to speak on matters relating to leats and the LIFE bog project from April 2018.
Cllr Dalton mentioned that the footpath opposite Pebbles in a northerly direction is cracking.  The Clerk was asked to report the problem to CCC.
Cllr James is concerned that CCC are not maintaining the drains on Clarach Road.  This is also a problem by the Golf Course down to Ynyslas Turn.  Contact CCC.
Cllr Willcox – Pam Collier saw someone defecating on the beach.  Cllr Willcox has purchased new bolts for the stormboards.
Graffiti has appeared on benches along the sea wall opposite Cae Gwylan and further along.
It was suggested that the Clerk contact Cllr Quant to ask whether CCC could install a new flag pole on the car park opposite Brynowen.
47.  No report.
48.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 9.30pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 4 June 2018 are to be notified to the Clerk.                                                                                         
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