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Cofnodion Cyngor/Council Minutes

Minutes - November 2017

Present:    Chairperson:                       J Hulse
G Ashley
C Bainbridge
R Dalton
M Griffiths
J James
G B Jones                   
S Jones
N Salmon
M J Willcox
W J Williams
In Attendance:  Clerk:                        M Walker
               County Cllr:                        R P Quant  
                                                           3 Members of the Public.  
183.  None.
184. To remind Cllrs concerning of any matters of interest that may arise during the meeting.  Cllr Hulse declared an interest when discussing any matters in connection with Natural Resources Wales.
185.  It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 2 October 2017 as being a true record.
186.  Dogs.  Minute 157.  Ongoing.
187.  Community Action Plan.  Minute 158.  Ongoing.
188.  Maintenance of Leats.  Minute 159. Discussed under agenda item 218.
189.  Adopt a Flowerbed.  Minute 177. Discussed under Councillors Responsibilities.
190.  One Voice Wales.  The Boundary Commission for Wales has published its Revised Proposals for changes to Parliamentary constituencies in Wales.  It is proposed that Ceredigion is included wholly within the proposed constituency and is combined with a number of electoral wards from the north of Pembrokeshire.
191.  One Voice Wales.  Details of burial charges for children.  Welsh Government have been considering how best to achieve this and concluded that it should proceed on a partnership basis, working with local government to agree a “Memorandum of Understanding” (MOU) setting out a shared agreement not to charge any fees in relation to the burial or cremation of a child and to use a common definition of a child as aged up to 18. To help to progress this issue further, OVW has been asked on behalf of the Welsh Government to identify those community and town councils who are actively operating cemeteries or crematoria or both; with the intention of including them within the MOU.  It is therefore proposed that there be an expectation, explicitly covered within the MOU, that local authorities would distribute a proportionate amount of the money received to community and town councils in their area who have agreed to stop charging.
192.  One Voice Wales.   Details of a consultation on the Public Services Ombudsman Bill.
193.  Ceredigion County Council.  Details of The Ceredigion Public Services Board draft Local Well-Being Plan which is now out for public consultation.  The deadline for responses is noon on the 3rd January 2018.  This will be discussed as an agenda item in December.
194.  One Voice Wales.  Alongside the draft budget 2018-19, the Finance Secretary has also published the Welsh Tax Policy report which can be accessed on the Welsh Government website.
195.  Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Authority.  A request to provide the Council’s views on their proposals for improvement within their Draft Corporate Plan 2018-2023.
196.  One Voice Wales.  A consultation has been issued which seeks views on proposed changes to procedures relating to the registration of town and village greens following the commencement of relevant provisions in the Planning (Wales) Act 2015. This will introduce new procedures providing owners with a right to end use of their land as town or village green subject to certain statutory exclusions.
197.  One Voice Wales.  Details of how to nominate someone who deserves an honour and have made achievements in public life or committed themselves to serving and helping Britain.
198.  Donation Requests.  Citizens Advice Bureau and Marie Curie Nurses in Ceredigion.
199.  One Voice Wales.  Details of the OVW Innovative Practice National Awards 2018.  The closing date for entries is the 25th January 2018.  This item will be discussed as an agenda item at the December meeting.
200.  Ecodyfi.  Details of forthcoming events.
201.  Ceredigion County Council.  Details of a public consultation on the proposed changes to the waste collection service.
202.  Ceredigion County Council.  Ceredigion’s LDP Review report and draft Delivery Agreement are available for inspection from the 2nd November at Penmorfa during office hours and can also be accessed online on the website. All comments must be made by midday on the 14th December.
203.  One Voice Wales.  Details of a consultation on proposed amendments to the Local Authorities (Capital Finance & Accounting) (Wales) Regulations 2003.
204.  One Voice Wales.  The Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) is currently running a competition ‘Capturing Planning in Images – Competition to Picture Wales’. The competition aims to collect photographs, plans and illustrations which represent different aspects of planning in Wales. The overall winning entry will receive one year’s family membership to Cadw sites. Successful entries may also be published in Planning Policy Wales and the National Development Framework. All entries must be in by Friday 10th November.
205.  One Voice Wales.  October 2017 news bulletin.
206.  Welsh Government.  Details of the revised local government scheme 2017 which sets out how Welsh Ministers propose in exercise of their functions to sustain and promote local government in Wales.
207.  One Voice Wales.  The Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee of the National Assembly for Wales are undertaking a consultation on its inquiry into Local Approaches to poverty reduction: The Well-Being of Future Generations Act and public service boards.  More information can be found online.
208.  Borth Arts.  An e-mail advising Council that Borth Arts has secured an exhibition at Aberystwyth Arts Centre in Gallery 2 from April to June 2019.  
209.  Borth Sports & Playing Fields Association.  A request for the £6000 drawdown and a detailed explanation of recent costs incurred which is unexpected expenditure.  Cllr Quant declared an interest and left the room.  After a brief discussion Cllr Mike Willcox proposed to increase the revenue funding to £8000 per year from the 2018/19 budget.  The proposal was seconded by Cllr Bryn Jones. All present were in favour. It was also resolved (proposed by Cllr Bainbridge and seconded by Cllr Griffiths) to donate the sum of £2500 to BSPFA to assist with the repairs to a faulty heater in the main hall, replacement of CCTV DVR and 2 cameras together with repairs to a heater which supplies the hot water.  Members therefore resolved to issue a cheque for the total sum of £8500.
210.  Other Correspondence.  The Autumn 2017 edition of Play for Wales and a poster from Wicksteed playgrounds.
211.  Heather Strange.  The Council has received a letter expressing concern that the grass cutting on the golf course has been getting deeper and deeper into the peripheral fringes and over the low mounds and slopes scattered across it.  Ms Strange is contacting NRW in respect of her concerns and is asking BCC for their support.  Cllr Bainbridge declared an interest and left the room.  In the e-mail to Council from Dr Carol Fielding in respect of the leats she referred to Ms Stranges’ letter and said that the works require consent under the Wildlife and Countryside Act as they are within a SSSI.  She has therefore followed this up with the Golf Club and has arranged to meet them to discuss further.
212.  One Voice Wales.  The Ombudsman’s Casebook – Issue 30 is available online.
213.  One Voice Wales.  Details of an online link to register for Flanders/Wales: A First World War Symposium which is being organised by Cardiff University on 9th November.
214.  Balance of Accounts at 13 October 2017
         Nationwide                                                                                         29,460.46
         Community Acct                                                                                   5116.84
         Business No Notice Acct                                                                   28,914.53
         Deposit Account                                                                                  3,334.25 
215.  Income    
         Morris & Bates – landfill and CAS rents                                            4,616.50
         Deposit Account – gross int to 1/6/17                                                        0.33
         Deposit Account – gross int to 31/8/17                                                      0.33
         Scottish Power wayleaves      76.13
         HMCTS - Refund of court costs(minute 149/2017)                               360.00
216.  Expenditure
         One Voice Wales-4 attendees on Module 20                                           120.00
         Wales Audit Office – Audit of accounts                                                 186.75
         Royal British Legion Borth – poppy wreath                                            54.00
         Keelin Hawker – plants for flowerbed                                                       8.94
         M Walker – salary £464.06, off exp £7.99                                              472.05
         Rob Griffiths – grass cutting 2017 season                                           1,440.00
         M Williams – repairs to noticeboards                                                       90.00
         BSPFA – drawdown of annual funding & unexpected expenditure    8,500.00
217. Application for Planning Permission.  
A170872.  Change of use of living room into small shop and workshop.  Holmleigh, High Street, Borth.
A170951.  Replacement of dilapidated holiday cabin with new caravan/lodge.  Penygraig Caravan Park, Swn y Nant, Borth.
A170969.  Erection of 2 holiday apartments.  Land between Meads & The Wigwam, Ynyslas.
There were no comments and NO OBJECTIONS to any of the above applications.
218.  The Clerk referred to an e-mail sent by Dr Carol Fielding of NRW which gives an update on drainage of the leat.  A copy of the recent survey report of the leat has yet to be received by Cllr Quant. NRW is currently investigating ways of improving the drainage of the leat including whether some additionally de-weeding at either end will improve flows.  NRW is just about to announce funding for partnership projects with a stakeholder event planned for Aberystwyth on 24 November and BCC could consider whether it potentially wants to apply for funding for a project about removal of Japanese Knotweed or education about the leats to get people to take ownership of some of the environmental benefits they bring. Dr Fielding is not suggesting that the works to improve water movement etc are included but potentially something about clearance of the Knotweed and any other environmental works associated with leats, common land, footpaths and communal areas etc. It does require 50% match funding though although this can be in kind.  The knotweed leaflets have not yet been distributed to various households.
219.  The Clerk advised members that One Voice Wales will be running a series of seven consultation events across Wales and members are encouraged to send a representative along to their nearest event.  The chairman asked the Clerk to display notices in the noticeboards asking for community, town councils and the public to send in their views to the Welsh Government on how Councils should operate and what they should be responsible for etc.  This will be included as an agenda item in December.
220. Cllr Hulse gave this report. Cllr. Mike Wilcox and I have now divided the area covered by the Community Emergency Plan into areas.  Each area will have identifiable Community wardens more clearly matching people with place. We are looking to increase the number of volunteer Community Wardens in Borth and Ynyslas to more than one per area, where we can, this increases the chances of someone being available and reduces the area a Community Warden covers.  We have many new Community Wardens already but there are still some areas lightly covered.  If anyone knows someone who may be interested please let Mike Wilcox, (e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel: 01970 871245) or myself (e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Tel: 01970 871256) know or ask them to get in contact. An updated Community Emergency plan will be available in December showing the Community Plan areas and associated Community Wardens.
The Community Emergency Plan was activated in October with an email to all Community Wardens. On the 15/10/17 in response to the very high winds from Storm Ophelia and on 16/10/17 a Flood alert was issued from the combination of high tides, large offshore waves, and gale force 9 winds. A question was raised about sandbags, Ceredigion County Council sandbag policy remains the primary responsibility for protecting property from flooding rests with the property owner.
Save the date: Borth Community Hall has been booked for a Flood Emergency Plan Coordinators event for Wednesday 17th January and a community and flood warden drop in event to follow in the evening.
The Ethics and Standards Committee considered my application for dispensation in relation to Natural Resources Wales on 20 October, the decision was deferred pending further information on the detail of discussions by Borth Community Council, the next Committee meeting is 8 December 2017.
Completed the Ceredigion County Council public consultation survey on proposed changes to the waste collection service, shared via community email and Facebook. New streetlight post on the sharp bend after the railway bridge is missing a light.
Potholes appearing at Ynyslas turn near the bus stop. Ongoing flytipping (turquoise painted garage/shed, asbestos roof, stripped out caravan/parts, fridge doors, caravans steps, rubbish) reported in the old quarry used as parking area by people walking to the beach at Wallog. Please could the community be vigilant and report flytipping.
Updated information from Hywel Dda University Health Board http://www.wales.nhs.uk/sitesplus/862/page/41205
A fundraising request for Borth Zoo was forwarded to the Borth Community website.
221.  Cllr Salmon has not yet received a date for the recycling drop off event.  BCC have signed up to the Tree Charter Legacy and has received a Scots pine which will be planted in the community gardens.
Cllr Stacy Jones informed members that the Scouts have taken over the flowerbed nearest the public toilets at the north end of the village. She gave a brief update on the OVW training event on Wellbeing of Future Generations Act 2015 which she attended alongside Cllr Ashley, Cllr Bryn Jones and Cllr Salmon. Cllr Jones is looking to take on the role of council representative for the Dyfi Biosphere once Cllr Bullen steps down.
Cllr Dalton is concerned that the beach had re-profiled following the recent storm and high tides.
Cllr James said that grass cutting on the side of Clarach road is only done once a year and is not being cut properly.
Cllr Williams said the Christmas tree will be delivered on the 30th November. He also mentioned the 30mph speed limit on Gwastad Lane which in his mind would be better placed on Clarach Hill.
Cllr Willcox confirmed that the storm boards are in place.  The application for the “proposed metal cast oak tree” comes before planning on Wednesday 8th November.
Cllr Griffiths referred to building rubble to the rear of Rhydygarreg, speeding through the village from 11pm onwards on a nightly basis and evidence that the old Hennighan Shop is being lived in contrary to planning regulations. The Clerk was asked to write to the enforcement officer.  
Cllr Bainbridge confirmed that the carnival donations evening will be held on Saturday 11th November at 6pm.  She gave a brief update on the recent lottery grant for playground equipment and a World War One update.  The newsletter is being translated into Welsh and will all be put into a book for distribution at a later date. Cllr Bainbridge also mentioned speeding JCB’s at Ynyslas.  
Cllr Ashley has acquired a display cabinet for the OVW award for Best Community Engagement Initiative glass trophy.  The trophy will be displayed in the Community Hall. Cllr Ashley gave an update on the dog signs with all faded signs being removed before the dog ban season 2018. A map of the 4 area for the dog fouling study has been sent to the organisers. Cllr Ashley gave a brief update on the speed watch scheme and mentioned that the grass on the boat park needs cutting.  It was suggested that this could be included in the contract for the grass cutting next year.  Cllr Bullen asked whether the grass triangle as Ynyslas could also be considered.
222.  Cllr Quant informed members that vets had visited Borth Animal Kingdom. 8 sheep had been killed on a nearby farm and autopsies carried out were inconclusive. Remembrance Day Service begins at 10.50am on the 12th November. NRW has been given permission to clean the leat on the tip road. Cllr Quant is to attend a meeting on the 20th November in respect of parking in Borth. The base to the flag pole on the car park is missing and it is proving difficult to replace it as companies only sell the base with the pole.   Cllr Quant advised members that Bardsey had been sold.
223.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the public meeting at 21.35pm.  Agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 4 December 2017 to include Borth Internal Ditch Drainage, Local Well Being Plan, OVW Innovative Practice National Awards 2018 and Future Role of Town and Community Councils.  Any other items are to be notified to the Clerk.                                                                                        
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